What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Poster Nutbag

    Poster Nutbag Prefers the company of snakes over bees

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Perhaps an actual bath would better remedy the situation than completely removing your skin would.
    Exeter likes this.
  2. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    For once poster beat me to the good idea!
  3. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    o2 sensor or coil pack? that is the question.
  4. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Have a bit of a headache and I haven't drank a drop of alcohol. I'm at work so.
  5. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    should start drawing to get a jump on homework... I don't really want to though
  6. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Hey, for anyone second guessing the whole long distance relationship thing; my 6 year anniversary with my boyfriend and we're separated by the ocean and a few countries between us. If you really like the person, I say go for it! You've got nothing to lose and you will get a whole lot of new experiences.

    I really miss the days of ye olde forums but dang. The people there are so immature and unpleasant lmfao Like I understand why people are excited for the MLP release! I say good for them, and I'm whole heartedly happy BD decided to release an MLP toy (but I think they're getting a little outta hand now with releasing so many horse themed toys). I see a lotta designs in the labs that could use some love! <_>
    Wolfcat likes this.
  7. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Yes. They are grabbing the latest fad. MLP.
    There was Care Bears, then ThunderCats... Now MLP.
    They might as well change the mascot to a horse.
  8. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Bad Horseman... Makes me think of a play on BoJack Horseman (which to be honest is one of my favorite shows lmao).
    ThunderCats though... One of my favorite things as well. @ x @ Aha my brother introduced it to me when I was a wee lass and I just loved it. LONG LIVE THUNDERCATS.
  9. BDCA

    BDCA The Tallest Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Just got to watch my best friend have sex with her lesbian girlfriend.

    I know she did it for me because she is aware I love her (she does not feel the same about me, though we are close) and its her way of doing something nice for me as ive taken her under my wing financially due to a really bad situation basically left her homeless which didn't help as I have a very protective instinct so it just intensified my feelings for her.

    I wrote a letter to her several months (before the bad situation) ago, telling her that I think it was time we go our separate ways because the whole thing just makes me feel like shit, all the time, but I cant ever bring myself to give it to her because I need her also.

    In life, to people who know me i'm the one they turn to for emotional support, i've never been outward with my emotions and many see this as a sign of strength, so they come to me to be the steady rock, and she is mine, without her I would crumble.

    I pretty much live in constant emotional pain, and just dont see a way out.

    So what does this have to do with the first line? Well it pretty much shows what we have... that we have that bond between us... and it causes me pain but to break it would break us both...

  10. Robert Thompson

    Robert Thompson Reaper of Fallen Toys, Porn King

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Still people think Cheetara is f able
  11. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I had a good day at work. What the fuck? The work was easy, it was a relaxed pace, there was free pizza, and I get paid extra cause it was a holiday.
  12. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm sorry to hear that, uh... I don't even know your nickname around here! I'll just stick to calling you Tallest.

    But hey! That relationship sounds like it has both bad and good. To be honest it shouldn't be worth breaking, though. I mean where would you be without each other? Maybe you just need to sit her down and talk to her about it. Maybe lay some ground rules, or focus on being friends without trying super hard to be super close. Also maybe doing nice things for each other would just be spending good quality time with each other, because I know sexual things often times fall on important emotional feelings people have for each other, and it might make it hurt more for you to see her with someone when you know that you can't be that someone?

    Guys and gals can be best friends, but I think it's important to know when to not push each other too far! Stifling emotions to some people might be about how strong you appear, but I think you're the strongest when you can show your emotions to others because that's something not many can achieve. She may have found that one woman in her life that means the world to her, but that doesn't mean she thinks any less of you. You're still her best friend and a pillar with which her life would probably crumble without. Love is irrational, not rational; emotional, not logical. That is why it can be felt but not explained. Love is an art, not a science. Make best of what you can with what you got, and don't be afraid to test out waters with new people!
    Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it.
  13. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I'm suffering...my diet is boring.

