The "Bad Mood" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    There's no good cereal in the house. ;;n;;
  2. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Well now you have to tell us what qualifies as "good cereal".
  3. Serathaiya

    Serathaiya Draenei Tail Puller.

    Oct 28, 2014
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    That is some kind of bullshit. Doesn't matter what it is but it seems people are getting fucked with purchases every day. These days I'm very reluctant to buy anything from China...especially tools.
  4. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Yeah, it wasn't even some unheard of off-brand. It was Schnider's.

    I never understood the companies that included frozen sauce with stuff like this. Like, if I want sauce with it, I'll buy my own damn sauce. If you want to sell sauce, then sell sauce separately. That way nobody gets something they don't want or need.
  5. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Found a dying cat on our back porch. Waiting for animal control to come by and pick it up.
  6. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Ah shit. My sister saw a cat get run over once. Pretty sure it traumatized her. It died, but not immediately. It suffered for a while.
  7. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Update: The cat wandered off before animal control got here, so hopefully that means it's ok.
  8. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I was waiting for my bus. I watched a squirrel standing in the road. I saw a truck coming. I knew I needed to scare it off. I tried to, but when it started, it immediately turned around and dashed under the tires. I was horrified, but it wasn't dead, it was dragging its body around with its front legs. It dragged itself into the driveway near me, and laid its head down, breathing hard and quickly. My bus was there and I couldn't do anything but go to school in horror.

    Another time I saw a bird smack into a car's windshield. I swear I saw something orange rush out, like fire. And I'm a scientifically minded atheist. I have to assume it was just light reflecting off in a weird way. But that was a bewildering, and sad experience too.
  9. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    From what was described to me, the cat was making garbled not-meows and sort of flailing around by the midsection. There was blood, but she couldn't see where from. Eventually it just sort of stopped moving and kept on making pathetic little garbled noises. Someone put a pylon over it until they could get someone to clean up.

    The bird things reminded me of a couple weird things. My dad was like, a super hippy. Pretty sure he actually thought he was Jesus on some level. He could get wild sparrows around our house to sit on his finger. Anyway, the other weird thing was when we were all just sitting in the living room, and a bluejay just flies smack dab right into the window. We got out to check on it, it looks totally dead. Not moving what so ever. My dad goes to pick it up, it moves, flips upright and flies away.
    Exeter likes this.
  10. Corbett

    Corbett Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Well April 10, I went to lakeside behavioral facility, a mental ward, because I had been suicidal for the past 2 days and I had told my doctor and they wanted me to go. I am now on medication and am just getting back to being home. Its weird. My 5 year relationship crumbled the day I was admitted. I now understand I should not have confided my bf as my only support during this time and should have seen the warning of him liking a girl at work but oh well. I was told that he did not love me anymore it had turned to pity. Found out he already took the new girl out to dinner, but he doesn't seem sure about her. Funny. I am learning to love myself and understand that it was not my fault to feel like I did. I deserve better and I deserve my own love.

    side note he called me tonight and was wanting a second chance. I told him only if he changes. I think That I am growing and secound chances are acceptable but only if change is going to happen.
    MurphyAlter, Abylgan and Exeter like this.
  11. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm really impressed at the speed of the turnaround there. I'm glad that with help you're on the road to reclaiming your life and things are looking up. Congratulations on getting through those first steps, I'm glad things progressed in a good way ^^ Even if things are a bit messy now, you're putting the pieces back together and that's good no matter what.
    Corbett likes this.
  12. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Just ensure that a second chance is something that you're really comfortable with given the situation, and make sure that you are willing and able to deal with the consequences should he not truly have changed. I don't mean to be pessimistic, I merely promote caution.
    Serathaiya, Corbett and Abylgan like this.
  13. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Grats on the awesome turnaround.

    And if he said he was with you out of pity, drop his ass. You don't deserve that kind of garbage. Pity is one of the most disgusting emotions someone can have toward another.
    Rassandra Gendal and Abylgan like this.
  14. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    Not really in a bad mood about it anymore, but as of almost a month ago, mom, the cats, and I had to move out to the country in the house we had just bought a month prior, due to my brother finally flipping out and coming at me with a knife, claiming that I "had assaulted him" by closing his door because he said he was deliberately playing his music to get at me and refused to turn it down.....from what he was saying while grabbing the knife and getting up, he took the fact that in Texas, making one feel afraid that their life is in danger can be legally considered assault, which I told him, and decided that he could try and claim that I had done so....by closing his door. He subsequently told the cops he wanted to kill me, was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for around 4 or 5 days, told us that we wouldn't leave the house alive without him, told us that he'd kill himself if mom "abandoned" him, asked mom in a very rude manner if I was out of the house yet whenever she called him, and pretty much treated his stay there like summer camp because people seemed to be listening to him complain about me being a demon and a monster and mom being a "bitch", an "alcoholic" (for drinking a single beer once every few months, I might add), and a "slut".

