I'm afraid that anything I can say is going to sound cold and unhelpful to anyone in a situation like this, and for that I really apologize; I know it's very easy to comment on this from an "armchair" position, and things are much harder when faced with it in person. That said, here's my thinking:
If there's disagreement, it's no different from any other deep relationship disagreement: both parties are going to have to be honest about what they want and need, and decide on their priorities. What to do if one wants children and the other doesn't? If one wants to move to another country and the other doesn't? If you're committed and in love, but you're polyamorous and your SO wants to be exclusive? There may be no right answer, and you'll have to decide which is more important: your relationship, or your sexual needs, or if there's a compromise in between, and being honest is just as important as being "noble".
I do think that some compromises are swept too quickly off the table, and are worth at least considering. Example: The number of couples who seem willing to discount sex entirely when there are non-traditional options still available surprises me: things like oral sex might still be on the table, or even one partner pleasuring the other out of love rather than desire. I suppose those options might not appeal to everyone, much as an open relationship option doesn't appeal to everyone.
There's also a potential gap between what might be "most laudable" vs. making the best of a bad situation. I don't think I could ever advocate cheating--wouldn't it almost always be better to at least be up front about what you want, than risk hurting your partner even more later?--but I'm not sure I could blame someone else for considering it in an extreme situation.
Last edited: Oct 17, 2014