Christmas art wishlist

Discussion in 'Creatives Forum' started by Snærhjarta, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I always like giving and getting stuff for Christmas but I don't have any money, just like many others. That's why I thought I'd make a thread for an art wishlist. Early because we all have busy lives and I kinda want to make sure everyone gets a chance to think of the stuff they want.
    Aside from art, you can add things people could do for you without having to spend money. Things like getting you a special kind of dragon on dragoncave, becoming friends on steam etc.

    1. If you want to get art, you will have to make some too.
    2. You have to post a minimum of 3 things you would want so that the other artists can choose their favourite. There is no max. You may also add more later.
    3. If you got something from your wishlist, please edit your post to add that you've already gotten something. This way everyone knows who hasn't gotten anything yet.
    4. The artist will own al copyrights unless specified otherwise.
    5. If it's fan art you want, we need the name and the show (if it's a fictional character of course). If you want art of an original character, we need references. If you want something else, the artist could ask for more specific info.
    6. You may make your art wishes as specific as you want to.
    7. Sending someone a PM to ask for details doesn't mean you have to make the art. Just please let them know it's not something you're willing/able to do.
    8. You don't have to be a great artist to participate.
  2. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    My wishlist is and will forever be a work in progress. Any references can be found after my wishlist.
    Yes, many fanart things. Yes, many naughty things. I'm a perv. References are NSFW.

    The naughty art:
    1. Seto Kaiba (yu-gi-oh) x my character
    2. Loki (Avengers/Thor) x my character
    3. Vegeta (Dragonball Z) x my character
    4. Your character x my character
    5. Any of these x any character(s) from yu-gi-oh, avengers or DBZ (so yes, you can make my character do the thing with Kuriboh and captian ginyu while hulk is watching us)
    6. Seto Kaiba (yu-gi-oh) in a maid outfit
    7. Reaver (fable) tied to the bed with a big grin on his face and either Seto, Vegeta or Loki looming over him with a whip in their hands.
    8. Seto Kaiba x Pegasus
    9. King Logan (fable) x Reaver
    10. Any of these characters x my character but hurt/bleeding/injured. Can make it as extreme as you'd like

    1. Seto Kaiba and my character on their first date.
    2. See 1.
    3. See 2.

    Family/friends art:
    1. My character, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba sitting around a table unpacking christmas presents
    2. Your character and mine playing in a big fountain. Could be anything from pushing each other in the water to dancing in it.

    References and info (NSFW)

    Your character is your fursona or you, or any of your OCs

    My character:
    Into BDSM, switch, lots of fetishes. You can do almost anything with me aside from scat. Some people I'm ashamed of nothing so you can use that when drawing stuff. I have a VCH piercing with red stones, three rings in each ear and a helix piercing in my right ear.

    https://forums.bad-dragon.com/download/file.php?id=62176&mode=view (Art by Solveig)
    For more references check my naughty pics thread: http://dragon-hoard.com/threads/k-rawrs-fucking-sexy-archive.228/
    A picture of my VCH is here (NSFW): http://dragon-hoard.com/attachments/20141219_152352-jpg.16082/
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
    vahaala likes this.
  3. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Awesome idea... Too bad that I can't draw at all D: (Or, let's say I can if you want to have 'art' with fursonas-resembling abominations done with pencil only lol)
  4. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    That's fine. Just add your wishlist!
  5. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    If you say so... I *could* offer something other than art in exchange though, but most probably it would be only my thousand 'thank you's'. I'm pretty much always broke ^^
    1. My character in a full-sized battle suit and a powerful sci-fi rifle but without helmet/helmet broken (think Starcraft/Warhammer 40K marines), with two cannons/railguns mounted on shoulders.
    2. Some porn of my character, I don't really care about particular type - exceptions are excessive gore, torture, BDSM (not really into it, LIGHT bondage and such can be accepted), scat, pissing.
    3. My character in a cool outfit, standing back to the wiever with a smoking sci-fi gun in his hand.
    4. My character lying on bed in playful pose.
    5. General activity, like drinking or dancing - again, my character :D He needs some art and love.
    6. My character working out on some kind of weapon/spaceship - you know, stuff like welding with goggles on, hammering things etc.
    7. My character in a general casual wear, standing relaxed - the wear would be gray camo cargo pants (preferred)/graphite well-fit jeans and either military green tank top (nothing more on top of it) or white t-shirt that has techy symbols (hexagons or something like that, gaming motives would be nice too :3), plus sturdy black leather jacket on top.
    Yeah, that's about it.
    References : (Done by Misskin)

