What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I don't know what I'd do if given the chance to travel.

    See people? Learn the history? Maybe check out local attractions? Or just sit in my hotel room and relax.
  2. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    March has been a grab bag of good, bad, and ugly as anyone in the Telegram chat has heard. Sorry for being MIA for so long!

    • First off, increasing tensions between me and family has resulted in me living in the uninsulated metal shed for the past two weeks, living off of jugs of water from the store and canned foods.
    • Last week my brother invited me into his detached-from-the-house room for some Space Engineers to cut the boredom, a dumb argument over how to build a solar array resulted in him showing just how bipolar he is as he wound up cutting me instead. 17 stitches that come out this Saturday.
    • My motherboard/BIOS also decided to lash out, refusing to boot any OS from my hard drive regardless of Windows 7 or Ubuntu, but booted Ubuntu off a USB just fine and on top of that USBuntu can access my other USBs and even the HDD just fine. Won't be able to afford to replace the mobo with one that's compatible with everything, and even then that invalidates my current copy of Windowstains because of Microsoft's EULA tying it specifically to the motherboard it detects even though it's stored on the hard drive, so I'm likely gonna be saving for an entire new build once I get work in town.
    • The good news! Friday or Monday I am moving into town proper, where I can finally be close enough for employers to even consider me without having a car. Said bills associated with this will be why I cannot afford to replace my computer parts, but once a job is lined up it's not far off from being able to scrape together funds, but most importantly I can finally get away from the madness of my mother who is always griping at and verbally deriding her not-mentally-perfect offspring, and my brother who can't tell the difference between a crazed axe murderer and someone closing his door because he's blasting his music and responds by pulling a knife that mom shouldn't even let him have.
    • The BBCode formatting for lists here is giving my OCD a fit.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  3. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    There's a button for it? Why use BBCode?
  4. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    The button...injects the code......maybe it's HMTL, maybe it's BBCode, maybe it's XenForo's special sauce. I just say BBCode because my understanding is it stands for "Bulletin Board Code", bulletin boards are basically the precursors to forums, so my crosswired mind translates that to being an appropriate catch-all term. I'd actually much prefer typing out the code I want but that requires the forum to read it and format it as intended....point is the way it handles lists is driving me nuts. It also somehow turned my entire reply into a hypertext link for some reason so I had to fix that so that's nice.
  5. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I swear nobody has more trouble with anything involving computers than you sometimes :p
  6. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    A. The thing with the formatting giving me OCD was supposed to be a joke, because I didn't want to sound so whiny about having my hand slashed open by my brother and needing 17 stitches to close it up, among other things in that post. I did use the button you were talking about, which gave me the rigid bullet list that I didn't like but was trying to use to separate the different things. I'd rather use BBCode or HTML if supported because I know how to use it to a basic extent and it's more flexible.

    B. Meet my brother, who thinks Firefox with ten unloaded, locally cached tabs and two actively loaded forums without any embedded media beyond a few picture posts uses more bandwidth than him playing Arma3 Mutliplayer; who thinks that simply plugging my computer up in the house is the reason the satellite internet just died during an overcast day that later started storming; who thinks that my phone is preventing him from loading webpages.

    I try to educate myself, I just simply don't like certain programs/software manufacturers and I don't know everything about hardware and code. You want people who can have trouble with just about everything, I know a person or two who can ask you to take over their day job as over-the-phone tech support, or some tech forums you can go help people on.
  7. SnowLycan

    SnowLycan ☆*:.。.Mahou shoujo.。.:*☆

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Been busy practicing with my new graphics tablet. I don't get how so artists can produce so many pieces a day. I struggle with just making the piece look good.
    Finished a don't starve Chester piece which I made my new icon. I'd say took me three hours or so.
    vahaala likes this.
  8. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I literally do tech support for a living XD
    GreyFoxx likes this.
  9. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Evening all.
    So after giving it some serious thought, I decided to hold off on updating my phone and have decided to work on obtaining more audio gear as well as working on my bass projects and pedalboard.
    Just finished ordering all the parts for "blacking out" my bass and it's only just the start~

    Oh and in other good news, I actually have 3 days off from work.
    I could weep for joy ;w;
    SnowLycan, Serathaiya and Exeter like this.
  10. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Issue finding myself completely unmotivated. I have a job. All bills paid. A 3d printer and silicone but just don't fill like doing anything

    It most likely deals with the fact that I spent another birthday alone. My health is being affected by this. I can't seem to lose weight. Cause the only time I can truely feed the pleasure center of brain is with bad food.

    I give off this needy vibe that creeps people out. I'm lonely and the only way I've ever been motivated is around others. That's why my roommates and coworkers are unaware that I have issues.

    All I can do right now is go to work tomorrow. I fucking hate this 9 hour shift bullshit. I need to get the etsy store running but I have 2 hours left in my day outside of work. Fuck.

    Sorry for dumping all this crap on you all I just needed to let some stuff out.
  11. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    No its good, no worriees. I myself have been feeling lonely as I cut out a lot of folks and literally have no one outside of work to hang out with. Half the time coworkers are not doing a thing or are doing things when I am unable. I went to the local club on my own this past Saturday because I was really feeling the loneliest, and sometimes that's what I gotta do to get out and talk with people, even if they are strangers who could potentially do me harm, but that's a risk everyone takes, is it not?
    GreyFoxx and Velixer like this.
  12. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'd friggen love to hang out with you. I feel like we'd have so much fun. You seem like the right amount of adorable/crazy/brilliant/goofball to totally bring out the wildest silliest side of me
  13. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I feel that if we actually had an annual DH meet-up where all available members could meet up for a given time period then that would be absolutely amazing.
    Seeing as we all have quite a bit in common I feel that we would all get along with each other very well and have just a wonderful time. :D
  14. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    For something like that, we'd probably have to meet up at a con. So deciding what con works would be the thing. And for me, I'd have to plan it more than 6 months in advance to get the time off from work.
  15. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I can understand where you are. I was lucky and found a semi-close fur group on meetup.com. Maybe you can find some sort of group in general that does regular meetup events?
  16. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I don't think it HAS to be a con but that would be a good idea for a meet-up spot.
    And yes this sort of thing would definitely take some planning as most if not all of us have a job of some sort and limited time off.
  17. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    We'd have to agree not everybody would like the event. I'd say we should pitch random stuff we could have fun with. We don't want to exclude the non-furries who might make it
  18. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    If we had the funds it'd be sweet to rent out a huge house, and I mean a HUGE house so that we could fit everyone.
  19. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Make it an anime con instead. It's a little more generalized hahahahahahha.

    The meet up groups I know of are way into their Fandom (cough, MLP, cough) or live in big cities (Milwaukee).
    Exeter likes this.
  20. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    You're on the right track, maybe a fandom con of some kind, like fanexpo or atomic lollipop, something fun and random. Doing it in Canada would give the Americans among us (and Brits if they wanted to come) a LOT of purchasing power

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