The "Bad Mood" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. uk2008

    uk2008 Guest

    I'm at £410 per month for a lil 2 bed end of terrace in a small market town
  2. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well I'm NOT happy, and that's the thing. I feel like I need to contribute to my life, instead of just letting it happen without me.
  3. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Great night last night, Skype'd with my crush until 7 or so in the morning and promptly passed the fuck out and slept the best I have in the past few years, then I get up to her saying that this day feels like it's going to be shit. I ask why, she won't tell me, so I go okay, well I'm here if you want to talk and didn't think anything of it.

    Well, she just drunk Skype'd me at 5 in the afternoon from her kitchen where she was stuffing her face with cake, chat for a little bit and then I decide to figure out what the fuck is going on, since her getting wasted isn't exactly a regular occurrence. And then I figured out why she didn't want to tell me, turns out Will, the British guy she's been fooling around with, doesn't trust her and is contemplating dropping everything with her entirely. Not that big of a deal right, it's a super long distance thing and there's virtually no strings attached, so it'll suck for a bit but it's not that bad. Wrong. "I think I want strings attached tho."

    God fucking damn it.
  4. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well, probably he'll still drop it, and she'll be slightly more upset than you originally imagined, and then everything will still go the way you thought it would.
  5. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I don't like working based off of probabilities. I feel like I'm lost, I don't think she's misleading me but it's obvious she doesn't know what the fuck she wants and I'm just sick of the mixed signals.
  6. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    This might be something you don't want to hear, and even if you agree, impossible to follow, but I think you need to move on from her. There are tons of people who are ready to love and you have the ability to find them, and you're a great catch. This girl sounds like she never knows what she wants, and even if you were both 100% available, she wouldn't necessarily agree to be with you.
    Abylgan likes this.
  7. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Life is too short (and not guaranteed) to float in stasis waiting for somebody to be ready.
  8. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Had to throw away an almost full pot of rice and rabbit, and some salad. Just because 2 people showed up at the MLP marathon.
    They didn't even had an excuse. Had my granny making some food and spent 40$ on snacks just for nothing.
    MOON MOON MOON MOON MOON! Moon, to all of them!
  9. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah no, my best friend (she's one of my best friends, and then my other one is who I go to for advice and shit) is telling me to bail on chasing her and I think that's what I'm going to do. What the fuck though, she flat out fucking tells me she shares the same feelings that I have towards her and I just don't fucking understand. I feel toyed with, and it fucking sucks.
  10. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    That's good that you're going to move on, and sucks, man.
  11. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I talked to my boyfriend about the physical contact issues, and he was very understanding. In fact, he said he had the same issue when he was around my age. So, that worked out pretty well. (Not a bad mood, I know, but it's still kind of relevant to here just as a follow up.)
    gerbilfluff and RedVixenFur like this.
  12. Keely

    Keely The Happy Helpful Husky

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Crap. A toy I sold to someone had it's tube fucking fall out. Like fucking really??? I have no doubts it's not their fault tho since everything I've seen from them says they're an honest person but man I feel really fucking bad for something like that happening on something I sold them. + now I have to find the funds to refund them but I already spent said funds (; ̄Д ̄) god this is a terrible day
  13. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    And changed my mind, probably the stupidest fucker for doing so but I went for a drive (initially it was just a 30 minute drive but then I went back out for a couple hours a bit later after talking to a buddy about his girl issues, ironically) to clear my head and simplified things down to this:

    What do I want? Her.
    How badly? Very.
    Badly enough to deal with this bullshit? Yes.

    No matter what I couldn't shake myself from that, so I slept on it, woke up and yeah, pretty sure I'm going to keep chasing her, the only difference being that I'm simply not going to give a fuck about what transpires between her and Will. I'm not looking to get her now, which is why this is even more fucked up, because I know, and she knows that she hasn't moved on from her last relationship enough to be doing anything, which is probably going to end up biting Will in the ass, but oh well.

    So I Skyped with her for three hours or so since she wanted me to help her figure out what vinyls she wanted to buy, and then we talked about shit and she expressed that she was lonely that started a conversation that pretty much lead to her going "well, date me and you can do whatever you want with me." So yeah. All I know is that despite all of this shit I want her, and despite the mental fuckery she has and likely will continue to put me through I know I'm not imagining her feeling the same.

    Not really a Bad Mood post but you know, follow ups and all of that.
  14. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I feel like absolute shit because I sort of convinced my girlfriend to have sex when she wasn't into it as well as the fact that sex hurts her badly now. We believe it may be that she's developed a latex allergy, but we're not sure. But overall I'm kinda upset at myself and feel like I made her have sex with me...
  15. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well, the fact that you feel bad about it is a good sign. I'd say flowers/chocolates would be in order.
  16. Ajax

    Ajax Guest

    Everyone is pissing me off today. -_- My mom just keeps bitching about how the cable switched over to digital and now she has to pay for a box for every room and she keeps bitching at me about it when I have never dealt with cable and know nothing about their little devices. I just know computers and internet.
    And then people complaining about drama with other people to me and I give them advice but the moment I'm done they go right ahead and perpetuate the fucking issue. -_- I'm so fucking done with everyone. It's obvious I'm pissed off yet they keep bugging me. Urrgh.
  17. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Boyfriend and I got into a fight again. It was kind of a small one but he's pretty much shut down now.
    He made a comment that he didn't want to do something because it reminded him of things he didn't want to think about, I told him I had forgotten because, well the short of it is that I remember details better than broad general things. He eventually accused me of forgetting all sorts of stuff, and accused me of saying his reason wasn't good enough, which I never said. And then I listed just about every fact he'd ever told me about before we met (at least the bad stuff) and then explained why that bit never got filed (I compared it to a file without a folder to put it into). And now I feel bad because he pretty much just stormed out. But he gets annoyed at me for always asking why, but the why and the how and the backstory is what I need. I don't remember the general stuff. I don't remember what his coworkers' roles are or what they're supposed to be doing, but I remember all the specific instances he tells me about them. But if I don't get enough details on things I never remember them. Also, he told me that he always tells me what he thinks is enough, and I always have a problem with it. And I said if he's allowed to only say as much as he wants, I'm allowed to be frustrated that I'm not being told more. He wants me to just accept that he won't talk about things, and that's NOT something I can just accept. He wants me to not be bothered my something that is basically a huge part of who I am. I think I should be allowed to be annoyed when he doesn't tell me more than a couple words in explanation to anything, but he doesn't think I should get annoyed about that because he has said exactly what he wants to say. Why do I always get treated like the selfish one? If he is going to do something that hurts my feelings, he can't just tell me that my feelings can't be hurt. If he doesn't want to HURT my feelings, he's going to have to give a little more.

    Sorry for the rant.
  18. Ajax

    Ajax Guest

    Don't be sorry, Dame! I'm sorry you and your bf got in a fight. It definitely sounds like something that you two will need to work out at some point, though I hear what you're saying 100%. I need an explanation for things or some background on something before I am able to understand/make note of it. I hope you and him are able to figure something out, but I definitely think it's unfair that he makes you out to be the bad guy when you only want to understand and you shouldn't have to be sorry when you mention something but had no idea it would upset him. He's gotta give a little and let you in where it counts or it'll just get more difficult. Neither of you should have to walk on eggshells with one another.
  19. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah, he's not allowed to both not tell you stuff, and also be mad that you don't know stuff.
    Keely, Blinding and Ajax like this.
  20. Ajax

    Ajax Guest

    Perfectly said, Murphy. It's kinda unfair. I hope he'll realize that somehow.

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