What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. GuyStripes

    GuyStripes An automatonic shark pirate

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Someone I know lost a bet on Facebook with me, and now I have to dare them to do something.

    I've dared her to imitate Big Ben for a week.
  2. doit666

    doit666 Forever confused

    Aug 5, 2014
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    I've had to spend a ton of money on non-fun adult things too. :(
  3. flapper72

    flapper72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Youtube supporting 60fps video is so glorious.
  4. MurphyAlter

    MurphyAlter The Floofiest

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well, that's not true~


    The problem comes when women wear pants that look like they came from the men's department, where it doesn't have any variation in width, or flares out. THAT is what produces the ballbuster/frump look, and an overly-formal hairstyle can make it worse. If you wear a feature-accentuating suit and have a hairstyle that shows off a positive and professional attitude, it can go a long way toward the ever-amazing professional woman. ^^
  5. Eloe Elwe

    Eloe Elwe White Muzzle Coyote

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Another Halloween and nowhere to go, at lease not without money.
    Oh well, guess I'll save my costume for next year......o_o
  6. DameKathryn

    DameKathryn Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Well... except that I could never look that good in a suit if I tried.
  7. Shardik

    Shardik Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I know, but Kit-Kats and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my weakness. I've lost four pounds in the past six months; hardly earth-shattering but I've worked hard to lose them and I'd like to keep them off!

    When my new job required a dress code, I hired someone. I took my signing bonus, paid a professional shopper $400, and said, "Here's $2000. Buy me clothes that look professional, continue to look professional when I'm going out, can be mixed-and-matched to provide 'sexy' as needed, are comfortable, and don't require much maintenance." She took my measurements, I met her two weeks in a row at her shop where we tried on different styles, and she did exactly as I asked. I threw out most of what I had left over from college. I now dress better than most of my peers. She upgraded my shoes, my belts, and my shaving kit, along with an assortment of slacks and shirts. She gave me extra instructions on how to find a tailor, and where to shop for more, and how to select and match the collection in my closet so I don't look like an idiot and combine a green sweater with a maroon shirt. No one had ever done that for me. Not my parents, not my school, not my peers. It was an eye-opener to have someone actually teach me how to dress.

    The biggest surprise was undershirts. I used to have the odd assortment of industry-provided shirts with logos from various vendors, and wore heavy JC Penny collared shirts over them. I've since replaced the undershirts with insanely expensive real undershirts with extra-long tails made with bamboo, nylon, and more modern fibers; they keep me much more cool, and they don't untuck, so they don't lead to the unpleasant "fabric bunched about the beltline" effect that makes guys look even heavier than they already are.

    I know most people aren't in a position to do something like that. I'm not usually. But this was an opportunity not to be missed.

    There was a fabulous article on suits for women in the New York Times awhile ago. Ah, here it is: The Handsome Butch. The title may imply lesbian, perhaps even ball-buster, but I think the women in the article looked damn fancy.
    Erethizon-dorsatum likes this.
  8. Shardik

    Shardik Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    I really hate being, well, not led-on. Not even lied-to. Just... assuming everyone else was like me, and having that assumption suck. I met this guy at a party where naked men were involved and we hit it off, and I started chatting with him over Fetlife. He seemed like a nice guy, a little older than I was but still in one handsome piece. We are both married. To women, you see. We had much in common.

    Except in the course of our conversation, it became painfully clear to me that, while I was out to my wife and generally preferred that she meet (and vet, and hopefully like) the people I date, he was not. Out to his wife, that is. He most emphatically did not want her to know that my interest in her husband involved getting into his pants.

    The conversation ended shortly thereafter. A little disappointing, but I guess even in 2014 there are some couples still built around faulty, dangerous, and generally tragic assumptions.
  9. Caracal

    Caracal Warm-blooded Cat Furniture

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Sorry, Eloe :( This is the one time of year I really miss hanging out with family; just not much to do if I'm not chasing their big dumb people-loving cat down the street as he tries to greet trick-or-treaters!

