What Is On Your Mind?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kitsy_The_Fox, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Xephose

    Xephose My neck cracks really loud

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Just throwing in my two cents on the female character conversation. I'm down to play a female character any day of the week. If the game features a create-a-character I've got no qualms about making a woman to play as, about half my Skyrim characters have been women. That said, I do not expect games such as Skyrim to include things like misogyny outside a few little tidbits, such as Mikael the bard and his attitude towards Carlotta. Things like that don't always necessarily fit into the game's world, and would require more development time for something that's probably just going to frustrate people. I get that that's part of the goal in presenting the misogyny and directing it at the player, but I also don't feel that any given game with a female protagonist is the proper place to soap box, especially if a player is going into it just expecting a fun game.

    People have to take into account that that's just not what the majority of people want out of a game. There are certainly some games that push the boundaries and make you uncomfortable on purpose, but that's what makes those games memorable. Having a feature like misogyny directed at the player would probably work better with a couple games that largely featured issues of inequality as plot points instead of having a little sprinkled into large quantities of games. A few well-made games are going to make people think more than an omnipresent irritation device.
  2. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Well, no offence but youre experiences perhaps don't match the experiences of ogamer. Yes there are groups that don't treat women badly, or even treat them preferentially (although that can still be shrouded in what is known as benevolent sexism). But there is also a fairly large ( though I would argue non majority) and fairly loud collection of male gamers that are exceedingly sexist and believe that female gamers either don't exist, or if they do, then they're just trying to get a guy and probably suck.
    Also, having taken a course that specifically examines the differences between men and women, no, there are not huge differences between the two groups. There are differences, of course, even statistically significant ones, but they are rather small all things considered. In many cases there are more differences within groups than between them. So don't try to harbour the reason for less women gamers as being "biological" because its extremely reductionist and kind of shitty when you think about it. It's saying women on the whole don't have some inherent ability or trait that is required to be a gamer, and treating those that do as just exceptions to the rule rather then as proof that the rule is stupid. Do you honestly think that the reason that there were only six women out of the fifty people at that tournament because of biology?
    I'm not saying that there aren't women who may use the system to their advantage or get over aggressive when they feel they are confronted (though that could be because they have had to suffer through enough stuff in the past which made them automatically assume a negative intent to what you were saying). Women are people, meaning some can be assholes, some can be nice, some can be really cool. But that minority doesn't change the fact that there is a good deal of sexism within the overall gaming "culture" that should be addressed.
    Sheep and Exeter like this.
  3. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    you dont get it.
    i have never been in a group of gamers ever that treat women worse and iv been gaming since i was about 6 and doing so online since i was around 8.
    i have only ever seen girl treated as good or better that guys.
    yes ther are sexist jokes but guess what they go both ways its called banter and its normal and frankly iv got around abit online having playes a dozen MMO's and currently being part of 3 game communities.
    also kids on Xbox like are arseholes that just spew shit sound like an efmanit guy and the will call you gay be wellspoken and they take the piss and call you posh and as arseholes spew shit on everyone.
  4. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The very fact that Snow can tell stories about sexism proves that your point is invalid. And you don't even have to rely on a girl for an honest appraisal of the situation. Plenty of guys will tell you what they've seen.

    There's also the possibility that you didn't recognize sexism when you saw it. Having girls isn't just "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich." Growing up in gaming culture doesn't mean you have the tools to recognize sexism. But you know who does? The women in the gaming community. And they are trying to get some fair treatment.

    In an ideal world nobody would even blink that a game has a female protagonist. Because women are people and anybody should be excited to play a fun game. The very fact that people complain about having to play as a girl should tell you that there is something very wrong with how gaming guys think about girls.
    Sheep likes this.
  5. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    sexism just like racism is distrust and hatred of another person based only on there sex or race.
    or at least that is the definition iv been running with my whole life.
  6. Jazzi the Pegasus

    Jazzi the Pegasus Something Original

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Let me put in my two cents.

    Only have I ever had one sexism encounter on League. Every other time I tell people I am a girl (a boob wielder as I refer to it lol ) they usually leave me alone afterwards. I have done research for sexism in the gaming careers and yes not only does sexism exist in those workplaces it is rather abundant in the community. Games are being made CURRENT to satisfy the interests of men, women, and kids. If the public depends more decent female protagonists, best believe the companies will begin to tespond.
  7. Sheep

    Sheep Pluviophile

    Nov 13, 2014
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    That was one thing I was pretty happy about during E3; it's a little more inclusive. We have a long way to go, and I'm really looking forward to a time when protagonists aren't primarily white dudes contrasted by a couple white women, but instead have options that represent everyone more wholly.
    The only thing I've ever played online with people was Left 4 Dead. I personally didn't experience any sexism, which doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but that I got lucky. On the other hand, I've walked into a comic shop for some MtG/comic browsing and gotten shit, even when with a man (my dad, or my friends, the latter of which I shoved out when the worker yelled at me for touching a comic that was out on the racking - the release date was apparently not until the next day, but they were open for another two hours and the thing was on the floor are you fucking serious).

    I'm in a bit of a rotten mood. Have been having repeated video game related dreams (it was E3-esque) and waking up a ton, rolling around and generally feeling like shit...got up and went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror with a flashlight at my throat and HAHA IT IS THE UGLIEST THING. It has to be strep. It's picture perfect and disgusting and I have an appointment up the street at 1:40...not sure I feel safe driving, so hopefully someone else is home before then. The office is of a Dr Bond, which is amusing to me, but she will not be my doctor. C something. Castro. Caster. I dunno.
    Looking at their website, the facility does a lot of women's healthcare too so I suppose I could make this my location for everything.

