BDC Biographies

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ajax, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Guest

    I thought I would bring this over from the old forums but update the questions a bit. :3
    Feel free to take out any you don't want to answer and be as in-depth as you'd like!
    Also go ahead and fancy up the coding as much as you'd like. Have fun!

    Sexual Orientation:
    Romantic Orientation:
    Relationship status:
    Religious affiliation:
    Favorite drink:
    Favorite cuisine:
    Favorite snack:
    Favorite book:
    Favorite television series:
    Favorite movie:
    Favorite game:
    Favorite animal:
    Favorite music genre:
    Favorite music artist/band:
    Favorite eye color:
    [B][U]Furry Questions [/U][/B]
    Are you a furry?:
    How long have you been a furry?:
    Who/what is your fursona?:
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?:
    Are you on FurAffinity?:
    [B][U]Personal Questions[/U][/B]
    What kind of underwear do you wear?:
    What do you wear to bed?:
    Are you a virgin?:
    Favorite kinks/fetishes:
    Favorite sexual fantasy:
    Number of toys you own:
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?:
    How often do you masturbate/toy?:
    [B][U]Other Questions[/U][/B]
    Do you collect anything?:
    Do you have any hobbies?:
    What are you afraid of?:
    What is your best memory?:
    Do you believe in love at first sight?:
    Have you ever met anyone famous?:
    Mac or PC?:
    What is your dream job?:
    Do you play any instruments or sing?:
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?:
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?:
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2014
    blackpaw and vahaala like this.
  2. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Paweł (Paul)/vahaala.
    Age: 21.
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 187cm. (6'13'' last time I checked)
    Weight: 79kg. (174lb)
    Location: Lodz,Poland.
    Sexual Orientation: Hetero.
    Romantic Orientation: ?????
    Relationship status: Single.
    Religious affiliation: Christian.
    Pets: One adult cat, 4 kittehs, one dog, some chickens xP

    Favorite drink: Iced tea.
    Favorite cuisine: Turkish, Mexican.
    Favorite snack: Chips.
    Favorite book: I don't really have one.
    Favorite television series: I don't watch TV series really often, but from current ones it'd be Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    Favorite movie: Terminator/The Matrix series!
    Favorite game: Mass Effect franchise.
    Favorite animal: Wolf
    Favorite music genre: Any, as long as it's good.
    Favorite music artist/band: Miracle of Sound, Sabaton and some others.
    Favorite eye color: I don't have favourite one. Each looks nice on different faces.

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: I consider myself one.
    How long have you been a furry?: For a few years.
    Who/what is your fursona?: A werewolf, named Arclight. Though he doesn't exist yet in other place than my head :p
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: Rather he's somehow like I want to be lol.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes, vahaala, but I only have NSFW favourites there xP

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxers/briefs.
    What do you wear to bed?: Loose pyjama pants and shirt, if it's hot only pants.
    Are you a virgin?: Yep.
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Furries, size difference, lots of fluids.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Being fucked by a werewolf.
    Number of toys you own: 1
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Gryphon/5/Medium/CT/SC , it's my only one too.
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Rather one time at a day.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Not really.
    Do you have any hobbies?: Playing video games.
    What are you afraid of?: Being left all alone, without anybody to talk to.
    What is your best memory?: Vacation at Baltic sea 2 years or so ago. Went with 4 friends, rented a house for 2 weeks. You can imagine what happened there xP
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: No.
    Mac or PC?: PC MASTAH RAEC
    What is your dream job?: The one that nets enough amount of money to make decent living with some luxury involved.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: No. But I've always dreamt of playing on percussion.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: I don't do either.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: USA/England
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Logical and cool.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    DameKathryn and Ajax like this.
  3. blackpaw

    blackpaw Silky smooth paws for sale

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Blackpaw (Michael)
    Age: 32
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 223 lbs.
    Location: Wisconsin
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, furry bisexual
    Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual
    Relationship status: Single
    Religious affiliation: Catholic
    Pets: None at the moment, soon to room with a friend who has a cat. I really want a dog, though.

    Favorite drink: Adult = scotch (16 year Glenlevit), non-Adult = root beer
    Favorite cuisine: Steak, followed closely by mac and cheese
    Favorite snack: Ice cream
    Favorite book: Riftwar Saga (trilogy) by Raymond Feist
    Favorite television series: Currently it is Poirot (BBC series), otherwise Game of Thrones
    Favorite movie: Kung Fu Panda by a long mile!
    Favorite game: World of Warcraft, although Wildstar and some single player ones are starting to win out
    Favorite animal: Wolf
    Favorite music genre: Metal and Rock
    Favorite music artist/band: Alestorm
    Favorite eye color: Green

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Most definitely
    How long have you been a furry?: I think it was about when I was 8 or 9, growing up with anthro cartoons I got very attached to many of them.
    Who/what is your fursona?: My fursona is a black werewolf named Blackpaw. I've always had an affinity for wolves, their intelligence, their pack mentality, and their power and speed (all things I wished for myself).
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: I used to say different, but now I think we're more alike than different.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes, although I'm not an artist. I use the place to look at other talented artists and stay in touch with some friends.

