The "Bad Mood" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    *le sigh* I feel terrible. I've been feeling extremely lonely, unloved and useless for the whole day... Even more so when a girl that I like just bluntily said staright to my face she's "not interested". It was a big deal for me to man up and ask her, just for some casual times... First try - she was busy, second try - this. I've never had any relationship, I just want someone to be here, hug me, say everything is gonna be okay... This kind of things.
    That's all.
  2. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    @BDC Admin
    thank you so much, though technically the incident occurred via Skype chat. the person is registered here but never actually posts anything
  3. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Her response was most definitely rude but I can appreciate her not stringing you along. I know it's only a small consolation, however I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all love and appreciate you as much as fellow forum members can.
    RedVixenFur likes this.
  4. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah...sometimes it really sucks when you finally muster up enough courage only to find the answer was not what you hoped :C
    Unfortunately, people can't force themselves to have feelings for you, as convenient as that would be.

    Echoing Misskin here, at least she didn't lead you on. Some people do that when they feel 'bad' about saying no, but in the long run, it just creates more hurt feelings.
  5. vahaala

    vahaala Nobody wants him, he just stares at the world...

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Eh, thank you everybody. It's just... I feel lonely more than you may think. Every girl I've tried to hit on in my life - and there wasn't many of them either - was already taken or not interested in me. I have dire need for real, physical hugs, yet there is nobody here to give them. I've even thought for some time of becoming bisexual to increase my chances to find a person that would hug me, a partner... But I'm not sure it would work at all either.
    You don't have to bother yourself with me. It's just one of those days. The feels will pass, then they will come back, then pass back again. I just had to vent somewhere. But anyways thanks for being here.
  6. BDCA

    BDCA The Tallest Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Im sharing your pain at the moment as you'll know if you've been following the dating advice thread.

    I cant offer much more because im the same, it takes me weeks or months to build up the courage, and for the person to say know, well it cuts, and it cuts deep.
  7. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    As a stubborn codependent I must advice you not to want that much someone to be there. I know, it's ironic for me to say that but if I had the chance to go back in time I would slap myself in the face and tell me to forget that feeling, to learn to be alone and enjoy myself.
    Even knowing this I still miss my ex and it bothers me not for being without her but for wanting her.
    What I mean is, try your hardest to enjoy yourself and be complete. Partners should be more like an extra in your life if you want to say it that way. But if you keep thinking like that, the moment you have a relationship and it fails for whatever reason, man, that will be hard to deal with.
  8. PrincessGustopher

    PrincessGustopher The Fluffiest Fluff Butt

    Aug 5, 2014
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    The wake is today and I'll be there till 8 or 9 pm.

    Im afraid my dad is going to yell at me. I tried calling him to tell him that I was 'staying at school late'. It's a lie, i know but, I don't want him picking me up. His driving is too scary and we almost went off onto the sidewalk and came close to ramming into the side wall. I'd like to live rather than die sometime soon. Plus he is adamant about not getting in my car because it's too small and im adamant not driving his because i don't like the way it runs.

    So im gonna have to book it (i came home to eat, check things, then go at 3:30) around 2:45, hide around somewhere till 3:25 and then go to the funeral home. I don't want to be in my house when he gets here. Both me and my parents tried calling him but nothin'.

    Time to go finish my food before things happen noot noot.
  9. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    ^ This.
    Oh my GOD so much this.

    So many people nowadays invest ALL of their happiness in whether or not they have a partner.
    A relationship should not define you. It should not dictate your happiness, if it does, then it's unhealthy.
    Focus on yourself, get a new hobby, find what makes you, you if you are feeling like you will be miserable forever because you don't have a bf or gf.
    vahaala, gerbilfluff and Abylgan like this.
  10. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Sorry for the double post, but I actually have a bad mood thing to share today.

    My parents, grandparents and sister went on a trip to Vegas.
    My sister has 2 dogs. A pit bull and a papillion. You'd think the Pit would have to be watched, but it's actually the Papillion that's aggressive and needs to have an eye kept on him. (He'll instigate and attack the other dogs' faces until they get pissed and actually fight back, and obviously, they could tear him apart easily without meaning to.)
    I myself, have a German Shepherd. (gets along with everyone)

    Originally, my sister was supposed to find a place for one of her dogs to stay for the week and a half everyone will be gone for.
    Instead of doing that, she went to a bunch of parties and didn't even bother trying, so I'm stuck with all 3 dogs.

    My german shepherd is crate trained, he sleeps in his crate, no problem because me and my boyfriend both dislike sleeping with animals on the bed.
    My sister's pit bull sleeps in my sister's room just fine. Nothing phases her.
    The papillion cannot be left in the same room as ANY of the dogs, unattended. He also cannot be left in any room unattended because he shits and pisses everywhere whenever he gets a chance.

