Post count

Discussion in 'Resolved Suggestions' started by Snærhjarta, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Is it possible to show more info, like post count on the side of our posts?
    I suggest (inspired by kaiyodei to post this as I agree with her) separating the games and debates as well. Games shouldn't add to the post count. Debates should.
  2. Keely

    Keely The Happy Helpful Husky

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'd also like to be able to see all of a user's posts and to make the post size limit bigger cuz like my toy list takes three posts right now :/ sorry if this is off topic to the thread's goal but I do also agree that I'd like to see post count!
    DameKathryn likes this.
  3. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Thanks for reminding me Keely. I know mine is split into 2 posts and I don't have my traded and sold on there lol.
  4. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Is there actually a way to have a thread group NOT add to post count? I've never actually heard of that (though I'm not saying it's impossible). And for now, I don't see why the games can't add to post count. There aren't any that are just mindless posting at the moment, like counting threads. Speaking of which, that probably needs to be a rule.
  5. BDCA

    BDCA The Tallest Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Hows that?
  6. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Only subforums. I mean separating them into their own subforums. Have games as the general offtopic's sub or something like that.
    And I don't think post count should be counted in the games subforum but that's my personal opinion.
  7. Snærhjarta

    Snærhjarta Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Just noticed the thing. Awesome!
  8. BDCA

    BDCA The Tallest Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Changed my mind, split the forums and forum games wont count towards user totals!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  9. Kaiyodei

    Kaiyodei vaguely coherent

    Aug 6, 2014
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    haha. cool. yeah, a lot of ones I was on (I swear from 1999 to now, It feels like I had joined 20 differnt forums. one was a teen furry board just to spy on some kid that was an interesting spectacle....when you see a kid turn 12 and ask for a mate on furaffanity's forum, as well has continue to do that you feel compelled to keep tabs on them as well as be 13 and always want 18 or 17 year old internet lovers...) anyway. but no, a lot more I did use. 4 or 5 were Suikoden pages(one had a great in forum war/nation system mini game. which in that post count was very special)

    but most I had been on, forum games nix post count, due to the fact some forums, people put a lot of importance and seniority on such (really, I swear I do recall some people getting arrogant with "yeah well, I've been here for 6 years, and have a post count of 9,000 so I think I know what I am talking about/am better than you"
    I think with that, some forums that had that happen, the "the bigger post count means you are better" had gotten away with the post count, because people were being sniveling little genitalia waffles about it.
    (some of the forums I was on, also implemented a point system, where when you post you got points that you could cash in, some things you could buy would be a colored name, bold, italic, tiny little graphics (stickers? pins?)subtitle(user title under your post status. like if we had one here, for 5,000 credits I could buy permission and unlock the ablity to write under my user name things within reason), name change(that one was 10,000 credits or something and you had to have been a member for a few months)
    and other such things. I think that was a Suikoden page someone made because the ones they were on were so cool.

    I forget what they used. and I went off on a tangent. I forget what furry2furry's forum was like when I joined, just that it died. was one of my first adult ones to join, in hopes I get the oh lala spirit. I feel bad I seem to have abandoned the people who came to me from that with my chat programs(yahoo,msn,AIM) so I forget if they had a game forum with non post count.

    it's good we can asume a lot of us here have the maturity of the legal and biological adult. It seems to be a tradition, and if people view post count as some view being rich as part of a person's value/validity. when 70% of that, or a total of posting, is from a "person below/above me" game or an insufferable "last post" spam game(an ecco forum I adored after all the others had been destroyed/shut down) had one of these. but we aren't impulsibe 12 year olds.

    I know I have had momments of "I'm more important than you, my post count is big", in which it felt like a race(except on suikox, where your post count -did- do something for the mini war game). not that I am going to just spam to mine/farm postcount. Just saying there were momments where I felt like microscopic slug. post counts are not races. and even respectible valued members of a long time could have only 230, and a newbie might have 800(because they posted crap all the time)

    so that is why sometimes the tradition of disabling post count in game topics. because sometimes forum games do not ad to value. (unless it is my connection game. a lot more thinking involved than vending machine)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014

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