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: I prefer boxer briefs, but I've been wearing more boxers of late.
    What do you wear to bed?: I have a DJ-Pon3 pair of boxers and a Vinyl Scratch t-shirt that I wear to bed.
    Are you a virgin?: Unfortunately yes.
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Furry (duh!), futa, cub (ick for some people), light BDSM, breathplay, voyeur, foot/paw
    Favorite sexual fantasy: It will never come true, but meeting in real life Krystal (Starfox), Lola Bunny, and Babs Bunny and having an insane foursome.
    Number of toys you own: Currently 3, looking to increase.
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Hazel penetrable has been my favorite for a long while now, but Natascha is always nice for a quickie :p
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: I masturbate almost everyday and toy about 2-3 times each week.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Besides furry porn? :p I have restarted collecting stuffed animals, video games, and movies.
    Do you have any hobbies?: Reading philosophy and logic have been my passions, although I've been breaking into understanding law of all kinds. As to an actual hobby though I do build plastic models, ships are my forte.
    What are you afraid of?: I would have to say that I am afraid of rejection mostly, but spiders come in a close second.
    What is your best memory?: The day I received my black belt in martial arts. I had been testing for close to 3 hours in July, sweat covered me, I was bruised, battered, but successful. It was the hardest test of my life and I had passed with flying colors. I was ecstatic!
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes, I do.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: I guess it depends on what you mean by famous. I've met people who are known by others around the world. I've met YouTube celebrities, but never, I think, anyone who would be called "famous" by mainstream. Dear God, I sound like a hipster. "Yeah, I know people that are famous but you've never heard of them." lol
    Mac or PC?: PC master race!
    What is your dream job?: My dream job is actually what I'm currently studying to go into: law
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: I used to play the clarinet and drums. But I've always been a singer.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: I'm a Packers, Badgers, and Brewers fan. I follow a number of hockey teams (no favorites) and basketball isn't my thing. I do love mixed martial arts and boxing.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: I want to be exactly where I am at the moment, but I do hope to one day perhaps live abroad (Italy, Ireland, or Germany).
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Me: Focused Best friend: driven

    Edit: I apparently forgot two sections, fixed now.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    Ajax likes this.
  4. Velixer

    Velixer The Musical Draconic Muse

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Vel
    Age: 22
    Gender: Penis...I mean male
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 155lbs
    Location: Earth
    Sexual Orientation: Whatever I feel like
    Romantic Orientation: Straight
    Relationship status: Taken
    Religious affiliation: Unaffiliated
    Pets: 4 Cats

    Favorite drink: Coffee
    Favorite cuisine: All Food!
    Favorite snack: All Snacks
    Favorite book: Undecided (don't really have a favorite)
    Favorite television series: Undecided
    Favorite movie: None
    Favorite game: None
    Favorite animal: Snakes
    Favorite music genre: ...you're asking a Music major to pick a favorite genre?...*smacks*
    Favorite music artist/band: *le-sigh* Again really? *points above* MUSIC MAJOR!! HELLO!!?!
    Favorite eye color: Blue/Green

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: I guess so?
    How long have you been a furry?: A few years
    Who/what is your fursona?: Velixer, my dragonsona http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7334785/
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: Relatively similar to me.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes http://www.furaffinity.net/user/velixer/

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer Briefs
    What do you wear to bed?: Depends on the weather
    Are you a virgin?: Negatory
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Pet Play and Light-Medium Bondage
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Being the Master of a very obedient Pet~
    Number of toys you own: Between 10 and 15
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: It varies between my penetrables and my med david
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Not often enough >.>

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Rare coins
    Do you have any hobbies?: Not really
    What are you afraid of?: Failure, Falling, Drowning
    What is your best memory?: My first time soloing on my saxophone
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Quite a few people
    Mac or PC?: Either or, gotta use both anyways
    What is your dream job?: Being a musician or a sound engineer
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Yes, I play Bass, Drums, Saxophone, and sing a bit
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: No
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Ireland
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: My word: Bizzare; Their Word: Wonderful
    Ajax likes this.
  5. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Chris/Blinding
    Age: 20, 21 in October
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: ~240ish
    Location: Florida
    Sexual Orientation: Bicurious.
    Romantic Orientation: Straight.
    Relationship status: Single.
    Religious affiliation: None. I don't deny that there might be a higher being, but I choose not to believe there is based upon the hardships that have been placed on me and my family and the logic that those were done as a means of testing character.
    Pets: 2 cats (Jamie and Smudge,) a lab (Allie,) and soon to be a wolfhound. >:D

    Favorite drink: Normal drink? Currently Gatorade. o_o Alcoholic would be Bacardi Gold.
    Favorite cuisine: Red Curry, like holy shit.
    Favorite snack: Pudding, definitely.
    Favorite book: Go Ask Alice
    Favorite television series: Toss up between The Office, House, and Firefly.
    Favorite movie: I'm weird and don't have one.
    Favorite game: Oh god, Halo 2 and League.
    Favorite animal: Otters, they's so adorable.
    Favorite music genre: Hard Rock for the moment.
    Favorite music artist/band: The Killers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Nirvana and (strangely) Eminem are all tied for my favorite right now.
    Favorite eye color: Blue.

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: No.

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer Briefs.
    What do you wear to bed?: Shirt and underwear, occasionally I'll sleep nude.
    Are you a virgin?: Nooooooooope, though I haven't been laid is so long that I'm sure it'll seem like I am.
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Oh boy, rough play, femdom, a little bit of fantasy incest. o_o
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Currently? Having my crush ride me in the passenger seat of my Camaro.
    Number of toys you own: 4.
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: I haven't toyed in a while, so I'm not sure how to answer this.
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: I'll usually fap 5 or so times a week if I'm not busy, if I am then it drops to maybe once or twice.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Pokemon Cards, since I lost my childhood collection and have been passive aggressively collecting since.
    Do you have any hobbies?: Writing, gaming, hockey.
    What are you afraid of?: Being easily replaced.
    What is your best memory?: My first kiss.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Not that I'm aware of.
    Mac or PC?: PC, why isn't Linux an option tho?
    What is your dream job?: UI Design lead at Bungie.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Re-learning guitar.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Hockey. lol This year it looks like my favorite is going to be the San Jose Sharks.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: South Korea, for sure.
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Mine: Confident. Theirs: Intelligent.
    DameKathryn and Ajax like this.
  6. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 1''
    Weight: 110 (all muscle >D)
    Location: New York (the outdoorsy, woods part of it, NOT the city!!)
    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
    Romantic Orientation: I don't even know what that means.
    Relationship status: Taken
    Religious affiliation: None. Or science because...facts.
    Pets: German Shepherd named Apollo and a Betta fish named Elden

