What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    *Sigh* I'm sorry Murphy. I want to debate this with you because you're using logic, and I enjoy that, but I'm annoyed now and can't think well about it; wouldn't do my point much good if I'm saying things based on emotion rather than what I know, would it. Sorry again.

    Like I know the point I want to make in response but I can't word it.
  2. Kitsy_The_Fox

    Kitsy_The_Fox Noir Fox

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I think it was said best as such: "Money is in the treatment, not the cure". Even if we were to give a half-measure between the two arguments being right (dickish companies suppressing cures in favor of treatments and honest researchers developing cures), it essentially means that the cure research is stunted though in the works, and the entities that be in the system that'd prefer the treatments to continue over the cure (assholes though they may be) are not 100% capable of stopping, but stalling nonetheless.

    And lets face it, with anti-scientists being put in our American Political system, and the ability for business people to actually be a smug prick and raise medicine to $750 after it was under $15, I'm not going to say that there isn't some cause for alarm. I'm also seeing progress on research for cures for things that scare the shit out of me (Alzheimers being the major one contested and showing evidence of reversal), as outright fascinate me (stem cell research slowly being a way to combat major injuries). And then, we have anti-science protests about stem cells, even when it's been done a different anti-fetus way....we have people voting against measures to invest in research, or for politicians who couldn't give a shit about it...and the cycle continues. Push and pull.

    I think that's the current reality of the situation.
  3. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    For lack of a better thought, I'll agree. I'm probably best headed off to bed, bit tired.
  4. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Decided to gift myself by getting a new power supply for my pedalboard.
    Managed to get it on a decent deal so hooray for bargains! :D
    Hope it declutters the mess of cables that my pedalboard is right now. >.>
    Serathaiya and Exeter like this.
  5. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Imagine a wireless future. Just imagine it. Imagine no cables everywhere. Imagine it.
  6. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
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    That would be interesting to have a wireless pedalboard where all input and output signals are sent to a wireless receiver, allowing for all the pedals to work without the need for cables (other than power cables which are easier to manage.
  7. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Even the power cables should be wireless one day. Smart plugs :D somebody clever will come up with a clever design one day I'm sure.
  8. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    There's a fight on between Manny Pacquiao and somebody else tonight on pay-per-view. Winnipeg has a huge Filipino population. Manny Pacquiao is Filipino. Everybody is calling in to order the fight at the same time XD
  9. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I see the paranoia and conspiracy theories have kept going while I was away.

    anyhoo, spent the whole day playing with clay, almost have that project done, also found a fuck ton of fire alarms in a dumpster and tested them. now i have a ton of working fire alarms to do something with...
    Rassandra Gendal and Exeter like this.
  10. Kitsy_The_Fox

    Kitsy_The_Fox Noir Fox

    Aug 4, 2014
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    It's only a conspiracy if they manage to keep it secret. Americans are not known for such subtlety.
    Rassandra Gendal likes this.
  11. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    A conspiracy doesn't stop being a conspiracy because it gets discovered. It becomes a stain on the history of whomever got caught.
  12. Kitsy_The_Fox

    Kitsy_The_Fox Noir Fox

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I don't even know where to start with that one. An example would be internal handling of problems by church's (See The Vatican and Jehovah's Witnesses, along with Scientology)....we know OF it, but it hasn't quite stopped any of them from existing. And that's just modern examples, you can trace the history of every church and find a swath of black marks, illicit activities, outright slaughter....but they still exist, nonetheless. People would rather forget the marks, especially when the number of your particular faith total in the billions, so you must be apart of the correct faith, right?

    So society can influence and blind people, especially if taught at a young age (indoctrination). See also: Patriotism. Support our troops! Vote the people in who keep slashing their benefits after they come back physically and mentally scarred!