    I have a cheap Halloween tradition that I MIGHT have finally figured out how to make work (if you're into this sort of thing): buy a pumpkin at the grocery store + a small bag of birdseed. If you can, play cheery Halloween music while you carve it into a jack o'lantern. Then instead of putting a candle inside, fill the bottom with birdseed, then set out in the yard, or a park, or just on a windowsill for the birds or squirrels all day. (A few years ago we had a neighborhood squirrel dismantle a jack o'lantern, just eating the pumpkin before we even had a chance to put a candle in it, and even though the pumpkin was ruined it was fun to see him so happy stuffing himself. I've tried several times since then to repeat the trick after we moved, but none of the squirrels here seemed interested. I'm thinking birdseed might do the trick, or at least give the squirrels something to eat even if they don't like the pumpkin, but I haven't tried it yet.)

    @MurphyAlter o_O How'd you get so knowledgeable about business fashion?! (And I'm trying to figure out how those models got their shirts so neatly tucked into their slacks, ha.) I feel like I inadvertently dragged this convo towards women's fashion...any tips for Robert?
  10. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    so I just learned cyclopia is actually a thing. strange but interesting
  11. Caracal

    Caracal Warm-blooded Cat Furniture

    Oct 11, 2014
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    *searches for cyclopedia...very confused*
    *amends to cyclopia...* AAAHHH!!!
    Brynjhulf likes this.
  12. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Haha I agree Dame. ;m; It's harder for really anyone over the pant size of 8 to look stellar in suits. You have to be so tiny and petite. It sucks. D:

    I am still running into people who want to injest the cumlube. o-o Do any of you guys do this/think about doing it? Because it just doesn't seem like a good/safe idea to me lmao
    DameKathryn likes this.
  13. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    very strange and very rare, also Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. it's interesting how many strange things the body can potentially do that almost no one knows about, like having all your skin follicles start growing nails instead of hair. medical history and rasre disorders have always interested me on a scientific level
  14. scalie

    scalie back pokin' snake

    Aug 20, 2014
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    as far as i know with the old stuff the most worrisome thing in it is the parabens, which are taken up in the body like artificial estrogens and have been linked to potentially causing breast cancer like BPA in SODA CAN LINERS, PLASTIC BOTTLES, and most other plastics. the white color comes from titanium dioxide, which is used as a whitener in paper and toothpaste and some foods, it's also a UV blocker in sunscreen. as a whole, it's likely okay to ingest some and I've heard Varka drank a whole bottle once to test it, but in this case I'd say use common sense. if it seems like a bad idea, don't do it. I have ingested small amounts when using a few toys orally and I've had no ill effects
  15. Caracal

    Caracal Warm-blooded Cat Furniture

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Yeah, this sounds like a bad idea. I've heard there's a video out there of someone who drank a whole bottle and upchucked it, but it had "gone bad" so that doesn't count...but even so... If it's for use with the toys, wouldn't it make more sense to switch out the cumtube contents with something edible? https://forums.bad-dragon.com/viewtopic.php?f=126&t=26586
    Grimmyr likes this.
  16. flapper72

    flapper72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    To knot tucker that is. He's XL 5 and my next thickest toy is a Large Kelvin 3... Not even vaguely surprised. I tried for a good 40 minutes, but my butt wasn't gunna handle it. Whenever I do manage to take him all the way there will be pics in the appropriate thread, and probably a review.
  17. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Yeah. D: Like... Eating lube that ISN'T flat out edible, I wouldn't think of putting it anywhere near my mouth lmao. I mean, even Varka himself said he wouldn't recommend eating it, even though the ingredients are "edible". :c

    I like the idea of water dick guns though. 8D Let's do it.
    Brynjhulf and Caracal like this.
  18. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Oh goodness, now I'm just picturing a version of one of those bombastic super soaker commercials, but instead everyone is just squirting each other with various over sized dongers x3 And you have to "pump" them up to build up the water pressure x3
    gerbilfluff and Grimmyr like this.
  19. Grimmyr

    Grimmyr Skitstövel ー!

    Aug 5, 2014
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    HELLA we need to do this. :I It would be so much fun. I wish there was a con we could all attend and we could just bring cumtubed toys and have a.... blast.

    ALSO it's so hard finding cheap gyms????? Like what gives. I don't really want to pay $50-100 a month for a gym membership hhh ; ;
    Brynjhulf likes this.
  20. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Hehe, that would be awesome! We could have banners, like "Come get wet.... No, not like that!" for the water donger fight, and "Okay, now we mean it like that" for the... after party x3
    And I know what you mean! Thankfully, while I'm at school, the gym is free to use (well, it's included in the tuition), but over the summer while I was at home the prices made me weep.
    Grimmyr and Caracal like this.

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