    Favorite drink: Loganberry
    Favorite cuisine: Sushi
    Favorite snack: Carrots with ranch
    Favorite book: One Door Away From Heaven by Dean Koontz
    Favorite television series: N/A - I don't like TV
    Favorite movie: Animated: All Dogs Go To Heaven; Non animated: Requiem For A Dream
    Favorite game: Sims 2
    Favorite animal: Orca
    Favorite music genre: Classic rock, or rock with a folky or blues influence.
    Favorite music artist/band: The Grateful Dead
    Favorite eye color: I can never say no to brown eyes.

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Yeah
    How long have you been a furry?: Techinally, I've loved anthropomorphic animals since I was a small child, but I didn't know about or identify with the fandom until about 5 years ago.
    Who/what is your fursona?: Alien german shepherd/Hazardhound
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: She represents myself, but isn't necessarily me. As in: I sometimes talk about her as though she is a separate being, but she shares the same feelings and traits as me.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yep.

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: G strings when I'm not on the rag, but f I'm bleeding, then it's just normal panties.
    What do you wear to bed?: T shirt and underwear, or just underwear.
    Are you a virgin?: No.
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Size difference, alien abduction, being forced, role playing.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: There's a lot.
    Number of toys you own: 10
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Medium 5 Elden
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Not very often anymore since I have regular sex with my boyfriend

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?:
    Orca stuff
    Do you have any hobbies?: Art
    What are you afraid of?: LOL everything.
    What is your best memory?: Nostalgic thoughts are my favorites, but they also make me depressed.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Sorta, but not really. You can never completely know a person at face value.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Yeah.
    Mac or PC?: PC
    What is your dream job?: Children's book illustrator
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: No
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Ewsports
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Virginia.
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: ...
    DameKathryn and Ajax like this.
  7. RenascentBeing

    RenascentBeing Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Ren/Rena/Renny/whatever the hell you want but you're not getting my real name. Sorry XD
    Age: 24.
    Gender: Cis-female.
    Height: In the low 5 feet.
    Weight: In the 150's pound-wise.
    Location: Netherlands.
    Sexual Orientation: Straight.
    Romantic Orientation: Straight.
    Relationship status: Single.
    Religious affiliation: Dictionary atheist.
    Pets: One itty bitty kitty cat :3

    Favorite drink: Geez, you want me to CHOOSE? Soy milk. If I have to pick one forever.
    Favorite cuisine: Noodles, shrimp and crispy veggies with ALL THE LEMONGRASS.
    Favorite snack: This mix of dried cranberries, raisins and coconut.
    Favorite book: Another one of those. Alright then, 'Unlikely Disciple' by Kevin Roose.
    Favorite television series: Oh, this one's easy. Game of Thrones, hands down.
    Favorite movie: The Station Agent, another easy one.
    Favorite game: Sims 3.
    Favorite animal: Cats.
    Favorite music genre: Progrock and progmetal, though I have a special love for swing music, too.
    Favorite music artist/band: Ayreon, Dream Theater, Kamelot, Avantasia, that scene.
    Favorite eye color: Anything that stands out.

    Furry Questions
    Kind of not applicable. Shout out to all the furries, though.

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: As comfy as possible. Usually with lace edges to make it a bit more appealing.
    What do you wear to bed?: Nothing, if I can help it. On my period I will wear undies, and when it's cold I just tack on more plaids so I can still sleep nekkid.
    Are you a virgin?: Yes.
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: My sexual imagination is pretty vanilla, but then again, I haven't been in any sexual relationships that could have shaped my sexuality a bit.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Bookkeeper to a certain favourite character catches her Lord's eye? God, that sounds cheesy romance novelly, but there you go. I will go get the dunce cap myself.
    Number of toys you own: Probably in the 20's or 30's.
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Swan vibe and VixSkin Maverick.
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: 2/3 times a week? But when I get on a roll it can be 5 times in 4 days.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Dicks, obviously, but not much else, aside from that. I used to collect Pokémon cards, gemstones, notebooks and other stuff, but I'm trying to simplify the past few years.
    Do you have any hobbies?: Writing, reading, listening to music, watching movies and documentaries and stuff, chasing my cat around when she's being an unguided projectile, good food, toying obvs, and travelling.
    What are you afraid of?: Stinging insects, footballs, and medical procedures in general.
    What is your best memory?: Oh wow, that's one of those questions that I can't think of answer to. Getting my own house, and looking back on my adolescent years, full of anxiety and depression is pretty damn awesome. I thought I would end up in the gutter but here I was, happy and confident and striking out on my own, with my parents at my back in case I made a newbie adult fuckup. That was pretty sweet.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Lust at first sight, of course, but love is more deliberate and comes on more slowly, I think.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Does Arjen Lucassen count? I think it does. I cracked a joke and he got it.
    Mac or PC?: PC, but only because I grew up with it and I have an autistic aversion to change.
    What is your dream job?: Typist or chocolate taster.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Nope, not a musical bone in my body. I ought to go fuck a singer.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Not a sports fan either.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Iceland! Cool weather, gorgeous landscape, liberal culture, too bad alcohol is so damn expensive there.
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Solitary / Kind. In other words, I'm usually reserved and my social circle is small. But if you're in it, people think I'm kind :)
    DameKathryn and Ajax like this.
  8. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Reptile
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
    Sexual Orientation: Sexual
    Romantic Orientation: N/A
    Relationship status: On me own
    Religious affiliation: Agnostic
    Pets: Chowder Collie and Chihuahua

