The "Bad Mood" Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr. Tran, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Oh gods, definitely better off. Right now, it just feels like a huge betrayal...but in a way, it's a relief that I don't have to deal with their bullshit anymore. <3
    Exeter likes this.
  2. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Thank you for the kind words! :3 And yup, that sounds just like em....y'all stay far away from a company called Volt Workforce Solutions, okay? I don't want what happened to me to happen to any of you fine folks!
  3. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Fuckin A corps are the devil....and how shitty with that clock-in policy, especially cutting breaks short to clock in, which is super illegal...but they just can anyone who speaks up, by finding a way to do it legally....bastards! But fuck em, it's their loss.
  4. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Oh damn. Have you tried contacting the company you were temping with to see if they'd just hire you outright, or does the temp agency have one of those asinine (and of questionable legality) non-compete agreements?
    Bucky'sBestGirl likes this.
  5. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Oh gods, that would unfortunately be a frying pan - fire situation. They didn't have a non-compete agreement, no. Volt was shitty, but Pegatron is a thousand times pettier and everyone who had been hired on directly that I spoke to, regretted the decision. Those poor souls are under incredible amounts of pressure to meet insane demands (by the time I left, they were demanding all lines process 400 phones in 4 hours, when we've been able to do 400 in an 8 hour day -TWICE - in the 9 months I was there), forced overtime and coming in on weekends (Sat and Sun), often only for 2 to 4 hours at most, and a metal detector policy, that my friend who used to work for the Dept of Homeland Security, said was insane. The gist of *that* gem was if you set off the detector and they found the source, immediate Final Warning. Set it off again, regardless, fired. Set it off and they can't find the source? Fired. And they had just recently brought on hundreds of workers and engineers from China to man the new lines and in the case of the engineers, hang out in the staff room just for them, eating American fast food all day while making the operator's lives harder.
    Point is, the place turned from a pretty nice gig run by Apple, to a Taiwanese hellhole where workers are disposable and get screamed at in Chinese (which several lines witnessed, btw). So, even if it wasn't Volt and their shitty system, Pegatron would have been far worse to work under, even here in America. Google some of the labor violations that they were under scrutiny for in China. Makes me at least happy I'm not there. Some of my family has asked if I'm gonna report anyone or whistleblow, but honestly? I'm just beyond done with that place and I'd rather not get involved. That's a job for Karma!
    I'm just grateful I got out when I did and I'll have the opportunity to move onto better things, in a company where my hard work is appreciated.
    And I got my Bunnymen sticker cards too, so there. :p
    MurphyAlter likes this.
  6. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Oh okay. You made it sound like you were upset at being gotten rid of.
    Bucky'sBestGirl likes this.
  7. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I fucking hate ignorant people.

    Read in the news today that a local guy was caught doing 130mph on the local dual-carriageway out of the city at midnight and was fined around £250 ($360) and banned from driving for 3 months. The police said that he was reckless and "showed complete disregard for other road users." The police spokesman said that he posed a danger because of his stopping distance increase with his speed, quoting guesses of the car's stopping distance, citing highway code figures and making a final point of saying a Ford Fiesta traveling at 130mph would take 600 metres to stop on dry roads.

    Absolute fucking bullshit.

    1. I know that road very well, there is literally almost nobody on it from around 10pm - 4am. It's mostly flat and open with only a few hills that vaguely obscure visibility for a moment or two. Traffic's going in the same direction anyway so it's not like there's anyone overtaking in the opposite direction or anything. Again, it was midnight. There very likely wasn't any "other road users".

    2. The guy was clocked because a police car paced him, and I quote "for at least a mile". This guy is getting blasted for speeding, but was caught because a MUCH HEAVIER police car MATCHED HIS SPEED behind him for OVER A MILE. Fucking christ, the hypocrisy is real.

    3. The spokesperson's estimated stopping distance is a complete fabrication. Utterly untrue. For a start, the car weighs roughly 1100kg/2425lbs. It's not a heavy car, it won't drag very far by weight and it was also modified, so may have had sports brakes and tires too. Assuming it didn't though, I ran some numbers through some calculators. The stopping distances I came up with ranged between only 250 - 300 metres, less than half the quoted figure from the spokesman, using exactly the same figures he did. Again, assuming the car is completely normal.
    As a side note, the highway code's figures are way out of date. They were calculated on average cars from the late 70s/early 80s and are completely inaccurate by today's standards.