    So. Come night time, we put the papillion's crate in my sisters room with the pit bull, but he wont stop barking. The crate he has a our house is tiny, so I thought maybe if I bring him to my parents house in the bigger crate he'll be more comfortable.
    SO, I bring him over, put him in, he seems to be fine, isn't barking at all or anything, and me and my boyfriend go home.

    4 AM in the morning rolls around and I get a nasty call from my mother saying that the papillion is barking at home and it woke up my little sister, and I'm a horrible person because I obviously planned this and did it on purpose.
    I told her I was sorry, and then NICELY asked what I should do with the dog because I literally have NOWHERE to put him at night. She told me that he HAS to sleep with me...but me and my boyfriend already fought about that last night, his answer is a very firm NO.

    I suggested that I bring his crate to my grandparents house and leave him there at nights only. But she said no, I couldn't do that.

    ??? What do you want me to do then?
    And how come my bratty little sister didn't try and call me first instead of bitching to my parents who aren't even here?
    Why can't SHE help out and sleep with the dog?

    Why the fuck is everything MY fault?!
  11. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    BandHub app doesn't work for me *grumpy cat face*
    Not funny.
  12. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I don't think I'll ever understand why people keep and somehow like owning horribly untrained dogs. None of that stuff is your fault, it's firmly the fault of the owner for a) never properly training and disciplining the bratty thing in the first place and for b) not making the pet care arrangements.
    Vitani likes this.
  13. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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    She's had the Papillion for awhile. My sister loves animals, but is very ... I don't want to say selfish, because she spends lot of money on her animals...but she always likes to go out and do things, and gone for days on end leaving her dogs here for either me or my mom to look after.

    So...imagine my surprise when she got a second dog. (The pit bull) x.X
    She still...goes out to parties and bars all the time and leaves her dogs home...they are crated most of the day, never trained or properly cared for. I try to take the pit bull out with my shepherd, but because my sister took the pit bull away from her mother and siblings all the time when she was a puppy, she now plays extremely roughly because she never learned the right way to play, so my shepherd usually gets to a point where he's had enough. Plus he likes his 'momma time' when it's just me and him. He is more comfortable playing with people than other animals, though he's pretty friendly.

    I just...don't understand. WHY would you get another dog if you can't even take care of the first one you have?
  14. Abylgan

    Abylgan Enigma

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I used to be engaged, and his half sister was just like that (so was his mother, but at least she knew how to train dogs quite well.) This chick was basically an animal collector/hoarder who would get pets to "save" them and then push the responsibility onto everyone else. Wouldn't train them, wouldn't discipline them, wouldn't take them out or clean up their shit/piss when they inevitably did so on the carpet. Hated that freaking house, it was always filthy.
  15. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    So here's an evil thing:
    I was feeling depressed a few days ago, so I talked to an old ex of mine to apologize for bitching him out, and to hopefully become friends again. He neither said yea or nay. So today, I said hi. He saw, but didn't reply. So I said if he didn't want to be friends to just say so. Naw, his gf (even though they're engaged, people!) starts going off about how she doesn't want me messaging him, how she'll call the cops. So I basically told her she shouldn't feel threatened, that this was really immature of her to call me names, and that she had nothing to use to call the cops for harassment. I basically said to the ex that I felt sorry he had a controlling gf, and that I just wanted to be friends and if you didn't just tell me instead of using someone else to, because that was an immature way to do it. Then he claims he told her to say it as he was driving, that he was glad he didn't want a whore like me for a friend, and that, his current gf was the best one he's had. And to stop messaging him. I told him obviously you haven't changed much and trying to be friends wasn't going to be worth it, and that to have a good life. He said just grow up and stop messaging me. I said bye then blocked him. So in the end, I got the last word, and in all honesty I feel he has a deep regret for doing what he did to me, and really still cares about me, but is in continuous denial. And, truly, I do feel bad for him, because our entire relationship and break up made me stronger, if a bit more paranoid and anxious.
  16. Icestar

    Icestar Transformers!

    Sep 12, 2014
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    my boyfriend being in the Navy is great and all, im proud that i can say that...
    but i am beginning to wonder if it is healthy for him, and it sure as slag doesnt seem to want us to be together.

    once again, the trip to see one another had been utterly shut down. i cannot cry anymore. worse, he cannot tell me what happened. so im scared that he is getting shipped off to some war zone or something. i mean, come on! i know its the Navy and all but if your guys have girlfriends, let them tell something about what is going on, even if the thing is classified, there has to be something they can tell to ease fear.

    i know i have said and promised that i wouldnt leave him. we depend on one another, and i am not leaving that. but it would be nice if his service would take into account his plans. just once. we were planning this trip for three months. after his first leave to go to me was swept right from under our feet.

    and now, my going to see him, planned for 3 months, with hotel booked and activities settled- it gets pulled right out from under us, 15 days before the trip to finally be together.
  17. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Got a slew of legal problems coming my way.
  18. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    What happened?
  19. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    I beat a guy in a grocery store parking lot.
  20. Vitani

    Vitani Tertiary antagonist

    Aug 5, 2014
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