Slides into frame a la Risky Business.

Discussion in 'Introductions and farewells!' started by Sarge, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Sarge

    Sarge New Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    IDK man, I'm here because a lot of other folks are coming here, and we all know about peer pressure making you do things to seem cool from those informative after school specials that everyone ignored because they sucked. I wish I was cool, so that's what I did. Yeah. I can literally feel my reputation being held in higher esteem the more I type. Amazing.

    I was on the BD forums as Sarge, so I'm sticking to that handle I suppose? I don't have the same icon, though. I couldn't find it in my image folder. So instead, mushroom kitten. I love mushrooms, and I love cats, so it's a wonderful combination without actually eating a cat stew or something with a shitload of mushrooms in it. 1) That's illegal and 2) it sounds really gross.

    I have no idea if people are actually, like, reading the shit coming out of my keyboard. If so, then good for you. You're doing a good by making me feel like I'm not wasting the 5 minutes or so typing this up. If not, lmao IDRC. Except I do. Sorta. Me denying how I really feel, using online lingo, and doing what kids nowadays refer to as "fronting something fierce" is something cool kids do. Well, okay, fierce is a little too strong of word. It's more like... apathy. Yeah, that's the word. But saying "fronting apathy" doesn't sound as hip. Do people still say hip when not referring to the body part? Shit. SHIT. I'm losing street cred.

    TL;DR: I just took a few minutes of your life that you'll never be able to get back, and you've learned nothing important while it happened. Sux2bu, nerd.
  2. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    LOL I love your TL:DR. xD YOU NERD.

    But welcome back, Sarge. c: Pleasure to see you! How do you feel about the XenForo layout? I think the UI is such an amazing thing, after having to deal with phpBB and all it's nonsense. @_@

    Also cats and mushrooms are both hella cool. inb4 Mushcat becomes a thing.
  3. Sarge

    Sarge New Member

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Eh. Honestly I don't typically care as long as I can navigate and figure out how to use it, but it is a nice change from what I'm used to. I'm not a big forum poster in general (over the course of like 4 years on the BD forums, I posted like 130-some times iirc), so I'll probably just lurk in the murky depths of this swamp, somewhere below the algae to camouflage myself from predators and prey alike. It's hard being in the middle of the food chain. It's hard and no one understands.

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