  6. Chelseapolitan

    Chelseapolitan Don't dream it, be it!

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I take a looooong time to draw anything good, and I mostly draw humanoids.
    Here is my wishlist:
    1.) Anything with my character. N/SFW, doesn't matter! She is a neapolitan-themed cow. (message me)
    3.) Maud Pie and Octavia. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN.
    4.) Eridan and Feferi from Homestuck.
    Not going to ask for anything else xD
  7. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    1. Anything N/SFW of my main fursona, Murphy.
      If you plan to do NSFW, his length is 8" and he has a semi-subtle knot. He has noticeably large, (somewhere between golf ball and tennis ball size) fluffy balls. He has a sheath.

    2. Anything SFW of my second character, Vitamin.
      SFW ONLY

    3. Anything N/SFW of my character, Sierra.
    If anyone would like to know about any particular kinks for an NSFW piece, feel free to ask me, or look at my F-list, though my f-list may be a bit out of date.
    https://www.f-list.net/c/Murphy Ringtail

    And for anyone that's more comfortable with drawing humans:

    SFW only.
  8. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Guys keep adding wishlists! I really can't wait to make some art!
  9. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    @vahaala & @DocOctavia Y U NO HAV REFS?
  10. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Currently the only references of my character are the ones I uploaded, maybe my description. For pose reference and such - I'm leaving all this up to you/person that will draw art. Anything will be good, really!
  11. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah, but those pics are broken XD
  12. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    What do you mean by 'broken' D: They don't load or what? They show up here, working fine. But I can try fixing it, or I'll just PM them to you if you want to see. (Tomorrow, that is. Right now I'm off to bed ^^)
  13. PrincessGustopher

    PrincessGustopher The Fluffiest Fluff Butt

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I can't draw humans but I can certainly draw animals and make badges or those sorts of things. I can't do any digital art right now though (drawing tablet is broken), I can only do traditional. Also im best with cute things and dragons u 3 u (not so good with the porn).

    SFW part of the Wishlist:

    1.) A Reference picture of my character, Marianna

    Charahub link: http://charahub.com/character/298040/Marianna-Moreno-Race/public/

    Right now she doesn't have any references, so im more or less hoping for someone to draw her for the very first time u 3 u. People can certainly base her design off her daughter ( http://charahub.com/character/222480/Lily-Race/public/ ) since she is more or less just an older version of her.

    2.) A Reference picture of my character, Erison

    Charahub link: http://charahub.com/character/298053/Erison-Race/public/

    He as well does not have any references but he has a pretty good description. I can also add any additional information people need for him (or Marianna).

    NSFW part:

    1.) Lily leaning against/tied up/what ever would look awesome against a horse hitching post being fucked by a horse
    2.) Leo (charahub here: http://charahub.com/character/276252/Leone-Leo-Anderson/public/ ) bound and gagged and covered in cum
    *Additional things that would be loved with this: 'slut' written on her cheek, 'whore' on the inside of her legs or something along those lines, pose where she is tied up by her wrists, pose where she has her arms tied to her sides, looking back with cum dripping from her as and pussy
    3.) Romantic scene with either Erison/Marianna or Lily/Leo
    4.) Lily dominating Leo
    5.) Marianna wearing lingerie, the art piece styled like a photo, with a kiss mark in the corner along with 'For Schmoopy or Erison' next to the kiss mark
    6.) Erison wearing stockings held up by a garter belt, wearing see through lace panties showing his bulge (or him being hard as a rock with part of him popping from the top of the panties, he's a nice size, little long but nice and thick), just blushing and going 'this is embarassing'


    .....i have a horrible need for NSFW art of my characters x__x. wish i had their animal forms all drawn out and stuff cause hahahaha oh god i have an even greater need to see them being fucked by their lovers in their alt. forms (also even more need to have Lily fucked by her pet demon creature like huminahuminahuminabooonnnerrrrrr)
  14. Icestar

    Icestar Transformers!

