Is radical feminism ruining multiple generations?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by logitech, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. logitech

    logitech dis my jam

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Firstly, let me be clear that the feminism in question is the camp who is not out for equality, but total domination. This is also not a "I told you so" or crybaby scenario to try and make it seem like men have it bad too. I agree with the concept of true feminism. Not the idea that all men are rapist pigs because of the actions of a few twisted individuals. /disclaimer

    I stumbled across his article which somewhat nicely puts into words what I've been thinking for quite some time now:


    Removing the middle portion which blames the over-medication of our youth on a feminist campaign to make them behave in accordance to the "gold standard" set by girls of the same age groups, the remainder of the article brings to light many of the societal changes that have been brought about and subsequently fostered by radical feminism.

    I have experienced, on several occasions, the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenarios where I was uncomfortable in trying to proceed with any kind of social mingling with the opposite sex due to the possibility that I would later be ridiculed because my casual advances were deemed to be "sexist" and "misogynist" in nature.

    A couple other people whom I shared this article with both latched onto the same paragraph:
    "I can tell you as a heterosexual married male in management, who didn’t drop out of society, the message from the chicks is: 'It's not just preferable that you should fuck off, but imperative. You must pay for everything and make everything work; but you yourself and your preferences and needs can fuck off and die.'"

    The real kicker? Both of them were women and acknowledged that exact behavior going on with some of their peers.

    So, taking the article with a grain of salt (since I don't agree with all its ideas, but do agree with its overall message) what say you?

    Be polite, be informed.
    RedVixenFur likes this.
  2. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    omg lol I just made a thread talking about that exact article , spoooky
  3. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    It seems to me society is prone to swinging between extremes and can't stay at a happy medium at all.
    "oh? too much male domination, lets fix it with female domination rather than zero domination"
    RedVixenFur likes this.
  4. logitech

    logitech dis my jam

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah, but unfortunately the "tactical nuke" approach is always the one that gets the most attention. Gotta get those ratings!
  5. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I'm all up for some female domination, AMIRITE?! :p Sorry...

    In all seriousness though, I'm not going to comment on the article because I'll have a hard time doing so without completely exploding into an expletive laced rant.

    Succinctly put, to me, it seems that the traditionally masculine side of society is beginning to realise that the feminine side is gaining more power towards true and individualistic equality than they're used to, and it isn't going down well, coming across from their perspective as being overbearing.
    venterkh, Star2, Packagedgore and 2 others like this.
  6. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    My opinion may not be popular but here it is. I feel that society is trying to enforce a divide between the sexes. I feel that most men will agree that women have men beaten on multiple categories.

    I have three issues to discuss.

    My first issue is that men are taught that should be: hard, callus, and calculating. We are to be conquerors and women are the prizes. Those that know, that know this notion is bullshit are often loners because they have no road map to approach the opposite sex. Due to pop culture they slide into despair because they are not the chosen ones and are often shown as unworthy of affection. This is pop culture not catching up with society completely. The popular kids are still shown as the "beautiful people" while there is still a disconnect from "BP" and the rest of the young crowd. The average male has no model on how to approach women: jocks=idiots, nerds=uncool, shy=ugly. Where does the average boy fall in to?

    My second issue is that women are taught at a young age that their "virtue" (yes I will keep refer this in quotes), is under constant attack, and all advances towards them are to take their "virtue" away. It might not hurt for young girls to think maybe a boy just wants to know you and may in fact might believe that you could a friend. There are a few girls that actual understand what sex is and try to experience at a young age are ostracized. This makes no since; that women are being taught they are on the defense when comes to relationships and if they are the aggressor they are black-labeled. Why can't the girl be fun and friendly without being cast out?

    My third issue what is with the still existent 'double standard'. I would have hoped that society would have thrown this notion out but nope. If a man has sex with 100 women he is praised for his abilities but if a woman has sex with 100 men she is seen as unclean. I believe this is the problem the 'double standard' men will always be praised for conquests and women will praised for "virtue". Why in modern times do we as a society allow an archaic notion exist?