    Favorite drink: Water
    Favorite cuisine: Ribeye
    Favorite snack: Dried fruit & nuts
    Favorite book: Hunchback of Notre Dame
    Favorite television series: Sons Of Anarchy
    Favorite movie: Stuart: A Life Backwards
    Favorite game: A link to the Past
    Favorite animal: Hawk
    Favorite music genre: Progressive Metal
    Favorite music artist/band: Tool, Meshuggah
    Favorite eye color: Dark

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Not particularly, the porn is sexy though
    How long have you been a furry?: N/A
    Who/what is your fursona?: N/A
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completelydifferent from you?: N/A
    Are you on FurAffinity?: No

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer Briefs or none
    What do you wear to bed?: T-shirt and pajama pants/gym shorts
    Are you a virgin?: No
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Pegging, Blood letting/Vampire Play, Pain
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Being abducted by a coven of kinky Vampires
    Number of toys you own: 3
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Just a standard dildo for legit toys, I'm fond of putting uncommon things inside myself
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: once every day/two days on average, sometimes not for several weeks, once 15 times over the course of a single day

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Knives, Comic Books
    Do you have any hobbies?: Comics, Drawing, camoing, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, disk golf, pool, fucking
    What are you afraid of?: Heaven >.>
    What is your best memory?: Adopting my dog
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Zach De La Rocha
    Mac or PC?: PC
    What is your dream job?: Comic Book Artist
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: No
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Disk Golf, can't stand watching sports
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Brazil
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Bizzare/I'm alone right now lol
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    Ajax likes this.
  9. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Murphy
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 233
    Location: Central Florida
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Romantic Orientation: Mostly Heterosexual, but there's always a chance
    Relationship status: Single
    Religious affiliation: Atheist
    Pets: We're supposed to have a cat, but he keeps running away, little bastard.

    Favorite drink: Coffee
    Favorite cuisine: I like sushi.
    Favorite snack: Fruit
    Favorite book: "Strangers" by Dean Koontz
    Favorite television series: Lots! I like Dr. Who, Mythbusters, NCIS, Top Gear and a few others.
    Favorite movie: Don't have one
    Favorite game: Pokemon games are pretty awesome.
    Favorite animal: Penguins
    Favorite music genre: Classic rock
    Favorite music artist/band: don't have a fave
    Favorite eye color: Green eyes are cool!

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Hell yes
    How long have you been a furry?: Since I was about 15-16 maybe?
    Who/what is your fursona?: Murphy!
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: He's supposed to be me.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes, same name there as here!

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Uhhh.. *looks* boxer briefs... right now they're grey
    What do you wear to bed?: Usually just undies, and maybe sleep shorts.
    Are you a virgin?: Yeah
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Casual sex has always seemed really hot to me
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Don't necessarily have a favorite, but being dragged somewhere semi-public to be defiled by an attractive friend would be really really nice x///x
    Number of toys you own: Just my Icedragon
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Icedragon, obviously
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Masturbate? Pff, multiple times a day. Toying though is whenever I get a chance, which is NOT very often.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: I love stuffed toy raccoons!
    Do you have any hobbies?: Nope. ono
    What are you afraid of?: Being dead... not dying or death... the concept of not existing terrifies the fuck out of me.
    What is your best memory?: Iunno
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yeah, but it's really unhealthy and turns into cancer :3 (is it obvious it's happened to me before?)
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Uhhh... define famous.
    Mac or PC?: PC
    What is your dream job?: I dunno.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: No.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Nope.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Uh... I dunno. o3o
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Mine was grounded, the other person's was earnest.
    Ajax likes this.
  10. othersounds

    othersounds Guest

    Name/Alias: othersounds / M
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Height: 189 cm
    Weight: About 75 kg
    Location: Sweden
    Sexual Orientation: Curious
    Romantic Orientation: -
    Relationship status: Single
    Religious affiliation: Atheist
    Pets: None

    Favorite drink: Water and beer
    Favorite cuisine: Pasta Carbonara
    Favorite snack: Potato chips
    Favorite book: The Lord of The Rings / The Silmarillion
    Favorite television series: Breaking Bad
    Favorite movie: The Lord of The Rings trilogy
    Favorite game: The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
    Favorite animal: Panda
    Favorite music genre: Post-rock/Instrumental rock
    Favorite music artist/band: Tie between Jakob and The Saddest Landscape
    Favorite eye color: Blue

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: No
    How long have you been a furry?: -
    Who/what is your fursona?: -
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: -
    Are you on FurAffinity?: No

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxers
    What do you wear to bed?: Just underwear
    Are you a virgin?: No
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: -
    Favorite sexual fantasy: -
    Number of toys you own: One BD toy and seven non-fantasy toys
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: All of them
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: It varies greatly

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: I like vinyl records. I only buy them to support the bands I like though, I don't really collect various records.
    Do you have any hobbies?: I enjoy drawing and reading, mostly drawing.
    What are you afraid of?: Many things
    What is your best memory?: -
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Does Andy Maddox from The Saddest Landscape count?
    Mac or PC?: Mac
    What is your dream job?: Whatever I enjoy doing and where I don't mind being
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: No
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Definitely not
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: That's a though one
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Introverted
    Ajax likes this.
  11. gerbilfluff

    gerbilfluff .

