Monogamy and open relationships

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Snærhjarta, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    First, please answer these questions:

    What kind of relationship are you in?
    What kind of relationship would you prefer?

    And now discuss!
    How do you feel about open and polygamous relationships?
  2. othersounds

    othersounds Guest

    I'm not in a relationship. I have never been in an open one, just a "regular" one. I highly doubt that an open relationship is something for me though. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that the person I have fallen for is with other people in a sexual way. Even if it is talked about and planned out beforehand. I'm not the jealous type, more often than not I'm too kind with trust but I don't think I could stop myself from becoming really jealous in that sort of situation.
    What I feel about them in general is that whatever works for you and makes you happy is great and none of my business. It's just not my cup of tea.
  3. Willow

    Willow Slut and proud!

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I'm single and have been in both monogamous and polyamorous relationships.
    Monogamous was all fine and good. And they ended as relationship normally do. Not because the other was cheating (although they might have been looking before the break-up). It can easily work.
    Poly is another story. I thought poly as fine, and my partner made it clear she was. The entire time we dated (and short time living together) it was just us and no other person. After she became Satan things changed. She still considered us a couple and dragged me to the bar. She knows I don't care for the bar since I have nothing to do, but she always goes there. Well she runs into an old friend. Multiple times in the night they start deep kissing each other.
    Ok, Wait. What?
    Yeah, it's a poly relationship, but you don't fucking make out right in the fuck front of them!

    So anyway she says that she could never sleep with this person. It's just not the kind of relationship they have. A week goes by, she and her friend walk into the house and stay in her room for the rest of the day. Yeah, no fucking at all. She decides to taking a few days off for aroad trip with her just this girl can see her family. Yeah, just helping her with a ride. Sure.
    Can poly work? Yes. It didn't work for me, but I had other issues. I suppose it might need a few more rules and trust.

    I don't really want ANY type of relationship now. Less chance of being burned.
  4. uk2008

    uk2008 Guest

  5. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm in a relationship and have been in a few others. This is the first one with any extraneous stuff, but it was all discussed ahead of time and planned well. The closest we got to being spontaneous is when my boyfriend was out with a gay buddy of ours and I keep suggesting he come back to our house given that I was naked. So he did and we fooled around, but my boyfriend was with us the whole time so it's not exactly too different from just a little old threesome.

    I could do polyamoury, I'm sure of it. I just need somebody to consistently be a partner and a companion at the end of the day. I'm not possessive, I have too much love and too much sex drive to think I am biologically supposed to only spend my life with one person. I fall in love with 90% of my friends at some point, I'm sure that if more of them were close-by I'd have had a lot more partners lately :p
    Soulaire likes this.
  6. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I am in a relationship and I am allowed to "do stuff" with women and I can post pictures and videos freely.
    I have been in an open relationship and I enjoyed that and I would prefer having at least an open relationship. My ideal relationship would be a poly friendship/love type of thing with some people I trust and one primary partner.

    I feel like it's the most natural thing to let the other have sex with people you both trust in a safe way.
    AustinFetish likes this.
  7. Kukaru

    Kukaru Guest

    I am not in a relationship and I couldn't be in a poly relationship it would not feel right to me.
    To me sex is shearing a emotional and physical connection with someone and if I am in a relationship with someone and they are doing it with other people it kinda takes that away.
    But I understand why other people would want a poly relationship.
    To all his/her own.
  8. Dracoa

    Dracoa Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    The way I look at it is that love and/or sex is NOT a limited commodity, there is no way to give all your love to one person, and giving another person love doesn't take away love from the first.
  9. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    To me, love and sex are still emotional and physical connections. I take them very personally. I just don't think it needs to be limited in scope. ^^
  10. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm in a monogamous relationship, and I love it that way.

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against other styles, and I know different things work better for different people. But for me, sex and love is highly emotional. I'm more of an introvert, and I like sharing every aspect of myself with one sole person, who shares that with just me. I like to have the exclusive aspect in a relationship, and to be cared for. I don't see myself being able to love more than one person, truely. I also can get a tad possessive, and I require near constant attention.
    Caracal and Kukaru like this.
  11. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm not in a relationship, and I don't know what kind of relationship I'd want. All I know, is that I want all participants to be allowed to do whatever they want as a matter of ONLINE stuff.
  12. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So...like an open relationship? Or are you just talking about porn?

