What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I agree with @Exeter
    I've never heard of any college courses, even boiled down to the bare bones content, being that blunt and negative towards any gender or race.
    What kind of course is it?
  2. AmoryWar

    AmoryWar The boy your mom always warned you about

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Rassandra Gendal likes this.
  3. AmoryWar

    AmoryWar The boy your mom always warned you about

    Feb 16, 2016
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    I personally can't stand gin with a couple exceptions: Boodles and Bombay Sapphire. I've had an extra dry Boodles martini. Flippin' delicious.
  4. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I'm curious, too. Though I have to say, some classes can be that stupid. I had to take "Racism and Classism in Education" in undergrad and they literally told me that it's racist to correct someone's pronunciation of any words ever (if they're not white) because apparently we don't need language to be consistent and understandable for the purpose of communication, I don't know
  5. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    What a night at work............
    At 3:15AM, the power went out in our store, and just our store. By the time we covered all coolers and freezers, and I mean just seconds after putting up the last piece of tape, they got the refrigerated section running again. But the rest of the store was still off line, took another half hour to get the lights back on. An hour after that, the computers finally rebooted, and we could let customers back into the store. The time clocks are still screwed up, and there was a line in personnel, for people clocking in and out.

    I kind of wonder if this was all an April fool's prank...........sure was a pain in the ass!

    Yeah, it always turns my crank when someone uses the term 'axe' instead of 'ask'.
    I want to tell them, "It's ASK damn it!.........A.....S.....K!!
    I mean, it's not nice to ax people.......:confused:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  6. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I mean I can see a nugget of an argument there but that's just overstepping it. Ideally I guess if people are misspeaking we should be considering offering assistance to help somebody develop the skill where the correction might actually help them in life. If it's not useful, I suppose we don't really need to try to make people lose an accent.
    Abylgan likes this.
  7. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Yeah, definitely. Accents are no issue (though it's pragmatic to realize that some accents may hurt you in a job interview, depending on the job). They basically told us that there are no right pronunciations of words, though, which is straight up wrong. Language has to have some kind of basis or rule set, otherwise words no longer mean things. If you wanna pronounce "pear" as "rubber", then fine, but I won't have a damn clue what you mean. An extreme example, but it just really irritated me how this teacher was trying to tell us that we're racist for expecting people to be understandable lmao.
  8. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    they're all branches of a humanities course
    1. humanities and US history (I've talked to people who took this one, it ONLY focuses on slavery)
    2. humanities and global history (again, talked to people who took this one, it ONLY focuses on colonialism and how the evil white devil ruined the world)
    3. humanities and global cultures (once again talked to someone who took this one since most people get these done their freshman year, it ONLY focuses on race even though the class is supposed to be about cultures and how they vary and have very different viewpoints on issues)
    4. humanities and the modern era (had a few friends who took this one, even the feminist in the group thought it was a little ridiculous with how far they take the feminist theory and intersectional theory taught in the class, the profesor that teaches it was even trying to get approval so they could grade students in the class on a curve tied to traits like their race, gender, sexuality, level of ability and beliefs, so if you were a disabled trans woman of color that happens to be a lesbian and you didn't come to class even once you would still get a passing C)
    honestly it's ridiculous that this kind of stuff is tolerated in college level academia, if I had to come up with a class to teach in that field it would be something like: humanities and finding common ground, how to move forward instead of restacking the same deck
    Rassandra Gendal likes this.
  9. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Gin is flavored using herbs and spices, Juniper berries usually being the primary one though there are some interesting and strange combos out there
  10. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I find it funny that people talking about being ignored by the system and not having the same economic and educational opportunity would argue against standards that make sure people are on a somewhat level playing field when trying to get a job or get into college after highschool.
  11. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I bough a backpack of holding from think geek. It was on sale so got it for $10 off. Pretty nifty. My backpack that I've had since junior year of high school is getting worn out, so figured it was time for a new one.
  12. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So there has been a fire in my house. I'm mighty lucky it was small and contained quickly, but holy shit. The amount of smoke it generated scared me really bad. And it was oil from the heating system that catched it. If it weren't contained quick enough I could as well say goodbye to my house since most of the upstairs is basically wood and all kinds of flammable trash my father hoards. And oil. So yeah. But as I said I'm safe, the house is as well... if I can say that about it now.
    Exeter and GuyStripes like this.
  13. AmoryWar

    AmoryWar The boy your mom always warned you about

    Feb 16, 2016
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    That's pretty ridiculous if that's what those classes are like. But damn, do we need something like the class you made up. So crazy that any sort of bigotry still exists, or that we still try to make white people as a whole feel guilty for the past. I mean, if you are actually a bigot of any sort, then yeah, you need to be rounded up and dropped off on a deserted island so your ignorant hatred doesn't continue to poison civilized society. Otherwise, we all just need to stop caring so much about race and other stuff that should be a source of enrichment in society. And there are bigots of every walk of life, and being a traditionally disenfranchised minority doesn't make it OK. Let's get the fuck over it and move on people.
    Abylgan likes this.
  14. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    What really grinds MY gears is that so many are trying to flip the table around so they can stand on it and yell how great they are to anyone who will bother to listen to them, instead of ACTUALLY working on the activism they claim to herald. It's like saying you want to fight child hunger, but parading around with a puppet of a child and a sandwich on your shoulder and telling any actual hungry kids to go bother someone else. It's sheer hypocrisy and that's one of my few remaining buttons these days.

    On the same note, I do looooove it when someone says that a minority cannot commit an act or make a statement of hatred to another on the basis of race, because racism is totally something only people with white skin are capable of. Similar with sexism and all; it's a bunch of angry wannabe warlords on social media thinking they can yell loud enough to own the world if they cry about social issues. As you said, folks just need to grow the fuck up and treat others with common decency.
  15. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Holy fuck me, was today a long day.

    I should mention there's a difference between a "long" day and "looong" day. One involves having nothing to do for hours, where "Hurry up and wait" is a common phrase. Then there's the other, like today, where its a 12+ hour day with no time for a break. Those are days I like, with the burn and ache of my muscles feeling goooood once I get home. Just need a glass of scotch, some jazz music, a blowjob, and no phone calls till the morning.
  16. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    fuck yeah, managed to find an anthropology class that'll fill that requirement instead, I just had to trawl through the entire academic catalog to do it. I'd rather learn about peoples of the prehistoric southwest than have a class be used as a socio-political platform where any disagreement results in a failing grade

    and even better, pizza and a nice black butte porter for dinner
    Rassandra Gendal and Eloe Elwe like this.
  17. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I'm back. @scalie Good find those other classes sound like complete shit.
    Now everyone else. I would a meet up. Hell I would love just to bring in some help to make toys. Let's face there is enough talent here to be a force on the market.
    Sadly I live in the middle of nowhere, but soon Google Fiber is going through Louisville. Hopefully it brings a few fun people with it
  18. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    well if you ever want a toy cast in bronze I may be able to hook you up... though it might be a hard sell to the person whose foundy I'd need to use XD
  19. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I wish there was some way I could help to improve your situation, or get you out of that house.
    I'm glad you are safe and sound, and didn't lose everything.
    vahaala likes this.
  20. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I can't flirt for shit irl.....especially to older guys ;3;
    GreyFoxx and Exeter like this.

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