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Name/Alias: Jonathan / Gerbil

    Age: 33 (I'll look like I'm 14 forever)

    Gender: Androgyne, or M if I have to check one box or the other

    Height: 5.5"

    Weight: 180something

    Location: Twin Cities, MN, USA

    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

    Romantic Orientation: I don't really do romance.

    Relationship status: Taken, but free to wander

    Religious affiliation: Agnostic

    Pets: Two chinchillas, Squish and Grump


    Favorite drink: Diet Coke. Lots and lots of it. If I can get it with raspberry flavoring, I will never leave the refill counter.

    Favorite cuisine: Fast food with no sauces or toppings

    Favorite snack: Chocolate biscuits, anything with cinnamon sugar

    Favorite book: The Phantom Tollbooth

    Favorite television series: hnn. Toss-up between Batman: the Animated Series, Invader ZIM, and Freakazoid!.

    Favorite movie: "Wreck-It Ralph." Currently. That'll change every once in a while.

    Favorite game: Animal Crossing: New Leaf OR Pokemon SoulSilver

    Favorite animal: sea anemone, followed *very* closely by chinchilla

    Favorite music genre: Soundtrack scores

    Favorite music artist/band: Danny Elfman / Pink Floyd

    Favorite eye color: Burst blood vessel, when the injury's not serious

    Furry Questions

    Are you a furry?: More of a furry fan than a furry.

    How long have you been a furry?: I watched "Meet the Feebles" when I was (probably too) young. It blew my little mind and woke up my genitals in one fell swoop.

    Who/what is your fursona?: A non-humanoid cartoony chinchilla wearing a sea anemone as a hat.

    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: S'all me.

    Are you on FurAffinity?: Maybe? I can't remember. Shows how active I am there, if I am.

    Personal Questions

    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer briefs

    What do you wear to bed?: Usually my partner's white undershirt and socks.

    Are you a virgin?: haha noooope.

    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Suits, glasses, facial hair, gas masks, watching other guys piss, the sounds people make when they're scared/about to come/both

    Favorite sexual fantasy: Pissing at a urinal, and the guy the next one over smiles and starts jerkin' it

    Number of toys you own: 10, I think. The number's about to double any day now.

    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: I tend to keep my toys mostly as art pieces, to be honest. I can only get off rubbing up against soft stuff-- blankets, fluffy clothes, etc. There's a super-fluffy pink blanket that's my usual go-to equipment. It's like getting blown by a cloud.

    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Couple times a week. My sex drive's next to nil thanks to some medications I'm on. [shrug] Sad but true.

    Other Questions

    Do you collect anything?: hahaha. Okay. Mostly a mini-museum/bonsai garden of Pokemon merchandise, but also any action figures I can pose into something fun, custom plush, Japanese doujinshi (fancomics-- 90% of mine are porn), and gorgeous monster dongs.

    Do you have any hobbies?: I sporadically run a webcomic called Cordyceps Tickles! over at http://itsonyourheadnow.com/

    What are you afraid of?: Thinking about how big things can be, like oceans, or moons and planets. (Shivering right now, brr.) Having a psychotic break I never come back from. Not being thought of as funny or smart.

    What is your best memory?: Happiest memory would have to be my thirtieth birthday party when everyone I knew was there laughing together and signing a giant sheet of cardstock as my birthday card, but best? That'd be the time I got two dozen or so (small, heh) eggs laid in my ass by a friend who makes an awfully great mad doctor, after a whole day cosplaying and having fun at Anime Boston.

    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Sure, why not. Nothing's impossible. Just really, really improbable.

    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Jhonen Vasquez? Garrison Keillor? Do they count?

    Mac or PC?: I've got a Mac, but I'm not a snob about 'em.

    What is your dream job?: I'm at it right now! Proofreader. (Slow day today.)

    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Was raised as an oboe prodigy. Eventually learned English horn, three kinds of saxophones, and played/sang competitively all across Europe and at the Kennedy Center. Gave it all up after college 'cause I never actually enjoyed it in the first place.

    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Nah, not really my bag.

    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: London. Been there three times now. Loved it every time.

    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Whimsical, and according to my partner, "weird." Fair enough. :3
    Grimmyr and Ajax like this.
  12. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Kate or Dame.
    Age: 24 as of 11/28
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 220lbs.
    Location: Cincinnati, OH (West Side)
    Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible
    Romantic Orientation: -
    Relationship status: Taken
    Religious affiliation: [Agnostic] Christian Universalist
    Pets: CATS AND RATS (Sophie, Lawrence, Christian, Odin, Anabel, Rosalie, Maurice, & Japser). RIP Frankenstein

    Favorite drink: Indian Spiced Chai
    Favorite cuisine: Indian
    Favorite snack: Cheez-its
    Favorite book: I love regency and medieval romance novels.
    Favorite television series: Supernatural, Psyche, and/or Orange is the New Black
    Favorite movie: I'll say The Expendables series but I love a LOT of movies, especially 80's Action movies.
    Favorite game: Tabletop - Magic: The Gathering; Console - Dragon Age, Skylanders, Assassins Creed II, Defense Grid
    Favorite animal: Red Pandas, Cats, and Unicorns
    Favorite music genre: I consistently like pop regardless of my mood, but I'll listen to everything from R&B to country depending on my mood.
    Favorite music artist/band: Rage Against the Machine
    Favorite eye color: Hazel

