What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    today it got up to or past 58*F, in February, at 7,800 FT of elevation
  2. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well Uncyclopedia's featured article is on New Hampshire. If you want something less dark I suggest you go there :p
  3. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I got upset at work and its like. Why. Why am I easily getting annoyed and irritated at trivial things? Why do I start to break down? Why couldn't I just apologize instead of trying to figure out and give excuses for my attitude and crying (that's the only way I'm able to express myself sadly)? Because I can't say what's going on if I don't know why myself.

    I need to talk to my counselor again because now I'm paranoid again that my behavior is going to Turin my employment which is ridiculous and I wonder if my ADHD turns to anxiety during my stressful times....
  4. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    A lot of my coworkers get upset when it's not useful. Some cry over little things, one cries when she gets to her position and sees that the person before her did nothing to prepare the station for her. It's hard because we work nights, and we only get to leave when everything is clean for the morning. But morning people get to leave as soon as we get there, regardless of how much of their job is done. Hardly fair. But I digress.

    Apologize, and everything will be fine. Coworkers HAVE to spend time together, but that just means that apologies and amends are so much more powerful, and make bonds stronger. A coworker you've apologized to is one who won't forget it.
  5. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Thought I'd recant a little story about the nightmare of a vacation my mom just took with my nightmare of a sister.

    My sister has always been a nightmare. Demanding, dramatic, aggressive, confrontational, addictive personality, the list goes on...

    My mom just came into a little money after her parents died, so decided to take my sister and I on short trips. We haven't decided where she and I are going, but my sister wanted to go to Vegas for her birthday. This is the story of that trip.

    They are in the airport and everything seems fine. My sister goes through the gate and gets through customs. Then she wants to go outside for a cigarette, which of course, you can't. In Canada it's illegal to smoke in airports. So she starts throwing a complete tantrum. People are looking at her. Managers are being called over. A 23-year-old girl is swearing and making demands. She is informed that the pilot has to decide whether or not to let her on the plane. He agrees to. They get on and fly to Vegas, and she cries the whole way.

    When they land she immediately switches to freaking out about her phone. They had set up international service for the trip, but her phone wasn't connecting. She grumbles and complains until my mother explains they can't do anything about it til they get to their hotel. I don't know if this is ever resolved. At the hotel my sister glues herself to the TV and only leaves the room after my mom says "fuck it" and leaves.

    They see Sigfried and Roy, Cirque du Soleil, and an aquarium over their three days. Mostly they eat mcdonalds because it's all my sister was willing to eat in a city which boasts the finest cuisine on the continent. My sister is somewhat happy because it's America and you can smoke pretty much anywhere.

    The trip ends and they return to the Vegas airport. People in lines recognize my sister from her display on the way there and ask her if she's going to do that again. She promises she won't. The flight begins and my sister, being the genius she is, attempts to smoke in the plane's bathroom. The flight attendants escort her to her seat and begin saying words like "Air marshals will meet you in Canada," and "$5000 fine," and "It's the captain's choice whether you make it all the way to your destination or we land and disembark you early."

    She begins crying about an abusive relationship she was in last year, crying about her anxiety, and my mom grabs her by the shoulders and tells her "I just buried two of my parents, just stop it with this bullshit." She is let off with a warning and no fine.

    My mom is taking a break from my sister.
    MurphyAlter and RedVixenFur like this.
  6. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    With all of my respect, @Exeter Why doesn't your mom get rid of your sister? She seems like a total pain in the ass and a terrible person to be around.
    My condolences for the loss.
  7. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    @Exeter Omg sweetie that sounds totally awful. I hope your mum is ok, having to deal with such an obnoxious brat after dealing with buring her on parents surely is not good for your mums health.
    Why has she not kicked the stupid mare out of her house if she behaves like that. Then your sis will have something to truely cry about. If I did anything like that I would be out on my ass ASAP.
  8. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I admire your mom for her strong temper. I'd probably lose my shit and bitchslap your sister before even going on the plane for the second time if I were there... People like that annoy the hell out of me very quickly.
    All I can do is send virtual hugs and apologies for having to hear this, about your sister, from your mum. Family drama is the worst drama.
  9. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    It's super fucking cold today....this dragon doesn't like this at all >.=.<
    Welp, today's gonna be pretty fun, only got 1 class today and then get to go spend time with my partner and her family to celebrate her younger sister's birthday today :D
    Sadly I have to get my oil changed at some point before I go to class, so there goes a little bit of money out of my wallet >.>
  10. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    It never ends with car maintenance! My car just rolled over 115,000 KM, so I'm at the point where there's all sorts of stuff that needs to be done if I want it to stay running well for a long time longer... It's sometimes hard to find the money, but it's something that saves so much stress in the long run.
  11. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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  12. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I've had my car for basically a year and I've put about 15,000 miles on it since I've own it and thankfully nothing serious has gone down with it (for now), hoping I can pass 200 K miles without any problems.
  13. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    my car needs an oil change but it also has a faulty airbag from that recall, and the service center doesn't have any in stock and won't for the next few months. if I take it in I have to leave it there until the can put a new airbag in (months!) or I can sign a waiver so that if the airbag goes off and injures, maims, or kills me in any way they are not liable for damages... yeah, totally not hostage tactics
  14. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Ugh... Having bratty siblings can be annoying... Mine have had their episodes, but are day to day pretty ok.

    Elaborating on the cuisine thing though... Traveling with my father or sister is absolutely infuriating on this front... We went 17 days in Germany, France and the Netherlands eating only at places that sold Pizza or Steak and Fries (in Germany, beef is not that common it would seem). Im potentially going into Culinary school soon, and have always loved cooking and trying new foods... To have not just one, but two people with childish, overly reserved diets is ridiculously frustrating.
    Exeter likes this.
  15. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Just make sure to keep up with maintenance then! Don't wait for things to go wrong, do research on your particular make/model and see what issues it usually starts having at certain mileages, and try to get the preventative maintenance done before it goes wrong!
    (I've got this lecture from my car freak dad about 100 times, so I figured I'd share)
    Serathaiya likes this.
  16. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Ah, well that sucks. Your sister sounds like a big baby, but I don't think that's worth kicking someone out like the other people here seem to think. :/

    It sounds like no permanent damage was done, and your sister was pretty lucky not to get arrested. She ruined her own vacation, and probably won't be getting another one, so in time she'll likely realize how bad that was, and the social consequences will serve as punishment enough. Kicking her out would not improve her problems *shrug*
  17. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Got work today. First day in I think two weeks, but after today, I get regular hours plus flex. Yay!

    It'll be nice making a regular income if I can manage not to spend it all.
  18. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I don't have the tools and finding metric tools and parts around here for Hondas is pretty tough/pricey
  19. othersounds

    othersounds Guest

    Oh damn. Where do people like that find the energy to get so worked up over such small things? That energy could have been spent on much better things.
  20. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Oh my, @Exeter, good thing she didn't act up at the Las Vegas terminal. The security there has very little tolerance for that kind of behavior.
    Your right about all the great places to eat, there is something for everyone here! Too bad they didn't get to see more, there is lot to offer in 'Sin City'.

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