    Having an online relationship with someone while you are dating someone in real life is still being emotionally invested in another person.
  13. BigBadWolf

    BigBadWolf lmnop

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm married in a monogamous relationship.
    It's the relationship for me.

    For me anyway, I think a polygamous relationship is open to favoring or bias. I want all the attention!
    Exeter likes this.
  14. Kukaru

    Kukaru Guest

    I agree, I was actually in a relationship with someone that was dating someone online at the same time as going out with me. That did not end well when I found out, and they didn't even see why I was unhappy about it.
  15. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    No no, not a relationship. Like, flirting and RP'ing.
  16. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I would still consider that an open relationship. n.n

    Just because it's online, doesn't mean it doesn't count. You wouldn't flirt with other people in real life if you were in a monogamous relationship, so you should not be doing that online if you agreed with your partner to have a monogamous relationship.

    Open relationships is NOT a negative thing! A couple of my friends have open relationships and couldn't be happier! It's just important that you are honest and open about your intentions BEFORE getting into a relationship to avoid hurting the other person (people) involved.

    See @Kukaru 's post for an example.
    StarLuck likes this.
  17. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Hmm... well then if that's where we draw the line, then I suppose I'd ONLY be interested in an open relationship. But I don't think I'd be comfortable with me or my partner having sex with other people.
  18. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm a weird one...

    What kind of relationship are you in? I am in a monogamous relationship. We have a DD/bg relationship, although not typical ageplay.
    What kind of relationship would you prefer? I am really emotionally needy, and I fall in love too easily. Right now I have really intense crushes on 2 different people aside from my Boyfriend. I want a second relationship that's more emotional and less physical. But that's a weird... want. I feel like it is anyway.
  19. Sheyla

    Sheyla Active Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    My relationship: somewhere between monogamous and open, but mostly monogamous.
    What I'd like: probably at the least a more open relationship. I don't know that I'd want/be capable of full polyamory.

    So, to explain my relationship, we have a pretty open/comfortable group of friends to the extent that we could probably all just hang out naked and give no fucks. my best friend's husband can just pull out my boobs and play with them and that's a normal day for us hahah. We also have a special friend of my guy's and mine (call him Kezzy) who he has given me complete play rights with. Unfortunately, Kezzy lives about 4 hours away, and I rarely get time to see him. I love him like a brother and a couple years ago I probably would have felt serious about wanting to date him (new relationships are so exciting at first!) but I'm content being good friends and fuck buddies now.

    My main reason for wanting a little more is mostly centered around the fact that my mate is gray asexual and my sex life isn't as active as I'd like.

    we do both flirt online a fair amount, so we don't count that against anyone. He hasn't ever minded me posting pictures/video online before either.
  20. Shardik

    Shardik Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I just had my 25th anniversary to my wife, who I love and adore. We have two beautiful teenage daughters, one of which is getting ready for college and the other for high school. We've been in a poly relationship our entire lives. I have taken far more advantage of that than my partner, mostly because she has a fairly low libido and I have a fairly high one, and because I tend to be far more of a "practicing" bisexual than she is.

    I currently have two regular (monthly) "friends with benefits", both female, two intermittent (yearly), one female, one male. Two of those relationships are more than ten years old; two others are within the past two years. (There was a period of time where having teenagers took up all of my spare time, to the point where I literally couldn't go anywhere.) The relationship with a man is more or less purely sexual and sodomitic; we're assplay pigs (although I haven't convinced him to buy any toys; he says hands are enough. Nuh-uh!). The women are more varied; one is deeply kinky, one vanilla and fairly innocent; one is wildly sexual and not at all innocent, but we haven't delved deep into any kinks yet. My spouse has met-- and likes-- all of them.

    I dunno. This seems kinda perfect. Just enough excuses to keep suggestions of a triad at bay, just enough freedom to hook up as needed with whomever suits my current desires. And the others are mutually inclined. One has no other lovers; another only her husband; the third is a self-confessed slut; the fourth is that weird mixture of deep kink and no chance of a transfer of bodily fluids (although kissing seems to be okay) you sometimes find in older gay men.

    And the kids know. They don't have to know what I do, but they know I do it. And they mostly approve. So far, so good.
    StarLuck, Keely, DameKathryn and 2 others like this.

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