What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    The way I rationalize my non-veganism is to realize that if I hadn't wanted this steak, this cow never would have lived in the first place. The cow got however many years of life because I'm supporting the meat industry, where if we were all vegans, it wouldn't have.

    Also, if animal abuse is one of your main reasons for not eating meat, but you can handle seeing images of dead animals, I HIGHLY recommend the movie Temple Grandin. It's also a good movie to watch if you wanna feel positive about autism.
    Grimmyr likes this.
  2. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Maaaaaaaang. Bought the Dragonness Maw for my man, and it turns out neither of us really like it. :c The model is insanely huge and heavy, and it's not as tight as the other models. Time to put her up for sale!
  3. Caracal

    Caracal Warm-blooded Cat Furniture

    Oct 11, 2014
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    For me personally, it's the suffering that bothers me, more so than the life-taking. I find myself in the very peculiar position of approving of hunting, as long as you're humane and put everything to good use: at least the deer led a free life in the wild. Still far from ideal, but better than factory farm cattle. (Just imo; I'm not disagreeing with you. The situation's messy no matter how you look at it.)

    Thanks for the recommendation! I was about to say I'm too squeamish, but it's only PG...

    Okay, that got really heavy, my apologies. Here's a cat with a mustache:
  4. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I thought it looked like it.
    They do look kinda fun, but I'm not sure I'd be interested in actually getting one, even if they did release other species.
  5. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Speaking on the meat industry subject
    I'm sure I'm not the only person whos noticed that the more distance we as people put between ourselves and a certain thing, the more likely we are to go overboard with it. In the case of meat, a person can sit there and eat their steaks and chicken all day and be perfectly content, but take that same person and drop them on a farm and charge them with raising these animals and most likely in time coming to love them then pass em an axe and say "now make a steak or some chicken" odds are they won't be able to do it.

    We as people pretty much see Meat and Animals as two separate things. Your nuggets are just nuggets and your steak is just steak, not Henrieta, the feisty queen hen that's always breaking out of the coop or Mabel the spunky cow that moos in tune to your iTunes playlist. If there was no meat industry and people had to raise their own, I think we'd be eating either far less or not much at all simply because its hard to kill things, to sit there and watch an animal die by your hand, but we've been kept from that when we trundle down the aisle of the grocery store.

    The distancing trend also shows up in war, people push buttons to kill each other with little hesitation, but put them face to face with the people, some innocent women and children and suddenly all the fight goes out of them. Its also apparent in the way we handle our garbage, we toss things at a moments notice, never realizing how much trash we generate (I myself wonder how many pounds I've generated in my 25 year span). Just one more comparison is the internet, people treat each other and say things to one another they wouldn't dream of in public, anonymity or not. Its like we forget there is a human being on the opposite side of that screen.

    so yea, long post is long
  6. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Woo came back with £30 from bingo so technically a free night with £20 winnings.
    Vael likes this.
  7. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I can agree with this, but you should also see the other side of the argument. If it weren't for the mass raising of livestock for sale in grocery stores, more people would have to keep and slaughter their own animals, and because of the lack of distance, you'd have most people being both willing and capable of doing so. We'd be back in the days of the 19th century, where you'd be forced to raise and kill your own cow by your parents, so you'd be prepared to do it for yourself later in life.
  8. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    The thing is I eat meat because I can't really eat veg because it makes me feel sick it always has done since I was little but I need to eat it to survive. Though if I had to kill my food I don't think I could because there's a soul in that fleshy shell I want to eat. Even if you aren't attached to the animal it's supposedly easier to kill though I am not totally sure on that one.
    I think it all depends on survival we have become omnivores because of this survival through evolution. But with food readily available we've become pampered and don't require the instincts to hunt and kill. So we see what is supposed to be food as friends rather than stuff to keep us alive.
  9. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Am I the only one who sees running food when I see a dog or a cat?
    If I had to, I would eat my cat. Well let's be clear, I would like to taste every kind of meat if possible. It's cruel? Yes. It's okay? Maybe.
    I would love love to be able to eat rocks and taste them. Muscovite seems soooooo tasty and puff pastry like e.e
  10. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Don't think I could eat creatures that are under the pet category unless I was super hungry and that was the only prey around for miles.
  11. Caracal

