What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    so much barbecue sausage...
  2. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'll barbecue YOUR sausage ;D

    (I am so sorry)
    Exeter likes this.
  3. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Don't lie.
    Exeter likes this.
  4. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    You're right. I don't really like barbecue....
  5. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I volunteer to help with that!
    While waiting at the doctor today, there was a cooking show on. They were cooking all sorts of sausage in home made beer, then throwing on the grill along side pork ribs. About died from hunger pains, it looked so good!
  6. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I don't know what's wrong with you both. Sure we need variety of characters, both men and women. But saying that we are starting to get positive female characters is a blatant error.
    Take The Boss as the example of pure badassery. She's like a goddess for soldiers, she has teached your character, she's reliable, strong and wears the same uniforme as her team mates (adjusted one-piece military suits with all the tools they need for their job).
    We have dozens of these characters that are actually way better than most male characters. To list a few: Lara Croft (archeology eminence, athlete, explorer), Bayonetta (the witch who gives zero fucks and is sexy because she can and wants to), the Doctor from Halo (she created the Spartans to serve her purposes, even though she ended up saving humans), Lightning (a soldier who needed to grow strong because her parents died when she and her sister were kids, and ended up fighting a god on her own), Garnet (a young princess who has to fight her own mother and fight for her people and the whole world), and the list goes on and on.
    That said, I do believe what is needed is better male characters and variety of races (in any game that is based on our planet). Though this won't be possible since each culture likes to resemble their own in their art, or that's what it seems.
    Greetings, and play more videogames. Looks like you need to.
  7. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Although yes, you are right in saying that non-objectified and powerful women have existed before, the way you said it was just awful and missed the point. Misskin didn't say that we were just starting to have these characters, she said we needed more. Because yes, there are powerful female character in games, but they are very very minimal compared to the number of male led games, and many of those that you listed aren't playable characters. What we need is more variety, period. More women, more people of colour, more representation of disability and more representation of different sexuality and gender types. More than just gruff straight white guy with brown hair (or bald, or what have you). And the freaking assumption that because she was excited about seeing more female representation in playable roles meant that she has little knowledge or experience with games is just insulting.
    Greetings from the YouTube comments section, try to be more open minded. Looks like you need to.
    Abylgan and SnowLycan like this.
  8. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I for one love female protagonists and if men are having trouble accepting them it's because they are simply incapable of understanding that heroism and badassery know no gender. Game studios think boys play video games and thus think boys would and should want to play boys and see the world as a boy. Studios today are starting to embrace female protagonists but for the wrong reasons. They think the issue is girls wanting to play the games, so they need girl characters. I want to see everyone wanting to play as women to experience the world through that perspective. Playing a woman in Mass effect is no different but it should be. Playing a woman in Skyrim is no different but it should be. Women have a fundamentally different experience in the world thanks to misogyny and their experience is less about what their body looks like and more about how they are treated, viewed, and expected to behave. I want games where playing as a girl is more than cosmetic. I want my female protagonists to feel like women in a real world, not just voiceless soulless avatars of me.
    Sheep likes this.
  9. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Maybe it just makes me mad they way she said as lately? Like in the past we haven't had them.
    And only two of the characters I listed are non playable but they are yet way more important than the playable character.
  10. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    She only said "lately" when she was quoting the angry and ticked off men worrying about the amount of female protagonists that were shown off at this years e3. You're angry at the quote.
    And So what? that's still peanuts compared to the number of games in which a male lead is the most important character. I said you weren't wrong about there being female characters in games, which is still true, but Misskin was talking about protagonists, the lead characters, or at the very least playable ones. And that is a spot that has far far fewer women in it compared to men. Listing off the small number of admittedly strong and empowered female characters as a sign that, No, we don't have to focus on women, is just a flawed argument. There should be more female protagonists in games, this year's e3 showed off a good number of games in which there were female protagonists, and some people are pissy about it.
    Sheep likes this.
  11. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    You seen the infomercial with the pressure cooker? Then they shove every meat under the sun in there and it all comes out fucking amazing? That one gets me every time.
  12. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I said we need both men and women, right at the beginning of my comment. And in any case I meant "We don't need more women", maybe I'm just useless explaining myself in other languages.
    Even if those empowered women are very few in comparison they're way way way way way better than most male characters. And let me say, I prefer quality over quantity. I'd rather play one game with a great woman as a main character/party member/antagonist that playing hundreds of games with poorly written male characters.
    And I consider an error myself focusing on women, we need both genres to be better represented and beliveable.