    Yes I see that feminism has changed society but not always in the better. We as a society are becoming more aware of the consequences of policies and have to be more understanding on how laws are written and upheld. The issue is that the old guard of what are the elites are being thrown out and no model is being created to show how the modern male should be. There are examples of the modern female; confident, strong, independent. I cannot think of the modern male; male confidence is now boorish behavior, males having strong personalities are now considered rude, and male independence has never been in question even though some still can barely clothe themselves. There is no defined line of how males should act and that is where feminism fails it cuddles the young girls to be the modern woman, but they yet to define what is to be the modern man.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
    GuyStripes, MurphyAlter and Misskin like this.
  7. Black-Cat

    Black-Cat Old BD Lurker

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yes, feminazis are ruining everything for EVERYONE.
  8. Wolfcat

    Wolfcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    To me, that article (linked in OP) hits the nail on the head for the most part. At least, I feel I can relate to the average low-income, low/no education, male referred to in the article (as far as relationships go. Thankfully not abusing substances to cope.) For the longest time, perhaps subconsciously, I actually believed that men expressing sexual interest was a bad thing. Thankfully I've past that notion, but damage has already been done.
  9. flapper72

    flapper72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    In my mind feminists are crazy people that want women to dominate and women's rights activists are reasonable, sane people that want a more equal playing field regardless of sex, creed, wallet contents.

    I don't think that there will ever be a 100% equal field for everything. That's just unrealistic and silly. It's a lot like dogs sure we can try to make them all friends and be diverse and equal, but at the end of the day Pit Bulls will have a bad reputation and act accordingly (for the most part). What can be done is making things more equal. Which would be good if we could just put the differences aside. One issue though is that there are some things that men are just better at, and other things women are better at. And I don't view that as a bad thing. Most chefs are male, doesn't mean your mom sucks at cooking. Most nurses are female, some are male, whoopty doo.

    I feel like a big aspect of this gender war is in the military where people want a fair and even way of accepting and recruiting people in. But that's just not going to happen. Because that's one of those things men are better at naturally because men tend to build more muscle easier and be more fit and active and hunt the food. There are exceptions to this of course and I feel those people should be fully allowed to act as a regular person. If someone fits most qualifications then what's the problem?

    This whole issue is very similar to the gay/race/religion rights in my mind. And my solution is to just ignore that one thing that makes the other person different and fucking move on to more important shit.

    "Oh, you're Bi/Black/Mulsim/Female. Cool. Let's get to work on this project."

    It's not a big deal that one person is different from the majority because everyone is their own minority. There is no one exactly like me, which makes me special. Except everyone else has no one exactly like them. I'm not special, they're not special, you're not special. Let's just ignore that and move on with life. :)
    quick note: I'm talking about things that can't be changed in a person very easily. If you're a good artist, scientist, musician let's not ignore that. Talents should be recognized but everything else should not be used as a way to be special.

    The real problem is a simple little phrase I came up with a while back that I still have yet to see proven wrong.

    No matter what you believe, You're right!
  10. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    How did I not see this thread before?

    At soon as I put my words together, expect my two cents on this joke called Feminism, specifically modern Feminism (or third wave, whatever you want to call it.)
    Black-Cat likes this.
  11. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    The sad thing about "Radical Feminism" is that it self-reenforces. The more a woman talks about how men are scum, the less a decent man wants to talk to her, for fear of being called scum. However, the actual scum, like rapists, assholes, etc, are actually encouraged by this behavior, wanting to get her as a prize of how dominant he actually is.

    The problem comes in when the effect stops being observed on an individual basis for women, and all women are seen as potentially harboring these same views. This discourages decent men from approaching ANY women, leaving the only confident pool of men to be assholes.