    I know the guy broke the law and I acknowledge that, but don't fucking make shit up, brush over technicalities and outright lie to get the public's affirmation that you were justified in your actions and prosecution. The scaremongering that goes on unchecked makes my blood boil. Also the fact that the police evidently and routinely drive to the same standards they slam people for utterly blows my mind. "Do as I say and not as I do".

    But what really, really, really pisses me off is the public who see an article like this and lap up all the scaremongering and regurgitate it as gospel. Here's some of the top comments from the article:
    "The national speed limit of 70 mph was introduced over 50 years ago and yet car manufacturers are still producing cars like this one in vast quantities. Perhaps the people that should be in court are the manufacturers."
    (You defeated your own logic with the first 12 words and didn't even realise it.)

    "The ban on this occasion is beyond belief, it will not deter any driver tempting fate and driving at similar speeds. The consequences if the driver had lost control might have been deviating for innocent members of the public also using the highway."
    (If "if's" and "buts" were candy and nuts...Also, empty, open road at midnight.)

    "Why would anyone be in such a rush in the first place to head towards -city-?"
    (Because people only drive to get to places, right?)

    "You don't get much less a fine for doing 35mph in a 30 zone ! What a joke."
    (Yeah, let's make another guy's life vastly harder because I didn't get my justice boner up!)

    "It's a miracle this moron didn't kill someone. The police must be banging their heads in despair with a 56 day ban. Surely they can appeal against such a ludicrously lenient sentence."

    Again, sure he broke the law (vastly outdated and inadequate laws, IMO), but the way everyone's acting you'd think he'd shot and robbed someone and they're disappointed he's not being hanged. The ignorance and hypocrisy kills me.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
  8. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Not to make light of your situation, but pegatron sounds like the name of some kind of domestic robot that i really need to own.
    Exeter and Bucky'sBestGirl like this.
  9. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    RIGHT THO??? XD When I first heard the name, I immediately envisioned a robot Pegasus in Megatron's colours!! It was pretty hard not to giggle in the hiring office, I gotta say.
  10. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Oh, I AM upset at being gotten rid of.....but only because A: the money was good (though rapidly starting to not be worth it), and B: I really felt like a valued worker there, given the promotion and and the raise and all. I can confidently say that if my line lead were the one making those kinds of decisions, I would still have a job. Would I still WANT that job? No, but at least I could have continued my ongoing job search on the weekends without having to worry even a little about bills by the 1st. :p But it's their loss and I deserve a lot better than what that company gives. *firm nod* Ultimately, my rant was all about letting off a lot of steam, but in a very real way, I also felt relieved that I didn't have to go back ever again. I'm just shaking my head now at the boneheaded decisions Volt and Pegatron both are making that affect my coworkers. But I'm not mad any more.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    MurphyAlter likes this.
  11. blaidd_drwg

    blaidd_drwg is never satisfied

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Today I woke up feeling ready to go! I listened to some music while I got dressed for work. I was feeling pretty good. Then after some interactions with my wife and listening to excuses for things that shouldn't have happened. My mood began to fall. Got to work, trying to maintain a semblance of being ok. Get a call from the wife telling me she's not going to make our (my) daughter go to school because she doesn't have her ADHD medicine. Ran out if it and we're having issues getting the Dr. to prescribe it properly so we can get it filled. Mood falling further down. And I have this feeling of impending doom hanging over like something is going to go wrong or shit is going to be screwed up, mostly financial worries. Uhg. Fucking day is gettin worse and I need to get my job done on time today. But I just want to hide in the restroom.
  12. AmoryWar

    AmoryWar The boy your mom always warned you about

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Mondays already suck, but at my job in particular. The weekend shift does jack shit and we're always unreasonably busy trying to catch up on what they didn't do for whatever reason. I've been drowning in work all day. The lack of accountability in this place is at an obscene level. But nothing was done about it before I started, and I'm sure nothing will while I'm here or after I'm gone.
  13. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    So yup. My stepmom has goddamn cancer in both lungs and we don't even know if it's treatable yet. :( She was a chain-smoker for decades and part of me isn't surprised, but at the same time.....ughhh...I have zero spoons left for literally anything else right now so I'm just gonna go listen to Echo and the Bunnymen til my body forces me to sleep.
  14. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Lost two grandparents to it last year. I really hope you get good news about it. If she's younger the chances are a lot better. And it's never too late to start living healthy and spending her time better.
    Bucky'sBestGirl likes this.
  15. Bucky'sBestGirl