    The problem with this is most games are in a fantasy setting world where it seem sexism doesn't exist (where both sexes can be adventurers, space warriors, scientists and whatnot). Where I could totally and love to see this is having a woman as a lead character in GTA. I'd throw my wallet using a catapult.
  13. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    No, I haven't.
    *gets really hungry and runs of to the fridge for chocolate cream pie*
  14. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    I had a discussion about blback superheroes recently, and my 2 cents is that the problem isn't a lack of black comic book characters, the problem is a lack of black comicbook creators. the same thing carries over to women in videogames. there's still many different groups of people who are disenfranchised and really systematically denied their voice, despite the fact that they would serve as nothing but an asset to these creative mediums.
    Exeter likes this.
  15. othersounds

    othersounds Guest

    Saw Gojira live yesterday. Help me, I can hardly hold my neck up by myself.
  16. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    The reason most games at the minute are having female protagonists is because the gaming industry is trying to show that girls aren't just objects.

    As well as there are a lot of girl gamers out there that are as good as the guy gamers. They are trying to ease this shocking information into their minds slowly.

    Most male gamers still see women as non gamers or we shouldn't be playing their games. But that's the thing a game is not set to one gender its universal.

    I have had personal experiences in the gaming world. From being taught to work for a company in programming and development to gaming since I could hold a controller.

    All of it was hard because there is so much sexism. You have to evolve to blend in. I even remember a comment made by a class mate were he was complaining about girls. I was like "hey! girl standing right next to you!" He responded "lol your one of the guys you don't count"

    Just yesterday I had gamers saying to me on csgo is that your real voice. If so could you say "I like big black cock"
    Seriously guys I am here to play to win not to be your entertainment. So when I refuse their like it's just a voice changer or a little boy.

    So after that rabble I am glad to say I am glad to see female protagonists in games. Especially now they are not overly sexualised like they were in the past.

    Please note if this sounds sexiest I'm sorry but this is personal experience from the gaming world I am basing this on.
    Sheep, Exeter and othersounds like this.
  17. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    You have absolutely no idea exactly how much I want to be you right now :<
    I WANNA SEE GOJIRA LIVE!!!!! *flails and whines all upset and the like*
  18. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So in having to deal with this stuff going on with my biological grandfathers estate, I'm discovering exactly how shitty my family on my mom's side are.
    Long story short, my aunt is an absolute CUNT, who's greedy and only cares about money.
  19. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    in the group i have ever taken part in gaming that is bullshit.
    i have never come across a bunch of people saying there no such thing as a female gamer in fact i see the female members of gropes getting alot of preferential treatment simply because of there sex.
    but there are less women that play games and its probably biological as there are huge differences between the sexes.

    tho some women are just fucking touchy about being women.
    for example at the last MTG prerelease i went to i having a new opponent ask the usual there name and how long they have been playing magic as im trying to be friendly and the dumb bint flipped out shouting your just asking cuz im a girl, and you dont believe girls can play and so on.
    the point is people like her make other women look bad ther was about 50 people there and 6 women that day i played her some realy cool girl with a dragon deck and earrings that where dragons coiling around her ears (they where fuckign cool!) and she thrashed me in every game in that round and came in the top 3.
    i also played a literal kid (they where 13) who came first and then 3 othere guys but now im just rambling maby posting after alcohol and drugs is not the best idear.
  20. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I slept terribly last night. When I was getting to bed it just started storming so I couldn't fall asleep. Then last night I actually dreamed. That never happens, and it's always a bit surreal when it does. I can't really remember what happened in it now.

    Work is really gonna be hell to get through with this lack of sleep...

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