    More recently, and still heavy on my mind, we have hummingbirds around the new house, so mom decided she needed to go and get some cling-stickers for the back porch sliding door. Unfortunately, before she could get around to it, we witnessed one fly up to the window, hover a few seconds, and then divebomb it's reflection (male hummingbirds are unbelievably aggressive towards other males, despite their size). Needless to say, it died instantly.... Thankfully, she found a large one and stuck it up on the glass, and since then they've been hovering it and then going away, realizing there is something there. We're hoping that the one that hit it didn't have a nestmate and clutch yet, because many hummingbirds practice partner nesting, so if one dies the other and the eggs have greatly reduced survival......
  15. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    This, so damn much. I always tell someone "I can have sympathy for you, but I will not pity you, and you should NEVER pity me." They rarely believe me, and instead think I'm trying to be some dramatic emo or whatever....but I truly hate pity.
  16. Corbett

    Corbett Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    I am making it start all the way back to the beginning like we never dated before. He has to start from scratch and work hard to make this work because he broke a promise to me and now I am cautious of him. Instead of going in like I had before and attaching so much to him I am going in slow and cautious. I now know I have attachment issues and my first step is to make sure that I do not fill my hole with people/places/things because that is unhealthy. I have learned alot and now value myself and am putting myself first. I got my second chance when I went to the ward and I feel that everyone deserves that chance. If he pulls the same crap that broke my heart then ill drop him faster than a firecracker. I am one hell of a women and I should have learned that a long time ago.
  17. Icestar

    Icestar Transformers!

    Sep 12, 2014
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    i have more than a little bit of a silver tongue when it comes to people like that, so i'll probably be a bit harsh. i've dealt with people somewhat similar situations (making them up of course, to play with my feelings) and no longer take the schisnit so i can react pretty bad.

    sounds like you brother's one that should go into a padded cell. claiming you'd assaulted him by closing a door is ridiculous, he was trying to get at you. even worse that he did assault you by trying to get you with a knife, and later told police he wanted to kill you.

    here's the silver tongue bit the worst. he says he will kill himself if 'abandoned' when he tried to kill you? well, i'd say frag 'em and go. it doesnt sound like you nor your mom like him. i wouldn't. and it seems you're doing the same i did. he wanted to kill, and went nuts with the threats. that's someone that needs to be locked up for good.

    and i know the pain on the hummingbird thing. they don't have a problem with the windows here, but we do get birds flying into them often. unfortunately the house is 80% (large) windows. a year or two ago we had an adult male robin that would sit on the railing, glaring into the window then attack his reflection. no harm done, just the first couple times it scared me because there's a thunk and scratching. we put on soap and he just moved to a new window.

    one time a bird flew into a deck window, and was dazed. i was able to pick the little guy up till he could fly off.

    oh, and since i have bats living in the shutters of my bedroom windows... sometimes they land a little hard. what happened to their echolocation im not sure. but every once in awhile there's a loud THUNK.
  18. Corbett

    Corbett Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Thank you, progress is progress no matter how small. I already feel more confident and better from what I learned. Having this break down now means I am fixing my problems and learning to deal with them in the present instead of letting them show up in the future. I realized that all those times I stopped myself from killing myself that I was doing it for me and that I am strong. I sill have crying spells but I am just emotional and its ok. ^^
  19. PrincessGustopher

    PrincessGustopher The Fluffiest Fluff Butt

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Not a bad mood but more or less an update from my post. Person still has no responded to my message, but they had the time to upload things onto deviantArt so that ruffled my jimmies.

    They did make a journal saying they had an argument with their family member and a bunch of other stuff which is why no replies to notes, no uploads and nothing being shipped out. Person promised that by today they'll be trying to get everything shipped out and send tracking numbers to people.

    I truly hope they do. I'm still very miffed that their promised ship date was nearly a week after they quoted me. If they had told me up front about it, I would have been less miffed (still miffed because convention is tomorrow and yea) and less 'dear god why not just get it done and over with earlier!?' (then again I get paranoid when it hits 1 pm and I haven't shipped something out sometimes). This whole roller coaster of communications between them have left me exhausted and last night I feel bad my two friends had to deal with my raging of seeing them being active on dA but not sending out messages to me or other people.

    tl;dr: swear on me mum if i don't get a tracking number or find out wtf is happening im gonna go be a super grumpy gus and hide under my plush pile for a day


    Okay. Been waiting all day and so far no message and it's...almost 1:30 AM my time (they're in Cali so 3 hours behind me). Praying I wake up to a note or ugh e___e
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
    Exeter likes this.
  20. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    At this point.....no. A good long while ago, mom and just stopped caring about his shit. She still loves him as a son, but neither of us want anything to do with him for now.

    @Xephose Plum sauce? Pfff......I stopped eating candy bars years ago, because I pretty much don't like candy anymore, when I was ~16, save for a 65% or darker organic chocolate bar once in a blue moon....but in recent years, Hershy's decided they should release "a great new idea" by replacing some of the chocolate in some of their bars with AIR, AND jacked up the price. "Oh look, our candy now has a softer texture! We think it deserves more of your child's allowance despite having less actual chocolate!"

    Same reasons I don't drink much soda anymore. Air as a filler (CO2 really), not healthy, and just not caring for it. I'll give you this much though, chicken is actually food.....

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