    Caracal Warm-blooded Cat Furniture

    Oct 11, 2014
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    A feel like there's still a general perception that the chicken and beef we buy in grocery stores comes from happy animals prancing around in grassy fields...modern mass-production farms don't work that way. That's why some vegans (definitely not all) refuse to eat milk and eggs: it's not about killing an animal, it's about the conditions they're kept in, and dairy and chicken farms can be just as bad if not worse than slaughterhouses. As a kid, fertilized eggs grossed me out, but it can actually be a good way to pick out humane farms: it means the chickens were free enough to walk around and interact like normal chickens do, rather than being locked in tiny cages unable to move for their entire lives.

    At some point, I feel like it becomes pointless trying to eliminate some of this from your diet, though: there are so many ways we mow over the environment in our daily lives that it becomes a drop in the bucket.
  12. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I have nothing to contribute to the current discussion.

    However, I want this shirt.

    Attached Files:

  13. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    gimme a calf, a few years and a bolt gun and butchers knives and I'll give you steaks for days
  14. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I may be a little biased against vegans since the ones I always run into are the kids who just left mommy and daddy's fortress or tyranny and normative oppression to go to college and read a few blogs and go completely militant over not eating anything from animals although they make shit dietary choices since the market isn't really geared towards no animal byproduct whatsoever. most older vegetarians I meet say they tried going vegan at one point but then after a while they realized how hard it was and decided to compromise to be vegetarian instead.
  15. CreativeNameHere

    CreativeNameHere Active Member

    Sep 3, 2014
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    I got a hold of a large Tailstretcher. I can't wait until it gets here. I regret selling my medium one. I may finally achieve the tailhole I've always wanted. I'm going to spend a lot of time on it until I can hilt that sucker or at least come pretty close to it.
  16. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah. :c The Dragonness model isn't that great. Super loose, and I could barely do anything with her on my man because my arms got so freakin' tired. She's heavy as shit! Beautiful though, nonetheless. I was just hoping we could enjoy it more. ;-;

    As for meat, I've always struggled with eating it. I feel bad eating it because I always feel terrible for eating something that has feelings. It's hard to push myself to eat meat as much as the average person, as I just feel like I don't need meat to survive. There are plenty of other options. ; ; It tastes good, but I always manage to imagine the worse scenarios with it.
  17. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    you do realize every day your immune system brutally murders thousands of living things with intelligence ranging from a single celled bacterium just trying to find food to larger multi celled organisms that are slightly smarter at finding food
    Vael likes this.
  18. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    The Dragoness is pretty heavy. Could be used as an improvised mace. That'll be a little weird when giving a police report.

    "Yes officer, I defended myself with a silicone representation of a dragoness's vagina. The burglar never saw it coming."
  19. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah, but that's what my body does to survive. :eek: Taking a look at a lot of the human anatomy, humans are physiologically designed to eat meat. Most of our physical attributes line up with herbivores instead of carnivores. If my body has to fight off living bacteria and other organisms to survive, I can't stop it. I can choose to not eat meat, but I can't tell my immune system and multiple cells to stop attacking things that could harm my body for the sake of them being living organisms. :'c Plus if it was for survival, I have no problem with people or myself eating meat. But there is so much waste and gross practices when it comes to harvesting meat. If I eat meat, I always buy it from a local butcher (unless I decide to eat at a sandwich shop) where I know the meat comes from and they don't do horrible things to get the meat.

    I ain't got no problems with the game of survival of the fittest, but when it comes to consuming meat I have a problem with it because it tastes good or people that help support really huge meat industries... Idunno. To me it'd be like eating a family member, your best friend or your dog Fido. :I If you didn't have to do it to survive or make sure that what you're eating didn't suffer in anyway, more power to ya. I just have an intense disgust for companies that aren't very humane with their practices.
    Caracal likes this.
  20. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    err... hi

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