Just joined BD Forums last week, and...

Discussion in 'Introductions and farewells!' started by gerbilfluff, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. gerbilfluff

    gerbilfluff .

    Aug 5, 2014
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    ^ Pretty much.

    So, hiya! Gerbil here. I'm a chinchilla. Short, impossibly adorable, wilts in the heat, kinda pudgy, loves rubbing up against other soft things... yeah.

    Only been collecting toys for the past year or so, and only ventured into the forums *super* recently. As in, weeks. Eager to learn! All I know is, my badonkadonk can make BD Minis disappear like magic.

    I can't process testosterone due to a medical quirk, so I probably have the purdiest mouth you've ever seen on a fella. I've run with it fine since identifying as an androgyne around 7 years ago, I think. Yay, gender Switzerland! (I check the M box when I have to, so "he" equals yes. "They" equals very much yes.)

    Happily partnered with a vanilla guy, but I get to have my fun so long as I don't tell him the gruesome details. I flirt like a sledgehammer (respecting others' boundaries/limits/squicks, of course), so if I like the cut of your jib, you'll know sooner or later. :3

    So, what's your favorite memory? Mine's my 30th birthday. I got ome of my favorite Umbreon plush in my collection, Cheerio. At the party I threw, I had all my friends draw on a poster-sized sheet of paper instead of asking for any presents while the cake was passed around and Rifftrax were laughed at in the background. The page hangs on my living room wall to this day, so it's like the magic from then never has to leave! [bows and waits for others to answer]
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  2. Ajax

    Ajax Guest

    Aw man, that sucks that you joined and this news came about so soon afterward. D: I lurked for quite a while on BD and joined the forums the first time about a yearish ago? I think. Maybe. Not sure. xD But then I lost track and came back only about a month and a half ago. Then this happened. Lololol. I feel you with that gif, for sure. I was really hopeful that I could become a part of the community but honestly, it seems like we might all be better off here. We'll see how it goes in the next two weeks though (or tomorrow after their apparent meeting).

    Your 30th sounds like a great time! It's always fun to have a birthday with such great memories made. On my 18th I went to see a Brandi Carlile concert and on my 21st I went to an Avett Brothers concert, both with my best friend, and I guess those could be considered favorite memories of mine. They're two of my all time favorite bands and it was a euphoric experience to see them live, for sure!

    Anyway, nice to meet you! :D
  3. gerbilfluff

    gerbilfluff .

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Ahh, thanks for the memory! That sounds like a real blast, both times-- I've only been to a few concerts, but there's nothing like the energy you get when you're in a whole room full of others who love what's playing! I was lucky to get into the first 3 Dethklok concerts they did in Minnesota-- I remember the floor literally throbbing underfoot at times.~
  4. Airless

    Airless Active Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Ahaha, that's the gif from the BD masterpost on tumblr!
    Hope you have fun here, we're all pretty new to this forum, so it's nice to get a fresh start. ^,=,^
  5. StarLuck

    StarLuck Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Hello! I like the cut of *your* jib, or at least your writing style. :3 Looking forward to seeing you around!
    gerbilfluff likes this.

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