    Sep 12, 2014
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    i guess i can join :D

    ~list is flexible and i edit often~

    hmmm. lets see. well, everything that would would really need can be easily found on my creative thread (this is the only with NSFW refs), tumblr tags (mostly 'drawing'), and deviantArt. All characters mentioned will be found in at least one of these three places!

    this will be the SFW stuff
    1. if you can handle Transformers, Halo and Muskie being cute (possibly Muskie tickling her ears)
    2. draw something out of my character ideas tumblr tag (for now theres really only TF ideas)
    3. whatever you wanna do involving Icestar

    aaand the smut
    1. do whatever with Icestar. brownie points for toys, seconds if my two.
    2. Aqua having been caught, tied, and spread open/some such treatment. (the tailless mermaid.) her markings and coloration are like that of an orca. (the feathers are for during travel so she is marked as a healer, otherwise they are omitted.)

    lastly, ones that can be drawn either way!
    1. Icestar caught in some contraption. baited with shark meat if bait is needed, its an Icestar magnet. eggs are an Icestar repellent.
    2. interpret & draw: "she swam along in the deep pool of the river, searching out fish to catch when she felt something bump her leg. next, she was underwater." (probably use Icestar, but if you want to with another, go ahead)
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  15. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Just reuploading my refs here, since apparently it's too late to edit my first post ^^ (Thanks Kira for reminding me of this thread, I totally forgot about it lol)

    Attached Files:

  16. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I've been drawing all afternoon for you guys!
  17. Icestar

    Icestar Transformers!

    Sep 12, 2014
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    okay so apparently my linking is wonky so:

    My Creative Thread (the only place for NSFW at the moment)
    My Tumblr Tag hub
    My deviantArt

    if someone wants to take a shot for Sapphirus and Caboose (Red vs Blue) meeting then go for it! make up how, when, where, whatever! have fun and feel free to throw Sapphirus under a bus! (you can do that to any of my characters)
    Sapphirus, a longtime battler, has accumulated scars and tattoos, not only on her skin but her armor. usually it resembles a darkened steel color, with the 'tattoos' black. herself, she is extremely quiet whether walking or fighting. she has trouble speaking, but has no problem moving lightning fast with her suit aiding her. sometimes she just seems to be a ghost in a suit. those she once knew are faded memories, she appears to try to remember.
    here is some Sapphirus drawings!

    also you can swipe any of my other characters. i have TONS of them and if you want more that arent on my tumblr (most dont even have a drawing but i know their details) then you can ask, and i have a character for every setting, even mutes, clueless, blind, pirate, exotic dancer, assassin... seriously you can throw anything at me, i got someone.

    like... there is Kol which can be male or female with iridescent eyes, who is shunned by her/his siblings for living on Earth instead the clouds, also for being 'death-bringer' for being the black-winged. or Jesse, that lives in post-apocalypse that seems strong but is plagued by nightmares and is slowly deteriorating and comes to depend on Kol (male) for sanity. (both those two were developed in the same rp but have their own AU's) (also later is when Kol is turned to female, its a very long story but if you wanna hear then ask :D)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
    Snærhjarta likes this.
  18. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Thanks icestar!
  19. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    For those who think they can't draw: I am now officially requesting stick figure porn of any of the above mentioned things. Because everyone deserves to get art.
    Chelseapolitan likes this.
  20. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So I have ... something really simple. This includes a few characters from around here, mostly those of well-known community members (and my one too xd). And it's depicting them in a way you rather didn't saw before :p I'll upload it here on Christmas Eve as it still needs work. I hope I'll make it in time though.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014

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