I'm selling some toys, all from bad dragon. They will be thoroughly cleaned before shipping, tough there might be some cat hair present. Shipping from Quebec City, Canada. Prices are in USD. Shipping not included. Seadragon Lil' Squirt 40$ New Sell for 20$ Firm Janine (flop) 66,50$ New Sell for 30$ Chance, Flared 60$ New Sell for 30$ Small, Extra Soft Nocturne, w/ Suction Cup 135$ New Sell for 80$ Medium, Medium Mystic 115$ New Sell for 75$ Medium, Medium Vector, w/ Suction Cup 145$ New Sell for 90$ Medium, Medium Austin, w/ Cumtube (flop) 108$ New Sell for 70$ Large, Medium Chance, Unflared, w/ Cumtube 155$ New Sell for 100$ Large, Medium Bishop, w/ Cumtube & Suction Cup (flop) 116$ New Sell for 75$ Large, Medium Sveinn 145$ New Sell for 90$ Large, Medium Ika 200$ New Sell for 150$ Extra-Large, Soft Vector, w/ Suction Cup 178,50$ New Sell for 130$ Extra-Large, Medium Nocturne (flop) 132$ New Sell for 80$ Extra-Large, Soft
I dont have a perfect box but it will be about 30$ Just to let you know that my price is in USD! If you want picture with my username i can send it to you to prove you that i have the item
Kind of interested in the Chance, Flared, Small, Extra soft. Is this essentially a packer? Looking for shipping to Vancouver.