    In a way, radical feminism is a result of the fear of radical feminism.
  12. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Just another prime example of society being obsessed with labels and using them to further divide themselves. I've used the same argument about all kinds of labels from gender issues to sexual preference.
    We, as a society, seem to have become obsessed with labeling others and ourselves, about being viewed as 'different' and special.
    Instead, we should be focused on working and living together, but we are only stepping the exact opposite direction from that, and it will mean the demise of the species, ultimately.


    'The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.

    Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a “second death”, with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11 His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world".
    Bucky'sBestGirl likes this.
  13. Packagedgore

    Packagedgore Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Holy shit, feminism is a label that will lead to the apocalypse, with bible verses to back it up. Pack it up eveyone, the thread has jumped the shark.
    Labels are less about standing out and more about finding others like you. It's easier to meet furries if you can go to spaces designated for furries.
    Oh and I'm a feminist and think the very idea of "women against feminism" is a joke. I see people talking about these radical feminists but I've never actually seen one that wasn't clearly a troll. Men are just so used to having more power in society that when women try to take back any of it at all, it's like "Whoa, learn your place, don't tell ME it's not okay for me to inflict my sexual comments on you."
    Compsense, Gearhead and Star2 like this.
  14. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I cannot stress enough just how many people I've seen believe blatant trolls acting "under feminism" and then having the whole movement circlebashed afterwards. There's a couple of sites in particular that are terrible for it.
    Gearhead likes this.
  15. Bluehorizon10

    Bluehorizon10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    The thing that is worrisome is that there are 7+ branches of feminism. Some branches believe that Men can't be feminists. Some are Neo Nazi's. Most have some kind of moderate standing. And there are a few sad souls who have taken up the banner but are protesting aimlessly.

    I consider myself a feminist. I like to be around smart women who have priorities, logic, dreams, goals and can make their own choices without retreating due to societal pressures all the time. I also enjoy seeing women who work hard empowered by position, status, and rewards fit for their caliber.

    The only issue I see is that Women are human too and with power can come with the abuse of power.
    Star2 likes this.
  16. LucarioZer0

    LucarioZer0 Guardian of Aura

    Aug 7, 2014
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    This is the kind of thing where double standards and imbalance abound. "Equality" has never existed. Simple as that.

    Go back far enough, and men had all the power, where women had nothing. And things never balanced out. They simply shifted directions. Now we males have to bow our heads and comply with everything, or we're seen as insensitive assholes. Society largely favours females these days. School is based around the best way to teach girls. Divorce favours the wife. Women can freely comment on a man's attractiveness, but if guys comment on how hot they think a woman is then they're misogynists. It's all double standards.

    And frankly, its all kinds of screwed up.

    Yes, this isn't true of all women, but many are now raised to have a sense of both entitlement and empowerment. A boy is supposed to treat them like a princess. God forbid he speak his mind about something. You can see this everywhere in culture.

    For example in sitcoms, just as a prevalent example. Women are almost always portrayed(admittedly for laughs, to a certain extent), as being the absolute power in a relationship. The guys want something, the woman says no, end of conversation, with no room for discussion. Which brings up another point.

    It seems to me that women always want to 'talk about things', when really what they want is just to have their man go along with them, whether he agrees or not, because somehow, him disagreeing is him being unreasonable.

    There are countless examples of these sorts of situations. I don't even really have to keep going, because I'm sure you all have some idea of what else there is that has a gender based double standard, or just a straight up female favouring standard.

    Now yes, double standards(and gender imbalance) do go both ways. Men make more money(than women in the same working position as them). Men are 'players' while women are 'sluts', if they have a lot of sex without being in a relationship. Basically my point here is that it isn't completely one sided.

    So my overall point, if there is one, is really quite simple. There is imbalance in both directions. However, society favours women. I happily support equality, but only when it's true equality. And right now, true equality doesn't exist. Because yes, men are afraid to even interact with women in some cases, and that makes some women think even less of men, and it all becomes a vicious cycle.

    There are my thoughts. Make of them what you will.

