W-what are you? I'M BATMAN!

Discussion in 'Fandom Stuff' started by Willow, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Willow

    Willow Slut and proud!

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Well, since someone started talking about getting banged by Scarecrow in the forum, I decided to make a Batman discussion thread.
    First off... I didn't like the portrayal of SC in Batman Begins. I know, I know, there weren't many classic enemies that hadn't been done... and they couldn't use the ones they had already done as their first movie. Scarecrow isn't even a classic enemy of Batman's. But that's not to say I dislike the guy... but they could have done SO much better. Of course, the movie might have been longer if the delved into it (he didn't even really have a backstory).

    Personally I would like to see them redo The Riddler. But less campy and more fucked up. Like to 11. See, my image of him is that he's mad genius. He sees nearly every conceivable outcomes and knows what action to take based on that. Almost to point of being OCD about it... in fact his backstory would be that he was an office worker with OCD. But when the unexpected happens... one he could not forsee of anticipate he completely loses it. Unbridled rage, fury and homicidal with a touch of torturous tendencies. Not quite the Joker... because he always kept his cool. There is a fine line between genius and insanity.

    And finally AfflecK-kMan. Yeah a lot of people are not looking towards this. And I would be one of those initially. But I realized I should hold on making a decision and give it a chance (or give the critics a chance). I mean Michael Keaton in my mind was a freakin' awesome Batman. And who would've thought? I mean seriously, that's not the name that would come to mind. Who? Tim Burton, that's fucking who. So... I'm going to take a Chance and then give the film a chance..
  2. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    If I hadn't seen Argo, I wouldn't be looking forward to Affleck at all. But I know he's capable of directing well, acting well, and playing a serious role without wobbling his extremely tall head all over the place. I've seen him in a single role I actually like but that movie gave me so much hope for him, I really believe he can impress me as a grizzled and ground-down old Batman.
  3. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I never really kept up with any batman comics or series other than the movies, so I wouldn't call myself a huge fan., but I did really enjoy the new movies.

    The real reason I replied though.... It shocks me to hear that people actually like any of the Tim Burton Batmans... I've always thought of them as way too cartoony, cheesy, horribly acted, horribly produced and a slew of other things. I actually considered the Mr. Freeze one to be the worst movie I ever saw until I saw Fantastic Four. I hate to be a beacon of negativity, but man, do I dislike those movies.

    The new movies, however, I found thoroughly enjoyable.
  4. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    On a somewhat related topic, have you guys ever heard of the Nicholas Cage Superman movie? It was to be directed by Tim Burton, and would have starred Nicholas Cage as a Superman who was maybe a cyborg. Seriously. Google it, there's a documentary about it. Nicholas Cage named his son Kal-El, he was ready for that role his whole life. And then (thankfully?) it never came to fruition.
  5. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Haha, Tim Burton can be so perfect for some movies, but his unique style doesn't always fit, especially for well known characters or stories.
  6. Willow

    Willow Slut and proud!

    Aug 6, 2014
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    Uh yeah... Tim Burton directed the first 2 *Batman", "Batman Return"). Joel Schumacher directed the last two ("Batman Forever". "Batman and Robin")... that's where it went really downhill. Batman & Robin was so bad that Joel had to publicly apologize for it. And George Cloony was sorry that he ever took that role. I think the first Batman was gold.
  7. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Was unaware of Burton only directing the first two! It's just so common nowadays to have these huge multimovie deals that I kinda forgot it didn't always happen that way. How often do you see sequels with directors and actors completely changed nowadays?

    In a bit more detail, I'd say that, though still not a movie I enjoy, the first Batman does have some redeeming qualities, and I'd say it was far better than the other three.
  8. Willow

    Willow Slut and proud!

    Aug 6, 2014
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    I dunno, there was something about Keatons performance that did it for me. As Bruce Wayne, he seemed a little unfamiliar with interactions with other people. Like when Vicky Vale and Knox were in the room with the suits or armor (from memory)

    Knox (looking at a suit): Oh, oh look at this one. Where did this one come from?
    Vicky: I have no idea.
    Bruce (coming up from behind and looks at the suit): It's Japanese.
    Knox: How do you know?
    Bruce: (pause) Because I bought it in Japan.
    Knox: Who are you?
    Bruce: Oh, I'm Bruce Wayne.

    It just seems like Bruce doesn't really have much interaction with people so the flow of conversation is ... off. But in private or when he thinks no one is looking you can see pain there. There is depth and you can internal conflict. To compare it to Bale's performance, it looks like Bruce is trying too hard to pretend his a careless playboy that gets drunk and flaunts his money... I don't see an underlying character.
    And as Batman, well, I like Keaton's for the fact it doesn't sound like he's been chewing on glass. The voice didn't add anything to Bale's portrayal except to... I guess, intimidate bad guys? It didn't do that for me.
    Oh and I love the classic Batman car over the tumbler... there is just something something sexy about something long and black and... am I still talking about cars? The worst cars were in 3 and 4... were those cars or a roller coaster ride, could it make it any flashier? I mean you're supposed to be like a shadow not trying your best to draw all the attention.
    I don't really want to compare the Jokers. The both nailed the role in different ways. It's like the played a different character... they took him in two different directions and I like both.
    One thing I absolutely hated was Maggie Gyllenhaal. She is not very pretty but the fact that she never, ever fucking smiles. That was the problem I had with her. She just comes off like a total bitch in the entire film.

    Not to say the first one didn't have it's faults... every movie does. But I liked it.
    Abylgan likes this.

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