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Sort of. I prefer human porn to furry porn, but I don't mind furry porn; I really like the clean anthro art. I have no interest in fur-suiting and think of murr-suiting as a huge turn-off. I have a small collection of characters, and 3 'sonas. I don't really think of the fursonas as my "true form" or anything like that, I just think they're cute and I imagine them as having aspects of my personality.
    How long have you been a furry?: If you even consider me a furry, only about a year or two.
    Who/what is your fursona?: I have three, as I said. Dame, Kasia, & Valarie. Kasia is my little/babygirl half, while Dame is an adventurer, and my angry wannabe-badass half, Valarie is the balance between the two.
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: I have two distinct sides to myself, which are seperately represented by Kasia and Dame, while Valarie is closer to the real me, and has the aspects of both sides combined.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Whatever I grab first. I usually think bikini underwear is the most comfortable but I wear thongs when I don't want underwear lines to show.
    What do you wear to bed?: Nothing(ish)
    Are you a virgin?: Nope
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Tickling, Piercings, Tattoos, Watersports, Bondage/Being Restrained, Domination, Spanking, Brother/Sister Roleplay.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: My most prominent fantasies are having an older step-brother with whom I have sexual relations, and alternatively to have my Daddy(Dom) drag me to the bathroom and mark me as his.
    Number of toys you own: 33 Bad Dragon, 1 Beast Lab, 1 Damn Average, 2 Exotic Erotics, 2 Frisky Beast, 4 Tantus, 2 Impact Toys, and some glass, vibrators, and other restraints (and such).
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Medium Crackers :3
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Oh God not enough. I haven't been horny very often while I have the free time to do it. I make up for it by using multiple toys at a time when I do :3

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Toys and cats
    Do you have any hobbies?: I occassionally play MTG, and I have been known to dabble in video games. I don't really consider either to be a hobby, however.
    What are you afraid of?: Ants and certain small insects, sudden movements, sudden loud noises, tornadoes, loud thunderstorms, certain breeds of dogs.
    What is your best memory?: I don't know that I have a particular one. I know that meeting Kranix in person the first time was... very special.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: I certainly believe in lust at first sight. I believe in people clicking immediately, but not love at first sight.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: ...Not that I remember
    Mac or PC?: PC, although I can appreciate a high-end Mac.
    What is your dream job?: I have no idea, but I think I found something I wouldn't mind doing the rest of my life.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: In school I played the French Horn, which lead to the Mellophone in marching band. I also could play the Trumpet pretty well, and I played Cymbals in indoor drumline. I also think of myself as a fairly good singer, but I would never do it for an audience.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: I don't really watch sports, but when asked to pick teams, I'll list any of the following: Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, and/or Cincinnati Reds.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: It would be right where I am.
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Myself in a single word is STUBBORN. According to Boyfriend it's PASSIONATE.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
    Grimmyr, vahaala and Ajax like this.
  13. Willow

    Willow Slut and proud!

    Aug 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Willow
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male to female transsexual
    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 110 lbs (last I checked)
    Location: Las Vegas
    Sexual Orientation: Sex-sexual (I made that word up, I'm attracted to sex itself)
    Romantic Orientation: Probably woman, but I prefer being... (see below)
    Relationship status: Single
    Religious affiliation: Wiccan
    Pets: 1 cat (cohabitates with a dog)

    Favorite drink: Non alocoholic: Strawbery Crush Soda in a glass bottle. Alcohol: Daiquiri
    Favorite cuisine: Italian I suppose
    Favorite snack: Nachos (and none of the processed liiquid cheese- I make mine by hand)
    Favorite book: You never know unless your books are in front of you (packed away) Darkside Zodiac is a funny read.
    Favorite television series: Doctor Who
    Favorite movie (this may change later) X-men: Days of Future Past
    Favorite game: (subject to change) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
    Favorite animal: Wolf
    Favorite eye color: Green

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Yes.
    How long have you been a furry?: Longer than I can remember
    Who/what is your fursona?: Canis Rufus also known as a red wolf
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: Different but similar traits and likes.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: No

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Regular panties, but thongs on special occasions
    What do you wear to bed?: Nothing or just panties and loose top
    Are you a virgin?: No
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Top fetish is to bathe in cum
    Favorite sexual fantasy: To have many people to bathe me in their cum :LOL: Gangbang
    Number of toys you own: 5 dildo + 1 more of the way. + other non-dildos
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Chance (fpr the time being... may change to the new one coming)
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: At least twice a day. Feels good, man

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Soda can poptabs (with the little metal circle piece where it attach to the top intact), Pennies
    Do you have any hobbies?: Gaming
    What are you afraid of?: Certain insects and losng my motor skills
    What is your best memory?: Mt cats sister exert her dominance over her brother by bopping him on the head if he ate before her
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: No, I believe in attraction at first sight.
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Antonio Banderas
    Mac or PC?: PC
    What is your dream job?: Porn Star
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Used to play the violin... now just the skin flute
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Unique. Creative.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
    Ajax likes this.
  14. Hybrid88

    Hybrid88 Underwear Bulge Lover

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Bill/Hybrid

    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 315 lbs
    Location: Lafayette, IN
    Sexual Orientation: Gay
    Romantic Orientation:
    Relationship status: Single

    Religious affiliation: Atheist
    Pets: None

    Favorite drink: Root Beer

    Favorite cuisine: Mexican Food
    Favorite snack: Chips & Salsa
    Favorite book: Harry Potter Series
    Favorite television series: HIMYM
    Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
    Favorite game: Mass Effect Series
    Favorite animal: Cats
    Favorite music genre: Rock/Metal
    Favorite music artist/band: Rush
    Favorite eye color: Blue

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Yes
    How long have you been a furry?: 5 years
    Who/what is your fursona?: Hybrid the Blue Dragon
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: Extension
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes

    Personal Questions

    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer Briefs
    What do you wear to bed?: Underwear and T-Shirt
    Are you a virgin?: Yes
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Toys
    Favorite sexual fantasy:
    Number of toys you own: 6 BD/1 Other

    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: Kelvin
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Every day/About once a week

    Other Questions

    Do you collect anything?: Toys/Video Games
    Do you have any hobbies?: Video Games
    What are you afraid of?: Public Speeches
    What is your best memory?: Finally coming out to my family and friends.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Seen some, never met
    Mac or PC?: PC
    What is your dream job?: Any job I don't deal with customers
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Trying to learn bass guitar. I sing Karaoke
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: American Football/Indianapolis Colts
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Tokyo
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Relaxed/TBA
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
  15. Steel

    Steel Active Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Shawn/Steel
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 255
    Location: Moultrie, GA
    Relationship status: Single
    Pets: 2 Cats, 1 Dog

    Favorite drink: Diet Mountain Dew
    Favorite cuisine: Lasagna
    Favorite snack: Chocolate peanut butter pop-tarts
    Favorite book: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
    Favorite television series: Wheel of Fortune
    Favorite movie: Princess Mononoke
    Favorite game: Mario Kart
    Favorite animal: Tiger
    Favorite music genre: Rock
    Favorite music artist/band: Finger Eleven
    Favorite eye color: Brown

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer, briefs, boxer-briefs, bikini
    What do you wear to bed?: Underwear
    Number of toys you own: 0
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Weekly

    Other Questions
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: No
    Mac or PC?: PC
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Japan
  16. Bluehorizon10

    Bluehorizon10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Bluehorizon(Blue)
    Height:6' 3"
    Sexual Orientation: Straight (with few exceptions)
    Romantic Orientation: I like women, herms and subs. (who doesn't like a good sandwich)
    Relationship status: Single (With RP mates)
    Religious affiliation: Baptist but not really observing.
    Pets: None T_T (unless you include my mates ~///^)

    Favorite drink: Tea
    Favorite cuisine: A large plate of nachos!
    Favorite snack: Cookies!
    Favorite book: The Hobbit
    Favorite television series: Breaking Bad
    Favorite movie: Die Buster
    Favorite game: Metal Gear Series
    Favorite animal: Dragon
    Favorite music genre: Techno (Trance, House)
    Favorite music artist/band: DJ Tiesto
    Favorite eye color: Any (Glow in the dark if it existed)

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: I don't consider myself one.
    How long have you been a furry?: RP'd for 4 years
    Who/what is your fursona?: I RP as a demon wolf, Anthro shark and a few others.
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: All are an extension of a side of me
    Are you on FurAffinity?: No

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Boxer briefs (freedom and support!)
    What do you wear to bed?: Nothing
    Are you a virgin?: No
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Boobs, midriff, butt, Tomb boys, Dom women.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Being found in the morning, tired and half asleep being taken advantage of till I orgasm.
    Number of toys you own: 2 (soon to be 4!)
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: My Cock Sheath. (easiest to clean)
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Several times a week.

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: steins, chalaces, mugs, swords, armor.
    Do you have any hobbies?: Music, sword fighting.
    What are you afraid of?:
    What is your best memory?: A girl I had a crush on hugged me aggressively from behind and cutely said "How are you?" (Heaven)
    Do you believe in love at first sight?:
    Have you ever met anyone famous?:
    Mac or PC?:
    What is your dream job?: Video games, or Otaku Jov
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: 4 and I can sing.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: I watch college Basketball and the finals of Football/ Baseball/ Hockey and Soccer.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: (Aside from japan) Switzerland
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Strength/ Optomistic
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
  17. uk2008

    uk2008 Guest

    Name/Alias: uk2008 (will give people first name once I know them)
    Age: 23
    Gender: male
    Height: 5f 10"
    Weight: 12 stone ish
    Location: N/E England
    Sexual Orientation: bi - curious
    Romantic Orientation: straight
    Relationship status: in a relationship (if that's what I can call it)
    Religious affiliation: non
    Pets: 2 cats (have had upto 4 cats / a dog and two cats)

    Favorite drink: cider / single malt wiskey
    Favorite cuisine: steak or venison
    Favorite snack: sweets
    Favorite book: ha pepple think I read
    Favorite television series: big bang theory
    Favorite movie: Spirited away
    Favorite game: muppets race mania
    Favorite animal: white siberian Tiger
    Favorite music genre: rock/metal
    Favorite music artist/band: rise Against
    Favorite eye color: Err blue (but no real preferences)

    Furry Questions

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: boxers
    What do you wear to bed?: non
    Are you a virgin?: no
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Err creampies, deep throat (receiving) piss ( at times) light bondage, being fucked by partner with toys, sloppy / wet kissing, lube play.
    Favorite sexual fantasy: having a gay experience where I can try everything
    Number of toys you own: 3
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: my love skin 1.5" diameter toy with bd cock sheeth over it
    How often do you masturbate/toy?:nearly daily

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: no
    Do you have any hobbies?: had paintball which I had to stop due to funding
    What are you afraid of?: loneliness
    What is your best memory?: losing my virginity / closing out a close paintball game
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: sort of
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: yes (a politician, guy Martin, few members of Crossfaith)
    Mac or PC?: pc
    What is your dream job?: paintball I would think
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: no :(
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: f1 at the moment Mercedes
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: I like where I live I've never reli travelled much so couldn't say
    Describe yourself in a single word, then some one else. : me dunno
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2014
    Ajax likes this.
  18. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Poster Nutbag. My real name is Thomas III (Only my parents have ever called me that though)
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 150 lbs.
    Location: Winnipeg, Canada
    Sexual Orientation: Gay (for the most part)
    Romantic Orientation: Gay (for the most part)
    Relationship status: Single
    Religious affiliation: None
    Pets: 1 Shared house cat

    Favorite drink: Gin and Campari
    Favorite cuisine: Fine Italian
    Favorite snack: Peanuts or Fruit
    Favorite book: Living Dinosaurs, The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds
    Favorite television series: Boardwalk Empire
    Favorite movie: A short film called Empty Room
    Favorite game: Hmmmmm…. Hard to pick one.
    Favorite animal: Birds of all sorts
    Favorite music genre: Jam, Live Electronic
    Favorite music artist/band: Phish!