    EDIT: I also wanted to add, that I do get that women do have a tonne of problems that are actually caused by males, and that not every guy fails to interact with women because he's "scared" of them. Some do it because its just plain easier than interacting with people. In fact I feel I should state that much of what I've said here is generalizations based on perception, but that I do understand that people are varied and what applies to some doesn't apply to all or even necessarily many. So yes, women have it bad in many cases, and sometimes guys are just lazy morons, but there are still many imbalance issues between the two, when neither should have more power to begin with. I do understand that women and men both are people prone to doing whatever they feel they should, and that none should be objectified by the other gender. Alright, now I think I'm done. Maybe. We'll see.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  17. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Society only favors women in certain ways. Rape culture is still very much alive and kicking. In my mind, that's a hell of a lot worse than having some awkward social interactions. I used to be shy and awkward as fuck. Still pretty awkward, it's just that I usually don't care about it now. Experiences in my life have shaped me to where I'm much more likely to try and reach out to grab what I want, because no one else is gonna do it for me. I'm only strong because I've had to find that strength to survive and keep living, to not let the things that could break me win.

    That being said, I do agree that it really sucks to not know how to talk to people you're interested in. It also really sucks that some people are assholes and want everything handed to them, stat. Don't try to impress or catch those people. Make yourself happy and don't do what you think the other person wants just to attract them, especially not to the point of changing who you are. It's never worth it.

    Bottom line, though: I don't think this is the life-ending epidemic some people are making it out to be. Extremes of just about anything tend to be pure crazy you should stay away from, but extremes by nature are not a majority. They're on the end of the bell curve. Don't take those people and use them as an excuse to say that all women are tyrants that seek to geld the entire male population. Be rational and you'll stand a much better chance of attracting rational people.
    Compsense, Star2 and AkaiKitsune like this.
  18. LucarioZer0

    LucarioZer0 Guardian of Aura

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Okay, so while falling asleep last night I thought of what may be a more concise, easier to follow way of saying what I said in my last post.

    So, while certain aspects of society are against women, the legal and education systems do favour them, and that's kind of a big deal. And yes, feminism is causing some problems for men(and possibly society), but actual equality would be a good thing(where and when possible).

    So, I don't have anything against women(and in fact I'm the kind of guy who always has at least a few female friends, often who I'm closer to than my male friends), but I do think feminism needs to dial it back significantly.

    Oh, and double standards(against any gender) irritate the hell out of me.
    GuyStripes likes this.
  19. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I don't see how the education system favors women. I'm pretty sure that the college graduation rates are higher for men, though I could be wrong about that. I do know that men tend to do better in the hard sciences like math, and since that's sort of shoved down your throat in school (unlike things such as art, which get their funding cut), you'd imagine it would be much better geared towards males.

    As for the legal system, the advantages women get are still based on fairly sexist principles. (Women getting more in a divorce because they can't provide for themselves, or not getting convicted for assaults because they're supposed to be weak, etc.)
  20. LucarioZer0

    LucarioZer0 Guardian of Aura

    Aug 7, 2014
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    As far as the education system goes, its really more of a psychological matter than anything else. Classrooms as they are favour the way girls learn. They're more focused on memorization, study, and generally quiet environments. Males tend to learn better through more hands on practices. Of course, this is a very wide perspective and every person is different so this doesn't apply to all cases, but generally speaking the way males and females best learn a given material is different, and in schools today(at least in America, as I can't speak for elsewhere) the classroom structure does lean more toward a system that is advantageous for females. And yes, males should, in theory do better in things like math because of how our brains are wired, but even that isn't always the case. I took an AP Math class in my senior year of High School, and as I recall a little more than half the class was female, which would indicate a fairly even split in the arena of 'hard sciences' as you put it(yes, I know that's a rather small sample and doesn't mean conclusive data, I'm just using it as an example from my experience). I honestly don't know about the graduation statistics.

    And as far as the point about the legal system...fair enough. It is based on somewhat sexist principles, but they still do have an advantage, which was my main point when it comes to the legal system.
    GuyStripes likes this.

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