This is the kind of thing where double standards and imbalance abound. "Equality" has never existed. Simple as that.
Go back far enough, and men had all the power, where women had nothing. And things never balanced out. They simply shifted directions. Now we males have to bow our heads and comply with everything, or we're seen as insensitive assholes. Society largely favours females these days. School is based around the best way to teach girls. Divorce favours the wife. Women can freely comment on a man's attractiveness, but if guys comment on how hot they think a woman is then they're misogynists. It's all double standards.
And frankly, its all kinds of screwed up.
Yes, this isn't true of all women, but many are now raised to have a sense of both entitlement and empowerment. A boy is supposed to treat them like a princess. God forbid he speak his mind about something. You can see this everywhere in culture.
For example in sitcoms, just as a prevalent example. Women are almost always portrayed(admittedly for laughs, to a certain extent), as being the absolute power in a relationship. The guys want something, the woman says no, end of conversation, with no room for discussion. Which brings up another point.
It seems to me that women always want to 'talk about things', when really what they want is just to have their man go along with them, whether he agrees or not, because somehow, him disagreeing is him being unreasonable.
There are countless examples of these sorts of situations. I don't even really have to keep going, because I'm sure you all have some idea of what else there is that has a gender based double standard, or just a straight up female favouring standard.
Now yes, double standards(and gender imbalance) do go both ways. Men make more money(than women in the same working position as them). Men are 'players' while women are 'sluts', if they have a lot of sex without being in a relationship. Basically my point here is that it isn't completely one sided.
So my overall point, if there is one, is really quite simple. There is imbalance in both directions. However, society favours women. I happily support equality, but only when it's true equality. And right now, true equality doesn't exist. Because yes, men are afraid to even interact with women in some cases, and that makes some women think even less of men, and it all becomes a vicious cycle.
There are my thoughts. Make of them what you will.
EDIT: I also wanted to add, that I do get that women do have a tonne of problems that are actually caused by males, and that not every guy fails to interact with women because he's "scared" of them. Some do it because its just plain easier than interacting with people. In fact I feel I should state that much of what I've said here is generalizations based on perception, but that I do understand that people are varied and what applies to some doesn't apply to all or even necessarily many. So yes, women have it bad in many cases, and sometimes guys are just lazy morons, but there are still many imbalance issues between the two, when neither should have more power to begin with. I do understand that women and men both are people prone to doing whatever they feel they should, and that none should be objectified by the other gender. Alright, now I think I'm done. Maybe. We'll see.
Last edited: Dec 10, 2014