    Bucky'sBestGirl "Fate, up against your will..." - The Killing Moon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry about your grandparents. Well, we've got our fingers crossed, but one lung is totally collapsed and she's on oxygen so I dunno how things are gonna turn out. Thankfully, she has a couple friends who are gonna be moving in with her to help her get around, make sure she eats, and just have some companionship. I feel bad, but there's no way I could care for her, financially or mentally/emotionally, so I'm glad she's got her friends. My stepmom is in her late 60s, around the same age as my dad when he died...so she's young enough that there's still a chance or two. And exactly...I'm trying to do the same, though I don't smoke. For me, it's losing the 25 I gained back after getting my gallbladder out last year and just being more physically active. I'm getting there!
    Thanks again for your kind words, hun...you are a gem! <3
  16. BDCA

    BDCA The Tallest Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I'm in such a weird place right now with a friend and her relationship.

    She is my best friend, and shes met this girl who, is really nice and pleasant and we get along for the most part. (more on this later).

    They are currently in the madly head over heels in love stage, every day puke worthy amounts of hugs kisses comments, but, they've broken up once already for 3 days, my friend has told me she finds her girlfriend sometimes overbearing, its a LDR (halfway around the world) and not even a year in, the girlfriend is talking of moving country to move in with my friend.

    Now the part which I dont get on with the girlfriend is the overbearing part, she tries to inject herself into everything me and my friend do, from sending messages every 5 minutes or calling when we are just having friends time, for April fools she literally spent an entire morning begging me not to do anything, and when I gave a hint of something I was planning, she was right on the phone to warn my friend about it and spoiled the prank.

    Likewise you guys know I love my cars, and when she found out I just got my GTR tuned upto 800whp she was all over me to drive slow and safe etc etc.

    Now I will say, I dont feel like its a jealous or nasty thing shes trying to do, shes a bit naive and... blonde for the lack of a better description, but I cant decide to bring it up with my friend or not.

    It bothers me no1) that she seems to intent on being involved/messing in the friendship between the friend and I, and no2) that shes so overbearing on my friend.

    Thing is, I know if I bring it up, its going to be hell, you know how irrational people are when theyre in this stupid phase of being in love, and, for what its worth I don't want to spoil the friendship I have with the girlfriend as we do get on really well and have a lot of fun.

  17. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'd say the one to talk to is the friend on your side of the planet. She might agree completely with what you've complained about here. Sure she's already registered a complaint with you but she might appreciate hearing somebody else say the same thing while coming from a new perspective. I'm not sure what the solution is ultimately, I'm notoriously bad at this sort of thing sometimes, but it's probably going to involve a conversation with the other girl, just asking her to tone it all down a little.
  18. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    @BDCA I agree with this. Plus, you don't really want your "talk" with LDR friend being used as yet another way to wedge between you two. If they decide to get back to your friend before you do, whatever you said could be misquoted against you, whether intentional or not.
    Exeter likes this.
  19. blaidd_drwg

    blaidd_drwg is never satisfied

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Uhg, 2nd time trying to type this. We'll see how long I can go before I get interrupted again.

    I can't even remember how I started this post. I'm just not doing well. I keep most of what deal with and feel to myself. Lately the last few days have been terrible. So much crap has been going on and I have been stressed to my limits. My wife and I have been fighting a lot because of it. I've been suffering for months from back pain, the last 2 weeks have been the worst. Then there's the struggling with my 6 year old and her ADHD medicines. The back and forth with Dr.s for our newborn. The stress alone that my wife is dealing with from that has the whole house in an up-roar. And my mother in law is in the hospital since yesterday. Which cuts back on the extra hands for taking care of things around here.

    Everything is just too much right now, on top of a massive headache. It's also my day off.
  20. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    You sound like you're going through a nightmare! Is there anything we can do to help relieve some stress?

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