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Nope

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: Really tight spandex things that I call Nut-huggers
    What do you wear to bed?: Just a shirt
    Are you a virgin?: Nope
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: Intoxicated/Mind altered sex (all I've had :p)
    Favorite sexual fantasy: Meh, they change….
    Number of toys you own: 5
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: My Winston is a must for every session. Luka is a new fav.
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: Every second/third day

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Heavy Metal Magazine
    Do you have any hobbies?: I used to be a tour head
    What are you afraid of?: Needles/sharp sticking objects and bees
    What is your best memory?: Being a part of the "Banana Parade" at Bonaroo 2012
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: Several musicians (I used to work at a local concert venue)
    Mac or PC?: I use a Mac
    What is your dream job?: Unsure
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: Play Bass quite well, some guitar and piano, know how to use several synths/DAWs, not a very good singer, but I do anyways.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Hockey, and I gotta cheer for my hometown Jets
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Not really sure
    Ajax likes this.
  19. KWolf

    KWolf New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Kevin Wolf
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6' 1" / 1.85 m
    Weight: 91 Kg
    Pets: None

    Favorite drink: Coke.
    Favorite television series: I don't watch TV, but for shows I enjoy tokusatsus and some animes.
    Favorite game: Mass Effect, Pokemon, Bioshock, Watch Dogs, World Of Tanks, PlanetSide 2.
    Favorite animal: Wolfs and Dogs.
    Favorite music genre: EDM, mainly Trance and DnB, Classical and OSTs.
    Favorite music artist/band: Marcus Schulz, Deadmau5, Hans Zimmer, Kyle Landry, many others.

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: Yes.
    How long have you been a furry?: I don't exactly but I think it's about 8 years.
    Who/what is your fursona?: White wolf with amber eyes.
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: An extension.
    Are you on FurAffinity?: Yes, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shareaz/ .

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: Synths.
    Do you have any hobbies?: I'm usually programming, doing music stuff and sometimes photography.
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope.
    Mac or PC?: PC for sure!
    What is your dream job?: Being a great musician.
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: I do play piano for 6 years and I can sing, but I don't find my voice really good.
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: Nope.
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Canada or Japan (if I knew enough japanese xD)
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: Smart and Friendly.
    Ajax likes this.
  20. Keely

    Keely The Happy Helpful Husky

    Aug 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name/Alias: Keely!
    Age: 21
    Gender: Genderfluid!!!
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: Don't own a scale but I'm a chub chub
    Location: Seattlish, WA
    Sexual Orientation: demi-pansexual
    Romantic Orientation: demi-panromantic
    Relationship status: Taken in a monogamous relationship
    Religious affiliation: hell no
    Pets: doggy and hell beast (cat)

    Favorite drink: uuuuh mountain dew and POG
    Favorite cuisine: prime rib and mashed potatoes, pizza, and spaghetti
    Favorite snack: strawberries, carrots, and cheese its!
    Favorite book: can't decide, too many
    Favorite television series: can't decide, too many
    Favorite movie: can't decide, too many
    Favorite game: pokemon, kingodom hearts, rayman, epic mickey, animal crossing
    Favorite animal: goats!, dragons, octopi, lizzards and snakes, fluffy things, horses, loots of othe things
    Favorite music genre: god probably folk, symphonic metal, pirate metal, and dubstep
    Favorite music artist/band: I hate you
    Favorite eye color: don't care

    Furry Questions
    Are you a furry?: yup!
    How long have you been a furry?: siiiince 2009ish?
    Who/what is your fursona?: my pink husky
    Is your fursona an extension of yourself or completely different from you?: extension
    Are you on FurAffinity?: yes

    Personal Questions
    What kind of underwear do you wear?: whatever I want, from boxer briefs to lacy thongs
    What do you wear to bed?: nothing is preferable, other than that comfy underwear and a big tshirt
    Are you a virgin?: nope
    Favorite kinks/fetishes: too many can't answer
    Favorite sexual fantasy: too many can't answer
    Number of toys you own: close to 100 but always fluctuating
    Which toy do you always tend to go back to?: my horses, my dogs, and my missing link
    How often do you masturbate/toy?: probably a couple times a week but it varies greatly

    Other Questions
    Do you collect anything?: dicks
    Do you have any hobbies?: dicks, drawing, beading, educating
    What are you afraid of?: spiders, abandonment, lots of other things as dictated by my anxiety
    What is your best memory?: frack i dunno!
    Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
    Have you ever met anyone famous?: depends on what you classify as famous
    Mac or PC?: mac
    What is your dream job?: forensic anthropologist or marine veterinarian
    Do you play any instruments or sing?: I play violin and sing
    Do you play or watch any sports? Your favorite team?: I used to do ballet and swim competitively. Seattle Seahawks <3
    If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Farm near where I live now but a place that is completely sustainable and stuff.
    Describe yourself in a single word, then ask someone else to describe you in a single word. What are they?: me: weird/them: cute
    SnowLycan and DameKathryn like this.

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