    In the meantime, my head feels like it's going to explode. Want to go back to sleep, but am not going to be able to. Ugh.
  8. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    if you want to see lots of non white video game protagonist look at the games made in non white countries.
    people tend to make games with charters with the colour skin of most the people in that country how is that a problem.
    what is more important is good quality games and less shitty practices like Day one DLC and one instal only PC games.
  9. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    importants kinda funny word for you, huh?
  10. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    people like good games more good games will lead to more games and help the industry grow.
    also shitty bisnes practices and DRM that hurt the user means people are less likely to buy games and that will make the industry making it worth less money,as after all apples itunes did more to stop music piracy then the DMCA.

    so yer its important to be good to the customer give and give them the best game you have the time and money to make
  11. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    . have you been drinking?
  12. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    RedVixenFur and Brynjhulf like this.
  13. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Well, its a problem because the term "non-white" countries implies that places like the US, where a lot of games staring white protagonists are made, is a "white" country. If something is made it in US, it is fine that it stars white people almost exclusively, is that it? All those POC who live in that country looking for representation in a medium they love should just go look for games made in "black countries" or "asian countries"? Instead of expecting that the medium decides to take a step forward and realize that not every character has to be a gruff white guy?

    Additionally, Reptile brought up a great point earlier, that one of the reasons we don't see a lot of ethnic and racial diversity, as well as sexual diversity, is because those groups are largely under represented in the companies that make games, and in positions that make those decisions. That's a problem.

    I have to wonder why having more diversity in video games bothers you so much? What possibly harm is there in gaming companies putting out games that have better representation? Why is that a problem? Why can't they do that, and make better business practices? Why on earth would you separate those two things? Yes, of course they should make good quality games without all that scummy shit around it, but why cant those good quality games centre around anything other then a white guy? Why not have our cake and eat it too?Have good games with excellent representation, and not have to pay additional money to get the content they were already making. Wouldn't that be freaking great?
    Sheep likes this.
  14. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    shitty spells is because i am dyslexic and no iv not had anything to drink in about 4 houres

    also the single largest racial demographic is white people in the US so yer they are the statistically normal group.
    also if you have a male protagonist you get criticized for not having a female and if you have a female one your attacked for being sexist and its the same with white and non white protagonists.
  15. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    so we can continue this conversation when you're sober if you still feel up to it.
  16. Brynjhulf

    Brynjhulf Porn Possum

    Aug 8, 2014
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    No, you don't have to be sorry Misskin. I'm sorry I let myself get all swept up in it all and helped stir the pot. It's been a while since I've argued online, and it kinda drags you in. I'm going to be tapping out of the whole mess now, I keep letting myself get dragged into it.
    Sorry everybody for filling the thread with my ranty posts. Like really, sorry.
  17. Exeter

    Exeter Cuddly, Snuggly, Slutty Dragon

    Aug 5, 2014
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    And why can't good games more frequently star and be about girls? And Black people? And Asians? And people different from the white guys who might be playing the games. Because unless you can think of a reason that any of that would be a bad thing, and as long as you can admit that sexism is real and gamers are not immune to it, then I don't see what you were arguing about. Seems more like typical male gamers trying to divert attention from a problem that disproportionataly affects women and minorities and instead focus on problems that affect everybody. Well guess what, we can solve BOTH those problems. We complained and XBOX One's DRM and they got rid of it. We complained about a lack of female characters in Assassin's creed and they added one in Unity and gave you the Player Character gender option in Syndicate. Those are isolated examples and yet look at this E3. Look at how easily and readily gaming companies add some women and people of colour to their games.

    Here's the thing. This isn't just about women not being objectified in games and society at large. That's a problem, sure. The other problem is that male gamers don't see a problem with that. They don't see a problem with women being underrepresented, sexualized, objectified, they just want to talk about DRM and stuff. Never mind that minorities and HALF the human population want to be represented in media that matter to them.
    Sheep likes this.
  18. Reptile

    Reptile Semi-Professional Butthole Spelunker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    don't ever be sorry for telling people the truth.
    Abylgan, Brynjhulf and Sheep like this.
  19. Searlefm

    Searlefm Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    would you complain and demand that a move needs more women in it?
    let artists and lets be honest alot of game are art make the bloody thing they want to and mearly ask that its hight quality and sold in a that is nice to the consumer.
    lets take this new assassins creed with the female protagonist then you playing in victorian england the women is cross dressing and can be reprimanded for that if they are foiling what actually happened then.

    do you think that will touch on society in a period acuret way?

    no i dont think so and i'd be surprised if you think so becuse the games series are about that and that's atuly a shame the ubisoft have repeatedly refused to add any level of depth to what happens in the background.

    as for people like bethesta well dihonered was really weird for them as in almost every other game of there the players get full choice of what to play.

    as for gamers being sexist no there not the overwhelming majority are not but dont take my word for this.


    as for why im touchy on this its for growing up and being told as im on the autistic spectrum and a gamer that im being made dangerous and vilont by games that as exactly the same supposed reverence that the claim of games making you sexist dose.
  20. Misskin

    Misskin http://www.furaffinity.net/user/misskin/

    Aug 5, 2014
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    :') Thanks Rep

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