The "Bad Mood" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I was just fired because my head was up my ass. Now I have to find a new job in a few weeks or move back in with my homophobic father that still does not know I have had boyfriends in the past
  2. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Is it some American thing to get fired for attitude? I've known so many people across various jobs here who've had to pull off some seriously stupid shit to get fired, but I've heard of loads of Americans who get fired for simple things like back talking or being assertive.

    Yeah, everyone I know IRL (read: my family) say I look fine all the time. I get the "you're really attractive though!" and "did you notice those girls eying you up?" and other such affirmations from them, but I seriously don't believe them.
  3. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Got blindsided just now. I have a serious problem with an uncle, which most of my family knows. Asked my mom today if he'd be at Thanksgiving, shocked the hell out of me when she said yes. I flat out said I won't be there if he is. She says she'll tell him not to go but I'm still on edge. And... just really sad and disappointed that she thought I would be ok with it. Also, an aunt I respect apparently thinks I'm overreacting in my attitude toward him.

    Let me tell you, in all seriousness - I wish the bastard would kill himself and be done with it. I have never truely hated another human as much as I do him. He broke my trust. Now others are following suit. I'm angry, hurt, and just... sad.

    Update: My aunt S and uncle D are hosting this year, and the uncle I take issue with has also given aunt S (his sister) reason to hate him more than I do, even. After a lot of calls back and forth, it turns out uncle D is fed up with the whole thing and called the problem uncle and said he wasn't welcome in their house. Booyah. I feel better.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    MurphyAlter likes this.
  4. Icestar

    Icestar Transformers!

    Sep 12, 2014
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    Icestar got a cold sore :< it hurts!
  5. PrincessGustopher

    PrincessGustopher The Fluffiest Fluff Butt

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Going to the emergency care place tomorrow early in the morning. Pain goes from my groin to my hip and down to my knee (it's actually buckled a few times too). This is not gonna be fun to pay off that medical bill x___x
  6. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I've been thinking about this the past couple days

    I'm done with sex and trying to get back into dating, and not because I'm not active. As a straight male of Caucasian decent, it's just not worth it. With this new age of Feminism (that in my opinion is very, very hostile towards men. But that's a different discussion) spreading rape hysteria and pushing this "guilty until proven innocent" thing as of late, I worry how easy it is now to accuse someone of rape or assault. And even if the person is found innocent, people just won't let it go. They won't stop until everything is taken away from the accused. It seems like we need to get the person we're engaging with to sign a legal release form just to be safe. Otherwise they could easily just accuse someone. It's ridiculous.

    I'm going to try to get back to sleep. Not the most well organized little message, but I hope a few of you understand what I'm trying to say.
  7. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yes. Yes it is.

    In fact, in my state, you can be fired for literally no reason if you've worked somewhere for less than 90 days. After that they have to give you a "reason" but there are plenty of cop-out reasons you can give.
  8. Boargoth

    Boargoth Hell no..

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Hear hear.. Bit of a sour-salvation, but you're not the only one feeling like this. I'm in the same boat.. I can only make "friends" who enjoy my presence if I can be of use to them..

    Few days ago actually. An old school buddy messaged me on facebook how long it has been, and how we should meet up again, have a drink and such. AND that I probably still had his gamecube game he was looking for yesterday... i'm going to bet he's suddenly in a hurry when he's on my doorstep and is not stopping for a drink, just to pick up the game.. (never to be heard of)

    Or that other girl, who always wants to 'meet up again'. Being non-discriptive about everything until I say I've got time the day she suggest.. And suddenly thats the day she's playing a gig somewhere and I should come and see it... And again, when I suggest a day, nooo, she's super bussy that day/week/year..