    No actulay, just have a headache, but might as well through a League reference in there to hopefully lift my spirits.
  14. BorisLover

    BorisLover ~ Lusty little minx ~

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Late reply.
    It's not 'lucky you' when you feel like a piece of meat.
    Im really trying to see the good aspects but it's not happening and it's making me a bit sick.
  15. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Not every pair of them. If you're deeply in love with that person and that person doesn't correspond, even if you go "I should be happy because she/he's happy" it will eventually break you. Like when you bend a twig, when it reaches its limit, it snaps.
    Of course there are people with the capacity of not breaking but I don't know if that's the case here. Just wanted to say something about it... I guess (?)
    Grimmyr likes this.
  16. AkaiKitsune

    AkaiKitsune Boop

    Aug 15, 2014
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    I know that feeling, partly. I was always the one in my group of friends that everyone came to whenever they had problems, and they always felt better afterwards. I've lost count of the amount of times I've stayed up all night comforting and helping people sort their lives out, and after years of doing so, it's left me emotionally drained. Although I got absolutely nothing but backstabbing and toxicity off pretty much all of them. Even though it hurt and still does sometimes, the best thing I did was walk away. I couldn't keep sacrificing my health and time to prop up people who offered nothing in return except """friendship""", people who expected everything from me for nothing because they "loved me".

    I'm not saying that my situation was the same as yours or advising that you take any course of action, but I would say that you do have to take your own emotional and mental health into consideration as priority. To a point, you aren't responsible for other people's feelings, especially if they hold sway over your own and cause you issues. It's hard being used as a pillar all the time, and I know from experience that not at least having breaks from attending to everyone elses' wants is an easy way to wear yourself down. You can't keep thinking of "what if"s if the weight of other people is keeping you from being happy yourself.
    Grimmyr and RedVixenFur like this.
  17. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    That's alright! I've had a similar friendship with a good guy friend of mine. He and I would just never be compatible; he's into cars and hot babes and is pretty standard for a guy. I'm a furry, I'm not a babe, I'm very hippie like which... Is definitely not his thing and I know he would get annoyed with it. I've been there for him through tough times, especially when he would get bullied in school. I had no problem standing up for him, because who else would if I wouldn't?

    There are obviously exceptions to the rule and it may not suit everyone. My friend and I had to talk deeply about it and lay out guidelines to make a friendship work, but over time he accepted the fact that we weren't as compatible as he kept telling himself and he moved on. We still remain really good friends, I just know it took him some time to figure out that it wouldn't work the way he kept telling himself! That and I had to keep reminding him that he had to focus on making himself happy, too. One's own happiness is the thing one should always focus on. It's very important!
  18. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Talking about counseling others. I used to be like that, but more a "Leonidas" than a pillar.
    I would kick you off the cliff just for you to mourn instead of telling you "Time will pass and you'll feel better", "There are more fish in the sea", "Your problems are not that important", etc etc douchebag counseling etc etc.
    I will force you to descend to the abyss that well seems to be like and face your demons. There's no manning up, there's not "there there there poor little thing". There will be straight forward solutions, whether you like'em or not. And if you happen not to like my solutions welp "Good luck with your problems, Mr/Ms. You'll surely have a great time wallowing in your own shit".
    Overall it has terribly good results XDDD
    But I won't ever ask someone for counseling. I cannot rely on anyone. I don't feel like I can. And if you ask me I feel like everyone around me is dispensable. Don't feel like I have friends or something. Maybe I've lost my mind about no having someone to love, but I'm pretty sure about my "no-feelings". Also I have embraced my problems and I mourn them constantly and... I've learned to love them, it's pretty sickening but hey, that's my way.
    Wooopsies. Mental diarrhea right there.
    Grimmyr likes this.
  19. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Imagines you standing atop a high mountain... "THIS. IS. REAL LIFE FEEEEELS" and you kick them off.

    I used to be that way, but I think loneliness has driven me to try and be there for others when I've never had someone. That and I think some sort of happy parasitic creature has infected my brain because I used to be like that. <_> Maybe now my brain is just mush and I'm not the real me, this is a parasite you have reached.
    RedVixenFur likes this.
  20. RedVixenFur

    RedVixenFur Spaintard

    Aug 5, 2014
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    1—Almost. The exact sentece would be "FACE. YOUR. FEEEEELS!", but anything along those lines is pretty valid.
    2—This → http://zestydoesthings.tumblr.com/post/124937838384/the-complete-volume-2-of-the-real-monsters-its
    Grimmyr likes this.

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