Depression and Anxiety Support Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 14, 2014.


Fuck depression...

Poll closed Oct 2, 2014.
  1. In the ass

    8 vote(s)
  2. in the ear

    3 vote(s)
  3. In the eye

    4 vote(s)
  4. in the mouth

    4 vote(s)
  5. with a cactus

    10 vote(s)
  6. with fire

    14 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kovu

    Kovu Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Same goes to you and anyone else here, I know all about feeling crap and struggling with things so if anyone else is suffering please feel free to drop me a PM and I'll reply when I can. Nothing worse than when you're feeling down that you also feel like there is no one to talk to.
  2. Kovu

    Kovu Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Welp, guess its time for another post/rant here :') Was seeing someone who I felt we really matched with but turns out they aren't over their ex and they think they might be Lesbian. While I am happy for them for being honest both with me and with themselves, it still hurts.. when's it finally going to be my turn to be happy for longer than a month?
    hoofs_n_horns likes this.
  3. Kovu

    Kovu Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    It's my time to bump this again? Wonderful. Just when I thought I was getting back in my feet and something going my way for once I've only gone and possibly ruined it just like normal. Man do I love life so god damn much.
  4. Zaphora

    Zaphora Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    It feela like part of me died....and no one in my house will let me be sad. They say oh its been long enough get over it...someone very important to me died....they were a huge part of my life and it feels like i have lost some of my identity or part of me that made it whole. It just isnt and will never be the same ever...i cant go back and change the decisions i made...even contemplating the worst...it makes me realize how much I really matter which feels like less than zero....
  5. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I wish this board was more active, I remember back on the official BD forum before everything went to shit how nice that sense of community was, and honestly it would be useful right now.

    The wife and I have blown open our marriage. And while it's incredibly exciting and hot, it's also incredibly nerve wracking. I've got generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder stemming from childhood trauma that essentially taught me to view myself as as a burden, as unwanted, and that's going to make doing this a difficult process. I know that we'll be able to manage it so long as we are communicating and putting our marriage first, and I'm so excited to see her move forward from her past relationship and sexual trauma, but I also have this fear of losing her and clearly need to be reassured. She's connected with this guy living in Nebraska who's a bit older then we are, in his mid 40's, and all day they've been messaging and video chatting and her libido has just roared back to life, but that's come with sacrificing an entire day we had planned to spend together as a family and get some important things taken care of. Earlier on I was digging it, but as the day has gone on I've found myself sinking a bit into this feeling of loneliness, and I told her about it and how it's just been a lot in a really short span of time and that for me it would be greatly appreciated to slow things down. But I also feel guilty about doing that, for reasons that I'm not even sure about, and I'm really anxious that with how quick she's developed feelings for this guy that, despite her being understanding, she's going to unintentionally keep going at this pace and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. Zaphora

    Zaphora Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    I guess i can relate to this page....im trying to get myself back into this.... Covid has been so hard...i will be spending the next few months trying to organize these forums....and clean out the sale threads....
    Well have you asked her what does this other man give her? Like what kind of support it is? You have needs too partnerships and marriage take work maybe its a lack of communication. You want the emotional support not just physical needs. Ask if there's something you can do together that will have you both hearing each other and making an effort to work through any issues
  7. Blinding

    Blinding Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I mean I feel bad for saying that because I know I just flat out disappeared from here, but it is sad to see that this place isn't really thriving outside of sale interactions you know?

    So we did talk about it after I made that post, and communication is one of a couple things we know we have to be hitting the mark on for this to work. I didn't ask her directly what he provided, as we've been through so much together and us doing that isn't about needs not being met or anything like that, but she did shine a light on that. Pretty much she felt connected to him because of sharing PTSD and then got fixated because he wasn't falling all over himself for her. She's not used to that, and I actually got to see her come to the realization that was what it was in the moment because she immediately was like "hey wait a fucking minute I had to chase you." He actually tried to argue with her about women's rights to reproductive healthcare and that's a hard line for her so she cut him off, and obviously she was angry but I could also tell she was upset by it, so obviously some significant feelings developed pretty quick there. But yeah, we're doing this because we both don't really jive with the concept of monogamy in terms of dictating what sort of relationships are and aren't acceptable and that whole "property ownership" thing, we just want each other to be free to do what makes us happy. Thanks for responding.
  8. Zaphora

    Zaphora Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2017
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    Seems like an open relationship really there isn't anything wrong with it i know a few couples who have introduced a third person or even more so..i dont think that people should be too focused on what they expect in a relationship but going with the flow...do what feels right life is unexpected
    Blinding likes this.
  9. Feverdream

    Feverdream Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    I started going to talk therapy. It's much better than I expected, and different than what I thought it would be like. Anybody who may be considering it, I think it's worth trying.

    Hah, I avoided it for years, now I'm recommending it for other people :roll eyes:

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