    The latter is a bit of a different sad story all together. As I was always (most of the time anyway) the only one to show up. And now I've stopped going too... Just because she ruined it for herself... (i'd go with the intention to hang out afterwards, but she'd be 'too tired' or going to 'an exclusive/vip after party' all the time.)
  9. PrincessGustopher

    PrincessGustopher The Fluffiest Fluff Butt

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Blech. Went to a site i only go on once every few months, found my ex is on it as well e__e. Not gonna sleep now since I had a panic attack. Did not want to see her face on there ick.
  10. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally found a relative on Fetlife once.
  11. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I am sure I am going to have to leave Louisville
  12. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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  13. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I lost my job and have no way to pay my rent. So I have until the 16th to find a job or I have to move in with my parents.
  14. Tito the Turtle

    Tito the Turtle Active Member

    Nov 19, 2014
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    the flood has begun
  15. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I think I am literally stupid. I've just had the crushing revelation that I am terrible at everything. I've been having doubts about this for a while, but it's only just sinking in as I'm thinking about it. On reflection, I am nowhere near as skilled, knowledgeable or intelligent as I should be by now, at anything. I can't seem to be able to pick up any education, training or tuition that I get involved in where everyone else does, and easily actually. Most of it seems to come down to the fact that I don't have very consistent logical ability, like that part of my brain just isn't there or doesn't work. I find it extremely difficult to pick concepts up without being shown through basic analogy, and the practical application ability is just non existent.

    It's making me feel absolutely shit and useless. Ugh, I just don't want to live anymore.
  16. Tito the Turtle

    Tito the Turtle Active Member

    Nov 19, 2014
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    sounds like you're going through the 20-something crisis
    I totally had this happen to me two years ago
  17. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So I'm here chilling and stuff, happens that I hear this sound and I think it's the cat and surprise! Part of the kitchen's wall fell off.
    SANY0008.JPG SANY0009.JPG
  18. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    That happened to us with the ceiling plaster one time. Came home and a patch about a meter in diameter had just cracked off and was all over the floor. Looks like having the wall fall off isn't any more fun D:
  19. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    It was my flatmate's turn to take out the rubbish last week (six of us on rotation) and he didn't even bother, so I was left with 2 massive overflowing bags of recycling and a full rubbish bin to take out. Which I wouldn't necessarily mind if the place we're supposed to take them wasn't down 3 flights of stairs and on the other side of the fucking campus. What pisses me off more is that I don't even use the recycling bins, but I still have to haul them out when they're full and nobody else seems to do it on their turns either.
  20. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Jesus fucking christ, my brother's turning into a Grade A asshole, and not in a good way.

    Basically, he's one of those people who doesn't know when to fucking shut his mouth, and he ALWAYS has to have the last word. He gets really pissy and belligerent about trivial things and will insist up to the very moment you prove him wrong that he is right, always. He will actively butt into anything you are saying or doing, spout his unwanted opinions and then ignite an argument about how wrong you are. At the moment, he's pretty much just sponging off our parents, 19 y/o, lives at home, has no job, doesn't help around the house, doesn't even get up until late afternoon, and spends pretty much all his awake time sitting on the computer either playing games, reading, watching porn or talking on Facebook. He has a serious problem and completely denies it.

    He's known to be argumentative, but my mother just phoned me and is rather upset because they've been arguing a lot over the past couple of days. But tonight it got to the point where she's basically told him to get a job or she's kicking him out, all because he can't fucking keep his opinions to himself and always has to go off on one about religion, "SJWs", politics, you get the picture. Anyway, he started helping my mother clean the kitchen, but kept pausing the podcast she was listening to and ranting about it. She told him to stop arguing about everything, and it pretty much spiraled into personal insults and he got told to fuck off.

    This worries me because that isn't something that happens often in my family. My mother sometimes gets really pissy and shouts at us for a while, but it's usually fine again within 48 hours. This time though, my brother decided to "take a stand for himself" (as he sees it) and escalated the whole thing, none of which she expected or deserves in the slightest. It's frustrating because my parents have had an unbelievably tough time (actually suicidal) over the past few years especially, and it's still ongoing, but my brother is so self centered, arrogant and lazy that he thinks he is entitled to do all his bullshit because he "doesn't feel respected" with no regard to how the rest of us are having to deal with everything. Makes me fucking sick.

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