    On a similar note, Media plays a huge role in this matter. Organizations like Fox News fought and won for the right to lie. There are plenty of non-disclosure agreements going around, lawsuits to financially crush the opponent without needing to win out in the end, and any Government is fond of the ability to disavow any involvement in black operations. What's that? The party of deregulation didn't want to ensure clean drinking water for an entire city? KEEP VOTING THEM IN! LETS VOTE FOR TRUMP!

    We know it, but it hasn't stopped any of it, stain or no stain. The political situation right now just....awfully highlights how much we can ignore of reality, due to societal and media influence.

    tl;dr - Stains don't matter if they aren't taken seriously by not only the individual, but the society.

    I had to think about that for a little while at work. I am not looking forward to Sunday either, 1:30 to 10 PM shift. Ugh. Feet are gonna hate me.
  13. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    Hmmm. I've wondered about the feasibility of using (assuming I'm correct on assuming a pedalboard is like what kickdrums use) an analog pedalboard as an input for live drum samples/synths in a DAW; press forward, press back, but also having a middle position, with the foot being able to twist it to the left and right for two more pairs of inputs, giving live control of the particular sample or pitch as well as tempo.

    \o/ I love how music can carry a message or point.
    Kitsy_The_Fox likes this.
  14. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    shady shit has been going on since before history was recorded and it'll keep going on probably til after history stops being recorded, and i think I need to point out on all sides of the ethical-moral divide people all seem to think of as being so concrete in their lives. sometimes it's not so much that no one can do anything or that it wasn't exposed but a thing of no one really giving enough of a fuck to disrupt their life to try to do anything about it. so really, if you can't do anything about it and even if constantly yelling about it isn't going to change it, just drop it, spend the time on something better

    anyway I learned I think up some really weird and fucked up art ideas when I've been drinking, also I shouldn't try to do linocuts after drinking, or at least not very tight curves
  15. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I believe Nikola Tesla experimented with stuff like this, and I vaguely remember seeing an article about successful wireless electricity transfer using some of his modified designs. I'll try to find it later, but I'm afraid I won't be able to find since it was too long ago.
  16. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    Baaaah, I want to recount a riddle now but can't remember it. Really should have wrote it down, I thought it was pretty good. xD

    Water flowing round and round,
    The faster I go, the higher the sound.
    As for speed, I have no limit,
    But even a wheel, I cannot spin it.

    ..........that's not what I originally wrote but it's what came to mind and it works, I think.
  17. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Tesla did create a somewhat wireless eletrical transmission system, the only problem with it is that you lost the vast majority of the power you generated (more than you lose with the current technology we've got) and most of his designs used direct current, which wouldn't go very far even in standard transmission lines so you would've needed a power generating station every few blocks to be able to power a town
    Rassandra Gendal and vahaala like this.
  18. Rassandra Gendal

    Rassandra Gendal Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    PSA: Popcorn is actually a very inexpensive snack when you pop and season it yourself from loose kernels; it can be quite tasty and healthy as well depending on what you season it with.

    One of these days when I can afford it (or preferably have grown my own) I'd like to try using an Italian herb blend...for some reason I feel that would do well. I'd go pesto or bruchetta flavors if I didn't have to worry about turning the popcorn soggy. XD
    AmoryWar likes this.
  19. AmoryWar

    AmoryWar The boy your mom always warned you about

    Feb 16, 2016
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    I love popping my own popcorn. I haven't perfected seasoning it yet but it is a great snack. And I read that after you pop it, you should spread it out on a cookie sheet and bake it for a few minutes (not sure of time or temp at the moment) and it makes it crisper. Probably better to season it this way too.
    GreyFoxx likes this.
  20. Serathaiya

    Serathaiya Draenei Tail Puller.

    Oct 28, 2014
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    I'm the same, and I don't think it's weird unless you were printing pics of yourself and taping them up on every wall in the house...hahahahaha~ The stuff I posted on fetlife and the responses I've received have made it somewhat worse though to be honest. :oops:

    Misskin and Exeter like this.

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